
Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon

Crackfic Warning Reborn as the twin brother of Aegon the Unworthy Son of Viserys Targeryen and Alicent Hightower Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. I'm not super familiar with the Dance as I am with the war of five kings era....but I felt like writing one so here we are. I try to not alter the facts as much as possible but Hotd lore is tedious as all hell so dates might not be perfect and I've altered ages only a slight ammount on certain occasions. Also, Valeryons are not chocolate no matter what HOTD tells you and I'll debate you on that.

SERBMADHAUS · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs

Ch 6 On The Sea

I had a long and tearful goodbye with little Haeleana before the Large wooden ship sailed off from the Blackwater Port.

Mom promised her that they'd visit often which got her to calm down a bit but it still broke my heart to watch her cry.

Aegon smiled at me being banished....he always held a hatred for me since I always stole his spotlight....now I'd be gone for five years and he'd be the beloved prince.

Lord Commander Harrold shed a tear and told me to come back a fearsome fighter or not at all...

he told me that if I can't beat him when I get back that he'd tan my hide then he hugged me and went back beside the King, I had gifted Harrold an enchanted Necklace that had an engraving of both of us with swords drawn as we sparred....that brought even more tears when he looked at it again.

Rhaenyra and Father weren't there for me leaving but it didn't matter.....I'd be back to haunt her soon enough and she'd never spread her whore legs for anyone without thinking of me.

I kissed Baby Aemonds head and walked to the large wooden ship that would take me, A few Knights tasked with my protection, Some of the maids who served me regularly, and Hilde my Beautiful Milk Maid.

We'd be at Dragonstone for the next five years.

Father was considering forbidding me from claiming a dragon, he even wanted to have me castrated when he and mother argued.....

but mom always knew how to snake herself into his mind and by the end of it I was simply given five years Banishment In an attempt to keep everything quiet.

I climbed aboard and made my way to the Royal Chambers that were on the ship, we had a three day trip to the Fortress Island.

I spotted Dragons Flying overhead and the frantic screeching of Rhaenyras dragon Syrax as it sensed her Masters anguish, but the yellow lizard was kept locked up by the Dragonkeepers....good....very good.

Before I entered my chambers the Old Captain of the ship walked up and introduced himself to me.

"Greetings Prince Maegor, I am Chyle tha' Captain of this ship.....it is an honor to have a Prince Aboard my vessel." The man spoke with a deep bow. 

"It's good to meet you Chyle, It's my first time on a ship and I'm glad it's on one as magnificent as this...how long do you expect us to take in reaching The island?" I asked The gruff Captain.

"All weather looks good, and we jus' got the barnacles scraped off so about three days if the winds are in our favour.....four if not." The man spoke.

"Sounds good, I'll be in the chambers..I only expect to be disturbed when food is being served and when the island is spotted." I spoke aloud so all of my servants and Men at Arms could hear.

"By your Order My Prince." The man answered and I walked into the luxurious cabin and shit the door.

I looked at Hilde who had already hopped on the bed and was sending me a seductive gave as she bit her lower lip.

It would be a long three days...

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I had spent the three days at sea In absolute bliss, Not only the constant sex with Hilde but the food was also better than I'd imagined.

The cook of the ship was far better than anything I had expected, and since the ride was only three days I got only fresh food.

Delicious glazed and roasted Octopus was the best thing in those three days, I even gave the cook a few gold coins after that meal and the fat one armed man nearly cried.

Other than that I had spent the three days and nights making the ship rock back and forth as Hilde's moans resonated across the ocean waves.

The sailors claimed it was the Blood of the Dragon that made me go for hours and hours...

they struggled to sleep but none dared say a word out loud since every man had heard rumors of the 'Evil Eyed Targeryen'.....after this trip I'm sure tales of my vigor would spread from port to port wherever these men stopped for some ale in a tavern or brothel.

They hated the loud noise and lack of sleep but when they finished and ended up in a tavern on some side of westeros they'd tell the tale of the Dragon and his Milk Maids Moans.

