

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 14: Chance

I started to slowly open my eyes. When I woke up, I started blinking my eyes. Occasionally, I started to rub my eyes as if there is dust in my eyes.

I tried to look around me. As I thought, I woke up at the edge of the swamp. The place where I died before.

"Fucking lizard!" I cursed him. "It didn't hesitate to kill me!!"

However, I tried to reflect about my previous experience on this floor. Reflect about the reason that happened in my death.

(First, sound. I died because of my accidentally. Second, a sense of lack of danger on that mucus...) I reflected that reason in my mind.

The results of thoughts that are obtained, became the basis of my mechanism. A mechanism for how to fight all of them. For now, that's what I thought in order to eradicate those rotten lizards currently.

(First, it's about sound. Second, they had poisonous mucus. What a troublesome foe I'd!) I started to sigh at that shit.

"By the way!" I remembered something. "Nostradamus said the opponents are salamanders. Is that weird lizard similar to the salamander I knew in science??!" I re-thought the hypothesis about opponents I must fight.

(First, it's about sound. Second, they had poisonous mucus. What a troublesome foe I'd!) I started to sigh at that shit.

(If that's true, then... that method maybe could!) My brain got inspiration.

With that, I tried to speak to someone,

"I knew you were watching me. Show yourself, Nostradamus!"

He replied not long after that,

"Thou'rt arise my soul from sleep I'd! Such boringness made me sleep for a long time!" he yawned with a deeper tone.

With his reaction was annoying which I'd received, I replied that shit,

"Sorry for making you WOKE UP from THY gorgeous dream time, sleeping beauty!" I started sarcasm at him. "I NEEDED something for my gameplay! Could thou HELP ME for a second?!"

"Make this quick! What thou'rt want?! My sexy picture? My collections I'd? Or me?!" he said with a seductive tone.

"What's wrong with you?! Are you high?!" I was shocked. "Forget my empathy toward you! I needed something. Could you give me ten or eleven cornstarch flour!"

"For what?? Only make my money run like an escaped rabbit from my pocket!" he said with rejected tone.

"A great show must had great preparations, didn't it?" I confidently said the statement.

He was silent for several minutes. After all the silence remained, he finally spoke,

"So!" he said again. "Thou want ten or eleven, isn't? Eight, then!"

"For fuck sake!" I disagreed with that statement. "Ten! At least for god damn that ass-lizard!"

"Thou already had learned magic, ain't? I didn't want to lose all of my money like an escaped rabbit!"

"Hah!" I sighed with stress. "Honestly! I didn't catch the ground of that book. So, I didn't understand it!"

"What a loser thou'rt!" he started yawning at me. "Which one??"

"The main ground of that book... about a constellation and blah blah blah..," I sighed with a shy tone.

"HAH!" he started to laugh. "What a pathetic bird brain thou'rt!" And he laughed again.

"Forget it!" I started to annoy. "At least, give me those things!" I started to leave him.

"Hah! What a great joke thou'rt!" he ended his laugh. "The essence of that is thou must feel it. Without that, it's meaningless like a bottomless pit of fear!"

"Feel it??!" I started to say. "What the meaningless answer! I needed a specific answer!"

"Spoiler about something made something uninteresting like a box of chocolate which already opened!" His sound vanished already.

And a similar moment after that, some of the things fell on the ground. I checked that and that's a request I needed. Although, amount of that thing is only eight.

(Fuck it! That's even didn't enough. Well, at least it's already available than nothing at all!) I picked up those things.

I started making plans. I took some mucus samples. Not only that, I started studying their route. It can be seen from the traces of damage they made. On that basis, I started setting up some traps. After all that was prepared, I did the action.

At night, I was already in one of my hid spots. Patiently, I tried to wait for their appearance.

(Just a little more, they'll appear!) I started to get wary.

Just what I expected, there was the sound of a child crying. Realizing this sound, I started to provoke them towards me...

"Hey! Over here! Chase me, you imitation lizard!"

Hearing my voice, came the sound of thunderous footsteps. Not only that, some sounds of babies crying began to approach me. At that moment, they appeared before me.

They started running towards me. With their steps as if hunting, they started to open their mouths wide. Widely opened like a creature trying to catch its prey. hen they were within five meters, I started to fight...


There was a slashing sound heard. Along with that, several parts body of salamanders were cut off from their legs to their eyes. As a result, they didn't move for a while.

Realizing the opportunity, I rushed to kill a few salamanders. Quickly, I'd already killed two of the three salamanders. Right into their heads and backs with the spears I'd made.

*Schloook!* *Schloook!*

On the other hand, one of the salamanders tried to pounce me from behind. Realizing that, I started using my other weapon...


The fire started coming out of my mouth. Spurted of mine was enormously and lengthy. Because of that, it hit the salamander's face. As a result, the salamander immediately became afraid of me.

Simultaneously, I started to climb on top of its head. I killed him with my spear like before I did it. Although, at first, I struggled because the salamanders rebelled. But, in the end, the salamander died in my hands.

(For now, three salamanders had died. Two more left!) I started glancing around.

I saw one of the salamanders start to run away. Seeing that, I started chasing the salamander.

When my distance was close to that salamander, I started throwing spears at its body.

*Swoosh!* *Schloook!*

The spear started stuck in its stomach. The drops of blood from that salamander began to spurt at every step it had.

As a result, the salamander's movements got slower and slower as time eventually. At some distance, the salamander had stopped running. Finally, the salamander died on the spot. For security, I stabbed the salamander again in the head. So, it died with sure.

"Shit!" I sighed. "Blood was stuck on my shirt. I hope it didn't poison me before killing the last!" I started to walk.

I started walking to their lair. When I entered, I didn't find the presence of the last salamander. Realizing this, I felt something strange...

(Strange! The last one should be here. Why isn't it there? Is it on the hunt? Hid? or not awake yet???) I guessed silently.

Not long after I was here, I heard the sound of a baby crying. Loudly baby voice. Even so, I couldn't find existence of the last salamander.

(Where is it?! Is it... behind me??!) I started to look behind.

However, it's still the same. The salamander didn't at behind me. Realizing this situation, I rushed out from their lair. When I went out...


"AAHHH!!!" I screamed in an agony tone. "My right hand!" I screamed while holding my unbearable pain.

My forearm separated forcedly. Now, only the upper arm remained. Some of flesh from my right arm fell to the ground because of that. A lot of blood dripped like milk which fell to the ground. The blood that came out was almost unstoppable.

Quickly, I immediately patched the wound. Due to the large amount of blood that came out, the process of patching wounds experienced difficult. Even so, the process can be passed.

(Fucking lizard! Take ease, Besper... Never let your breath lose much...!) I glared at that creature.

In front of me, the salamander had stood up. My forearm was in the salamander's mouth. Then, it began to swallow the hand.

(So... you chose death... fucking lizard!) I started to change my stance with a knife in my left hand.

Now, I tried to keep a distance myself from that salamander. With focus, I watched the monster's movements.

The salamanders began to attack again. It was aiming for my right foot. Even so, I, who was aware of the direction of the attack, was abled to dodge by rolling in another direction.

The salamanders began to counterattack. This time, It attacked my other hand. I avoided it easily, even with this condition. Even so, with so much movement I made, my body tired drastically.

(Shit... must.. focus!) I started to tire already.

Sweat started to fall on my face. The heart begins to pound rapidly. My body started shaking violently as a response to the previous reactions.

(Come on... a little more... kill... that lizard!) While I sighed heavily, I endured this pain.