
Chapter 40: TIffany, Part 1

"Holy shit!" Caleb exclaims, jumping out of his seat as he watches in disbelief. "Did you see that?"

I should be excited. I should be jumping out of my office chair and cheering. Or at least wobbling out of my chair. A major league grand slam doesn't happen that often, and it came just when it looked like our beloved Astros were going to lose. That makes it even more exciting. For Caleb.

"I saw. That was cool."

"Cool?" He furrows his brow. "Tiffany, they just tied up the game in the ninth."

"I know, Caleb. I saw," I say grumpily and get back to my typing. I'm paying attention to the game; it's just easier for me to put in the major highlights of a story as they're happening, instead of hand writing it or trying to remember as I scroll through the video later.

Caleb drops back into his chair, visibly frustrated by my bad mood. "Geez, you used to love this stuff. What's the matter with you?"

My eyes snap up to his. "Besides being forty-plus weeks pregnant?"