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Eventually I heard the Roars of Dragons and soon after a gentle knock came at the door.

I pulled out of Hilde who was filled to the brim with semen then threw a blanket over her before I walked to the door and opened it.

I saw the Captain and one of my Guards standing there.

Both of their eyes widened at the sight of the eight inch cock that i was dangling In the open air but soon they cleared their throats and the Captain spoke. "Dragonstone is within view my Prince." He spoke and I immediately walked out and closed the door behind me.

As I walked out into the deck all eyes widened and I heard a 'What the fuck' when my cock swayed as I walked to see the island.

It was a huge black fortress with angled high walls on the highest part of the island, it was beautiful and imposing....and I saw a few dragons flying nearby.

The most recognizable one was Sunfyre, the one who'd be claimed by Aegon in the future....

I smiled at the sight of this beautiful island and what awaited for me on it.

I returned to the chambers after calling the maids who served me to come inside and prepare Hilde for travel.

When they took off the blanket that I had placed over Hilde, the youngest maid squealed at the sight, and they all blushed a deep red.

Hilde's lower half was completely covered In cum that drenched the sheets, her pussy was dripping thick globs of white seed while Hilde had a blissful smile on her sleeping face.

They worked quickly and cleaned up Hilde then Changed her sheets, I saw all of the Maids take a scoop of semen and taste it sheepishly when they thought no one was looking.....what naughty maids....I'd have to punish them for that, but not now.

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We approached the southern part of the island and disembarked onto two rowboats, I had to carry Hilde since she couldn't use her legs but she had a sweet smile on her face the entire time.

The sailors gave me respectful nods but they were all glad that I was off the ship and they could finally get some sleep after throwing away the bed left in those chambers.

My men at arms Rowed us all the way to the beach and we disembarked, The cargo ship of my stuff wasn't coming until a few days from now so we only hauled a few bags of necessities.

I carried Hilde off and placed her in the carriage sent for me.

We all mounted and slowly made our way to the Dragonstone Gates that were a mile away.

Once we reached there I took Hilde and I carried her up the steps.

Daemon was currently in the stepstones, and wasn't set to return until the death of Rhea Royce.

 I still had time to marry and seduce Laena Velaryon so he couldn't get his grubby hands on her.....I had seen a painting of the Milky skinned beauty instantly knew she'd be mine....by Hook or Crook.

Laena was nothing like In the show..... valyrians aren't black after all...she had pale white skin and vibrant purple eyes with long white blonde hair.....she was only sixteen this year and she rode Vaghar, She was the most desirable bride in the whole world....and I'd have her.

I ascended all the way up the steps and was greeted by the Maester Gerardys and the Castellan of Dragonstone Robert Quince who was an obese man with an amiable face.....id have to kill them probably.....

I greeted them and they walked me to my designated room where I dropped off Hilde, I put a blanket over her and cast protection wards....I'd give her an enchanted protective ring when she woke up.

I hadn't used my Dimensional store much but that was something that needed to get done.

I then stepped out of the room and walked while talking with both men, they didn't know why I was here but they knew I was not allowed to return to Kingslanding for five years..

Both men were smart enough not to ask however...five year exile meant I did something very bad.

I was only six namedays and although I was twice the size of someone my age, exiling a six year old was unheard of.

We sat down In a terrace that overlooked the ocean and began to talk cordially.

They mostly wanted to see what the "Evil Eyes Prince' Was like.....rumors reached far and wide that I was Maegor Reborn but even more cruel.

During our hours long conversation they came to realize I was nothing like the rumors, they thought I was a smart and sensible young man who was very intelligent.

Maester Gerardys asked me various questions subtly to gage my intelligence and was pleasantly surprised at my level of knowledge.

The obese Castellan lost his train of thought often but he seemed to be a nice man.

Once the sun fell out of the sky I returned to Hilde and laid down beside her as I brought her warm body into my arms and fell asleep.