
Defying the Heavens: Like a Man

In a gripping tale of redemption and cosmic responsibility, "Defying the Heavens: Like a Man" follows Louis Park, a billionaire entangled in the shadows of illegal enterprises. His demise unexpectedly marks the beginning of a profound journey. Upon his death, Louis encounters The One, the creator of existence. Offered a chance at redemption, he is tasked with a crucial mission, to safeguard Bashomon, the gates that stand as the wall against the convergence of realms. His atonement hinges on the protection of this gateway. Reborn into the world of Aetheria, a world of the supernatural, Louis finds himself in the body of Sol Ark, the son of the deceased leader of the Ark family, an esteemed lineage among the four alpha races. As Sol Ark, he inherits not only a prestigious heritage but also a mantle of immense responsibility. Navigating the intricate web of Aetherian society, Sol Ark grapples with newfound powers, alliances, and adversaries. He learns of ancient prophecies foretelling the unraveling of reality should Bashomon falter, exposing Aetheria to catastrophic chaos. As Louis-turned-Sol Ark delves deeper into his role as the guardian, he confronts inner turmoil and battles external forces seeking to exploit the realms' convergence. Alongside loyal companions and mentors, he embarks on a perilous quest to fortify the gates and thwart impending doom. But amid the trials and tribulations, Sol Ark discovers profound truths about sacrifice, redemption, and the interconnectedness of all existence. His journey transcends mere duty, evolving into a transformative quest for absolution and the ultimate redemption of a soul weighed down by its past transgressions. "Defying the Heavens: Like a Man" is an epic odyssey woven with cosmic intrigue, moral dilemmas, and the relentless pursuit of redemption, an enthralling saga that spans realms and delves into the depths of the humans, the supernaturals, and the celestials. -------------------- [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] More characters images in: https://discord.com/invite/5M9j5qKR

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56 Chs

A Believer Of Equality

Katherine was taken aback by Sol's words and his confidence after considering his situation. Someone suffering from the effects of the immortal blood-scattering seals shouldn't be able to do much, right?

She watched Sol approach and wondered if he was bluffing. On the other hand, Sol approached with a feeling of anticipation plaguing him. He was eager to understand the power of the vampire race and every other race. 

"I was going to let you off with a light beating," Katherine's eyes released a red flash, "but since you dare act this way, don't blame me for what happens next!" She growled.


Manifesting the power of her vampire bloodline, red veins began bulging from different parts of Katherine's body as her delicate hands turned rough, and her nails transformed into claws. 


Like a rocket, she shot forward her right hand stabbing forward, however, her actions had already played out before Sol's eyes a second ago.


With a well-timed side step, Sol moved to the right, ruining any possibility of a follow-up. Sol's fist moved in the shadows, traveling through her blind spot, and made it to her face.


Katherine covered her face with her palm while she staggered around with a look of surprise on her face. The short exchange flashed through her mind repeatedly, and no matter how many times she thought of it, she couldn't understand what she did wrong or how she got hit.

Her gaze shifted to Sol, and the surprise in her eyes couldn't be hidden. She slowly pulled her hands away from her face, revealing her bloodied nose. 

"Did you just…" She muttered, but Sol moved his index finger to his lips, signalling her to keep quiet, which she did instinctively.


"Did you really think I would just cut you open and wait for the goblins to arrive?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "While I can do that, I concluded it won't be fun," Sol said.

"So I have decided to hurt you as badly as possible," Sol said with a crazed grin. "I am certain we have some spare time before the goblins arrive, so I will use that time to inflict pain on you." 

Hearing his words, Katherine was shaken to the core. Throughout her life as the last child of the vampire family Lord, no one has dared bear ill intentions towards her, talk more of voicing it out. She involuntarily shuddered and took a step back.

"Daddy isn't here to save you!" Sol licked his lips 



Katherine's arms were cut open as four strings of blood jetted out of the wound and shot in Sol's direction. 

'High-speed regeneration, Blood control, and physical endowment. Vampires are truly blessed!' Sol admitted in his mind as he calculated the trajectory of the attacks before making his move.


Instead of retreating, Sol took a step forward before leaping to the right to evade the first string of blood, however, the second string followed tightly behind the first, giving him no time to reach the ground or dodge but strangely his expression was still calm.


Sol's hands thrown in the direction of the right released small explosions and while this wasn't enough to do much, it halted his flight to the right and pushed him to the left.


The second blood string shot past him, brushing his face as it moved and leaving behind a shallow cut on his right cheek


Sol landed gracefully and watched the last two strings coming his way, so he crouched and watched them fly over him. All this was made possible with his tactical prediction extension tool, but Katherine didn't know this.

"Impossible!" Katherine gasped, knowing if she was put in Sol's situation, she wouldn't be able to replicate his seemingly perfect maneuvers.


How is someone who is supposed to be a cripple moving this well?

Was the immortal blood-shattering seal really used on him?


Explosions erupted from Sol's feet, propelling him forward as he charged in Katherine's direction, forcing her to focus on the battle. She readied herself and watched Sol approach, however, when he was a few meters away, he stomped the ground with his right foot.


'What?' Katherine was left confused by this, especially since he was still a few breaths away from the striking range.


She noticed something coming from the left from the corner of her eye, prompting her to raise her hand to block, but when she caught sight of it, she was shaken.

It was only then it dawned on her that Sol had no intention of using his fist!

"Hak!' Sol growled as his left leg was consumed with flames as it struck Katherine's hand.

"Heavy!" She commented as the scorching foot struck her exposed arm, forcing her to stagger back while perceiving the scent of burning skin.

Her eyes squinted in pain, but she knew she had less than a second to recover. She looked ahead only to realize, Sol was already in front of her and his right fist swung through the wind, racing toward Katherine's face.

'He is really trying to hurt me?" Katherine screamed in her heart as her fear was revealed in her eyes.

She quickly crossed her hands, covering her face as she waited for the punch.

"Hak!" Sol roared as his fist lit up in flames, slamming into her arm, and a bone-cracking sound could be heard as her body was thrown a few meters back!


Katherine slid back while gritting her teeth in pain. The kick earlier hurt her arm badly and since Sol gave her no chance to recover, his punch dealt the finishing blow.

Her left-hand was broken!

Katherine fell on one knee and held her broken arm with a pained look on her face. Beads of sweat ran down her face as she wondered how Sol, who she thought would be an easy target for her scheme, became her greatest nightmare.

"I am a Feminist and a strong believer in the equality of both genders, so don't expect me to hold back because you are a girl," Sol's venomous voice rang in her ears causing her to shiver.