

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 8: Living in the moment!

After taking a break by sleeping, my eyes started to open. Slowly but surely, I rose from the ground. My consciousness was already aware.

My head and body are still experiencing a little pain from before. What's more, this is the first time I've experienced an event that drained my energy so much.

(If it weren't for my grudges... I would've been like a living corpse who suffered everything...) I thought for a while in silence.

"Hah!" I sighed with an increased tone. "What a long journey I had to achieve my grudges!"

Right now, even though I'm still in a lucid dream, I want to eat... honestly. Maybe, it's my natural reaction to what I'd been through.

From above the surface, Nostradamus spoke gently,

"Hail and well met, the seed of vengefulness! How now? Still remembering me in thy precious sleep?"

"Come on!" I frustrated. "Don't talk to me right now with THY language! My brain's still fucked up because of previous matches! Talk normal English, will ya!"

"Nay! Nay!" He refused with a happy tone. "This is my identity! My lovely language!"

"What!" I'm frustrated right now. "That's not how communication work if one of the receivers didn't understand your language in the first place!"

"Indeed!" He agreed with a happy tone. "If you spoke that in mass-level communication. Right now, that language's used by us. So, consider that as our friendship language, shall we?!"

"Friendship? Between us??? Fuck that shit!

"Ah! Ah! What an assertive rejection thou'rt made!" His happy tone increased.

I didn't care with he said. Now, I'm trying to look at the equipment I'd. When I saw the equipment, everything was complete. Only the smoke bombs were reduced slightly.

(To be honest, these items aren't enough!) I thought for a while.

In that situation, I spoke to Nostradamus,

"Hey, Nostradamus! Can I get some equipment and food? I'm hungry, honestly!"

"Unfortunately, it can't! Thou only can get it after passing the 500th floor. From now on, use what's available until the 500th floor. OK!"

"What is that bullshit?! It's not even enough. It can run out before advancing to the 3rd floor!" I was frustrated hearing that.

"That's the rule. So, Thou must be familiarised with it! Okay?" he replied with a joyful tone.

"Bastard, you nostradamus! That's not fair enough!" With angry tone increased. "But, can I get some food and drink? I'm so hungry and thirsty!"

"Thou'rt pathetic. Wait a moment!"

He left for a while. I also waited with uncertainty here. Even he took the food for a long time. Like a snail on the way!

(Damn it! How much longer do I have to wait!) I hissed with a frustrated tone.

After a long minute, he'd dropped something from the surface. That something was a small cardboard box. Seeing that, I immediately checked it.

(I hope it's worth it with my time I'd!) With frustrated.

When I saw it, the size of the cardboard was small for a meal. Even so, since I was hungry for a long time, I didn't care about it. When I opened it, I only got some colored drinks and a piece of bread. When I got only that, I protested,

"Bastard! After a long minute left, how come it's only like this??!" I was pissed.

"That's all I can be gifted. I'll gift you better food if thou'rt already on the 500th floor!" he promised with a happy tone.

"Don't fucking joke with me, asshole! You'd given me an unskillful tool. Now, you didn't gift me food and drink properly. Think with your logic!!" I was enraged at him.

Hearing my enraged, Nostradamus laughed while he said,

"Even if thou were hungry or thirsty in this dream, to be honest, it's just thy hallucination. Thou wouldn't die without it though!" while continuing to laugh at my arguments.

Then, Nostradamus replied again,

"Don't bite off more than thy can. Try to adapt to every environment, including eating the flesh of your enemies!" he spoke in a serious tone.

"Bastard! You told me to familiarise myself with eating monster meat?!!" I questioned him with an enraged tone.

"Perfect! Thou'rt got what I mean. Familiarised it because this world and thy opponents are tremendously unfair, including with thy grudges towards them. So, be strong mentally and physically so it can support thy grudges!" he spoke with the unbearable truth.

Truthfully, I agreed with his statement. But, with all he gave, I was unpalatable with his method. Then, he spoke again,

"Furthermore, the boss of the next floor is a harpy. Make sure thou make a great show!" he said with a hopeful tone.

"Wait, a harpy? What the fuck is this creature?! Some kind of goblin?!" I was curious about his statement.

"Didn't know it, huh? The harpy was just a type of bird. Thou shoulde be able to kill it!" he said with the same tone as before.

"That's it! Keep fighting, then! Also, this door can be opened. Make sure thou can climb the surface!" He didn't speak again. A sign that he'd left me finally.

I'm enraged with what he said before. As a replacement, I punched the corpse of the boss goblin. Punch it with enraged several times.

However, I've to admit to the bitter reality of what he said, is true. After several times hitting it, I decided in my mind,

(I must train my body!) I said with a firm tone.

I started to do training. I trained my whole body, from top to bottom. I practiced forcefully, although only in a lucid dream.

Every single drop of sweat started to trickle down on my skin. The muscles began to scream in pain during my extreme trains. Nauseous until nosebleed I'd several times during this training. However, compared to that experience and the satisfaction I'd felt previously, this pain was nothing more than just a "scratch" for me. Not only that, I started meditating to train my focus based on my lack of concentration during this training.

Due to the feeling of unbearable hunger I'd at the end of the training, I ate the goblin corpses. Although I'd like to vomit at first, time by time, I familiarised myself with that meal.

After some time for training, I decided to walk into the next floor. Despite feeling worries in my heart, I still stepped to move forward for this grudge. Revenge that must be completed...

I opened the next door. When I opened it, I saw a floor that was hugely different from before. This floor was brighter than the previous floor.

Even so, this floor looked more like a giant zoo. Complete with forest and some fruits. To people who saw it, it was more like a forest of amazon or Borneo.

However, when I want to take a step, I heard the sound of flapping wings in one of the big trees. Curiosity, I reflexively looked at it. Eventually, they were a group of large birds. A bird with a human-like body.

(Maybe, those creatures are the enemy of this floor!) I muttered with certainty.

With confidence, I said out loud,

"Face me, you chicken! Eat my flesh if you can!" I provoked all of them.

With that declaration, my battle on this floor began.