
Defying the Heavens: Like a Man

In a gripping tale of redemption and cosmic responsibility, "Defying the Heavens: Like a Man" follows Louis Park, a billionaire entangled in the shadows of illegal enterprises. His demise unexpectedly marks the beginning of a profound journey. Upon his death, Louis encounters The One, the creator of existence. Offered a chance at redemption, he is tasked with a crucial mission, to safeguard Bashomon, the gates that stand as the wall against the convergence of realms. His atonement hinges on the protection of this gateway. Reborn into the world of Aetheria, a world of the supernatural, Louis finds himself in the body of Sol Ark, the son of the deceased leader of the Ark family, an esteemed lineage among the four alpha races. As Sol Ark, he inherits not only a prestigious heritage but also a mantle of immense responsibility. Navigating the intricate web of Aetherian society, Sol Ark grapples with newfound powers, alliances, and adversaries. He learns of ancient prophecies foretelling the unraveling of reality should Bashomon falter, exposing Aetheria to catastrophic chaos. As Louis-turned-Sol Ark delves deeper into his role as the guardian, he confronts inner turmoil and battles external forces seeking to exploit the realms' convergence. Alongside loyal companions and mentors, he embarks on a perilous quest to fortify the gates and thwart impending doom. But amid the trials and tribulations, Sol Ark discovers profound truths about sacrifice, redemption, and the interconnectedness of all existence. His journey transcends mere duty, evolving into a transformative quest for absolution and the ultimate redemption of a soul weighed down by its past transgressions. "Defying the Heavens: Like a Man" is an epic odyssey woven with cosmic intrigue, moral dilemmas, and the relentless pursuit of redemption, an enthralling saga that spans realms and delves into the depths of the humans, the supernaturals, and the celestials. -------------------- [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] More characters images in: https://discord.com/invite/5M9j5qKR

TheCulture · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Evil for Evil

The two were stunned to meet each other, however the second spent exchanging glances was enough time for Katherine's pursuers to catch up. 


Sounds of numerous figures rushing toward their direction reached their ears, causing Sol to turn his attention in that direction.


At that moment, three small figures rushed out of the path Kathrine emerged from, however, they halted in their tracks the moment they spotted Sol. These were humanoid creatures about 3 to 4 feet tall. A grotesque and mischievous demeanor characterized their appearance. 

They were covered in coarse, mottled skin ranging from sickly green to earthy brown with bodies that were typically lean and wiry, exhibiting a surprising agility that belied their unassuming stature.

The heads of these goblins were adorned with oversized, pointed ears that protrude from the sides, giving them keen auditory senses. Their eyes, small and beady, flicker with a cunning intelligence, revealing a penchant for trickery and opportunism. They also possessed hooked noses and a wide, toothy grin, often showcasing sharp, uneven teeth.

Sol's cold gaze took note of their long, nimble fingers, each equipped with sharp claws. Their attires were a mishmash of scavenged materials, tattered cloth, and makeshift armor.


[Name: Nil]

[Tier: 1][Goblet]

[Race: Goblin]

[Race Tier: Beast]

[Type: Ru-Destros]

[Title: Nil]

[Condition: Perfect condition]

[Status: Wary]

The three goblins observed Sol cautiously, considering whether the hunt was still worth it or if it was best for them to retreat. Initially, they believed they could deal with Kathrine, however adding this Sol to the equation made them uncertain.

As cunning creatures, they knew not to get involved in battles they had low chances of winning, and this was turning out to be one of them. Loud grunts and unexplainable sounds were made between each other for a short while before they turned their expression to Sol, revealing anger. 

The anger of predators who just had their preys stolen from them.

"Green midgets!" Sol cursed as he stepped forward. While he may not be the strongest in this world, he had no intention of letting these small green midgets threaten him.

All three goblins crushed at him in languages he couldn't make sense of, before running into the forest. Listening to the retreating footsteps, he turned his attention to Kathrine, who was nursing her wounds.

He saw green fumes being forced out of her wounds, after which she muttered 'Hak', and her wounds began closing up slowly. Seeing this, Sol was inwardly impressed by this. He thought only he understood the secrets of using 'Hak' effectively after his discovery last night, but it seems he was wrong.

"Thanks for the help," Kathrine said in a dry tone, but Sol shrugged it off.

He was the son of the traitor chieftain who tried to summon Bashomon and open the gates, it's only natural he is treated this way.

"How did you get into this mess?" Sol asked.

His question attracted a questioning look from Katherine who seemed to hesitate at first but finally spoke.

"I got spawned next to a cave which happened to be a goblin territory." She said. "I did well to hide and observe them for a while, and I concluded there must be treasures hidden within the cave"

"However, my hesitation turned out to be my greatest mistake," She continued, and Sol listened attentively. "These three goblins were returning to the cave with the corpse of a deer, and they spotted me. You can guess what happened after that."

Hearing this, Sol frowned as his mind was focused on one thought alone. If the goblin territory was close by, what stops them from calling for reinforcement?

"Yes, I know they may be returning with reinforcement, but that's what I need," Katherine spoke up as soon as she noticed the look on Sol's face. 

"You see, Goblins are known to hoard treasures, and amongst them are high cultivation resources," Katherine said as the last open wound on her body closed up. "I have no intentions of letting that opportunity pass,"


Sol clenched his fist and his gaze turned frosty as he peered deep into Katherine's eyes before asking a question.

"And how do you plan to do that?" 

"I plan to use you as bait," She responded honestly. "I will hurt you but not too deeply, just enough to make you bleed,"

"The Ark family doesn't have regenerative abilities like the vampires, so when you start running, a trail of blood will be left behind for the goblins to follow." She said as she began walking forward. "With the goblin territory left defenseless while they chase after you, I will be able to swoop in and take the treasures for myself,"

Listening to this, Sol showed no emotions and his eyes never left hers. As soon as she was done, he let out a sigh and asked another question.

"Is this how you plan to thank me after I helped you chase the goblins away?" Sol asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I truly appreciate the help, and I plan to thank you properly should, we cross paths again," Katherine said with an honest look on her face. "However, getting to the first tier is my priority for now, and I am willing to do whatever it takes,' She said.

Hahaha hahaha! Hahaha hahahaha!

Suddenly Sol began laughing hysterically like a madman and this left Katherine momentarily stunned. Sol maintained a calm demeanor every time she noticed him in the academy, so the sudden change caught her off-guard.

Suddenly she felt wary and took a step back instinctively as she watched a crazed smile spread across Sol's face.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil!" Sol said with a cruel grin, but his words left Katherine even more confused.

Throwing his hands open, he began walking towards Katherine, and his eyes lit up with power.

"I agree with you, Katherine," He said. "Getting to the first tier is the most important thing right now, so this is what is going to happen,"

"I will hurt you so bad you won't be able to heal," He said. "Then I will hide and watch you run from the horde of goblins. After which I will swoop in and take the goblin treasures for myself,"

"Consider this a payment for my help earlier," Sol said with a crazed grin, revealing his fangs.