
Chapter 33: Tiffany, Part 2

Of all the people I expected to run into, Santos and Mariana and their kids are not it. But here they are, the entire DeLaGuajardo family right in front of us, all of us staring at each other in awkward silence. In a defensive move, Rowen immediately reaches for me and tucks me under his arm. I appreciate the gesture because I don't know what to do.

I'm glad to see them together. I know how much Santos loves his family. But I was an active participant in that family breaking apart. It was all in the past, and I've forgiven myself as much as I can, but this is unexpected and, well, uncomfortable.

I brace myself, expecting to be berated or maybe even punched. But Mariana does the last thing I expect her to do. She takes a big breath and says, "Pampers Swaddlers are really good when they're first born. Do you guys have a Sam's Club membership?"