
Defying the Heavens

Multiverse Fanfic The sole survivor of the lone earth. The last human standing on an earth that had been ravaged due to the gods playing a game using humans as pawns. "Where will you go?" "Wherever my fate will take me, Nyx."

Hans_Shonagon · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Murayama I have to go check on the school." I dropped her off at the home before getting ready for pest extermination. Today, I'd get rid of the remaining demons and purge them from existence. The school eventually came into view as the numerous demonic signatures resided in an old decrepit building. At least that was what it looked like on the outside.

[Barrier Isolation] A snap of my fingers caused a veil of mana spread causing the school to be covered in a sheen. Every single target had been brought into this replica of the world within the barrier. All damage done here would eventually disappear once the barrier faded.It seems that despite being weaker than most demons, they had noticed the dimensional isolation. I had a look through the list of divinities I owned. When I say owned I don't mean I possess them, but I own the divinities as property despite not having divinity myself. Basically in a nutshell, if you didn't want to ascend as a god, you could simply own divinities like property. In which case the only way to own divinity or gain divinity would be to kill or replace the previous god or goddess.

The group eventually came out with that perverted Issei shouting, "Hey you're that ikeman that picked up Murayama!" That red hair girl came out while demanding a whole bunch of explanations. I sigh, a small explanation would indeed be necessary. "You're existence as demons or devils are a stain upon humankind. If you went back to hell and stayed there it'd be a different matter. But the human would belongs solely to humans and creatures that live there."

"Summon: Constellation Libra" I raised my hand to the sky and called upon the constellation of libra. Essentially turning this place into a meteor strike zone but change the meteor to a giant scale and filled with holy divine energy. They tried to run, "Time stagnate." Their bodies and movements slowed as they could do nothing but watch as the giant scale filled with divine holy energy fall down. Their very bodies evaporated into dust. "Now, why don't the other group come out of hiding?"

[Magic Nullification]

A small ripple spread as another group was revealed. They shivered as the giant scales stood menacingly upright as if judging their every action. "So more demons or devils. Well, doesn't matter, won't have to think about it anyways."

"Wait!" I raised an eyebrow as the void spaces behind me refrained from shooting numerous blades and weapons into them. "Hm?"

"Could we just talk it out!?" The one with glasses desperately tried to negotiate. Unlike the red haired, this one at least knew where she stood.

"You have a minute."

Words rambled out until she explained that she had been managing this town. I stared at the former humans before asking "So you're saying they willingly became devil contractors?"


I grabbed her arm before tossing her onto the scale of libra. The group looked panicked until they noticed the holy energy did nothing. You will now be judged depending on your alignment. An item retrieved from void space fell into my hand. A small flute. I blew onto it as a shrill sound rang through space. A tear in reality ripped apart as a hand tore space apart to reveal a dog headed humanoid.

"Who's summoning me-" The dog immediately bowed down with his head on the floor. "Sir Heath!" I smirked and pointed to the libra scale. "Go do your job." The doggo rose up before gaining in size until he was as big as libra. From his hand, a feather shimmered into life. The feather was placed onto the other scale while flames burst out of the ground and a crocodile looking beast rose and awaited while looking at the girl with glasses. The beast licked its lips as the girl was about to faint. Anubis continued to read out a list of things I couldn't be bothered listening to as the girl answered as fast as she could. The scale continued to tip on different sides depending on the answer. The scale continued to stalemate until Anubis answered. "Lawful, neutral." I snorted. "No wonder Libra didn't burn them all to death the moment they entered the attack radius." I waved them all away before undoing the barrier isolation. All the damage done in the alternate construction of the area was undone, the buildings were left untouched.

Everyone was shocked at the fact that the damage had been non-existent. Just as I was about to leave, the girl with glasses quickly warned me "You've just killed the younger sister of Lucifer, you'll have the army of hell after you in no time." I snorted, "Hell? I've seen Hell for myself, just know that if you come after me, death awaits you." 

I continued my way home as I thought about what to do next. This world was... Boring. I could tell, this world would eventually become so boring that I'd leave after a while. But regardless, I would pay back my debt for a while. Or maybe that's just another excuse to lounge around in someone else's house? 

I sighed before entering the house and taking of my shoes before wearing my slippers. Of course as you would expect, the slippers were not normal either. 


[Fenrir Slippers]

[Made with the fur and hide of the legendary beast Fenrir, boasts powerful offence.]

Just lounging around was calming. Yet, I just couldn't shake that feeling. I couldn't get rid of that memory. Being the last person remaining in the world. The solitude and the madness of the journey to reach the end of that twisted game. 

Of course Murayama had found out that I also was a swordsman so often sparring with her would distract me from those thoughts. Of course she was befuddled when I used the formless swordsmanship. Constantly hounding me to teach her. Of course while I was an arms master that didn't translate to teaching, I sucked at teaching. You would have to be someone like Merlin who had a teaching skill which resulted in him pumping out monstrous students one after another. Yet they all failed. 

I walked alongside Murayama as we made our way to complete the grocery run of course everything was going nicely until a red haired man stared my way with killing intent. 


[High Alert] 

Both skills which usually remained dormant were now working actively. My first though would be to shift Murayama away but that wouldn't get far. In fact, due to my lack of supporting skills, she would be more safe with me. But I could try. 

"Murayama, me and this gentleman have some business alone. Could you go in first?" 

The red haired man immediately fired an orb. "My sister wasn't spared, so why should yours?" It clicked, this man was the brother of the red haired bimbo. 

"It seems you misunderstand she's not my-" I was cut off as a large scale teleportation circle had already taken Murayama. The distance shrunk as [Shukuchi] was used. I made my way into the circle along with Murayama as the man grinned menacingly. 

Murayama opened her eyes as I sighed, "Welcome to hell Mura." She looked around with horror. "I'll leave after this." The legion of devils stood awaiting as the red haired man led them." 

"I am Sirzechs, the current Lucifer." 

I snorted "Let's get this over with. You're weaker than Belphegor and the real Lucifer so what makes you think you can take me on?" 

Murayama looked in shock as I manifested a small branch before planting it right at her foot. "Stay where you are. That branch will keep you safe so long as you don't move from where you are." 

My katana and wakizachi manifested on my waist as I set the command for my combat designated weapons. One's combat ability was influenced by three main things, the person themselves, stats and items. All three combined would create the true you. 

[Combat Inventory] 

"Designate Ruyi Bang, Seven Branched Sword, Gungnir, Scythe of Thanatos, Spear of Vajra, Ragnarok, Fragarach."