
Chapter 33

Arty released every binding spell he had in his arsenal.

Blue encasing force fields, golden chains, and cages of pure white light sealed any being who move close enough to their group, not wanting to harm any of them as they’re certain those possessed enemies were innocent.

Pedro followed the lead, using a similar method of his magic.

An ice prison, a muddy earth, and a stone box were the ones he used to keep their opponents at bay.

All the while, Jack, Marco, and Malver knocked out as many as they can.

But no matter how many they took down or hold, more came, almost overwhelming them if not for their well-coordinated attacks. But this still prompted them to retreat to avoid getting surrounded.

“I don’t think we can take this mission on our own.”

Arty could see his mana bar already in half, and yet they were far off from winning, and there was also the case of the monstrous creature that appeared in front of them.

They barely survived its first attack, but their three fighters took quite a toll after saving them. And now they were completely at a disadvantage.

The robed stranger had become more ominous, the purple aura emanating from him increased, and seem to be strengthening the mob of crazed people.

“Our backup should be here.”

Malver had already called in for reinforcements the moment they nearly got taken out.

That one strike was enough to tell him how powerful their opponent was, and the gap between their strengths.

“How soon? I don’t think we will last long.”

Jack worried they won’t make it, with both their hp and mp nearing a critical low. Also, all of them had come up with what was their enemy’s class.

“I thought this was a normal level mission.”

Marco squinted, focusing on the being who stood still in front of them, no longer attacking, only watching, and releasing its energy everywhere.

There was now a purple light coming out of its forehead, along with a horrid smile on its face.

“Nobody told us there’d be a boss here!”

Pedro’s mana bar was already on the yellow, having used mostly area type spells, which gave them the fighting chance.

But that also put a strain on him, as he was chasing his breath from all the casting and dodging he was doing at the same time.

It was in that moment they lost sight of the hooded stranger. No one sense the being’s movement, nor did they notice it, until it was right in front of them.

None of them could react fast enough, surprised by the sudden appearance of the enemy.

“Pedro, look out!”

Yet even with the warning, Pedro couldn’t move away, eyes widening upon seeing how close their being was to him.

Jack tried to jump in on the fray to stop the enemy’s fist from touching their comrade. Marco charges straight for the assailant with all his might to tackle it. Malver did his best to get slash at the thing with his sword to fend it, while Arty hastened his casting to create a barrier to defend their friend.

Yet, even with their efforts, their movements seem too slow for comfort, as they were but a minute too late to take action.

A fog of debris emerges upon the strike, but none of them managed to grab hold of their opponent as it immediately jumps away, avoiding all of them.

“Pedro, are you okay?”

Jack turned to the smog to search for their companion. But the dirt floating around was too thick for anything to be seen.

Warily, they all had their backs on each other to guard themselves, moving close to make sure they’d each other safe from any other attacks.

“Pedro, say something!”

Arty, being the support and mage of the group, was the one facing into the still calming smog, calling out at the top of his lungs to get any type of reply, turning quiet the minute he saw there was nobody there but a crater.

“The cavalry has arrived!”

A loud voice boomed.

Jack sighed, Marco groaned, while Arty ended up swallowing hard, watching the dust finally subside, revealing the group farther back from the area of attack.

Pedro was being carried by one member of the newly arrive teams. There were two, consisting of five people each.

“Who called on Sander’s team?”

Jack grumbled, hand slapping his forehead because of the blonde muscle head who now haughtily laughing at their beaten up faces.

The guy only wore a leather undergarment besides his bracers and shin guards, proudly displaying every finely built muscle he had with a wide smirk.

“Forgive me, sir Jack. I was the one who ask for their help.”

Malver was keen to speak, noticing how the member of his groups expression turned sour upon the said group. Especially since they were avoiding them the entire time.

“Why’d you have to call everyone?”

Marco grumbled, as he too did not expect the others to be there.

They now got a smug grin from Sander’s team, as they were on their last leg and gasping for breath against a mob.

“By the king’s decree, they ordered us to summon every hero when an unknown enemy arises.”

Malver lowers his head in apology for his actions.

But they all ended up shaking their heads, not able to scold their guardian knight. In the end, all they could do was throw each other defeated gazes, since they were aware the king’s orders were absolute.

Of course, that meant they had to endure whatever would come next.

“You guys are lucky we arrive earlier than expected, else you’d be goners.”

Sander let out another haughty laugh, throwing Pedro right back at them. Thankfully, all three of them were at the ready, catching their companion in time.

All ten of them immediately jump in front of them without thinking, taking out as many of the corrupted people out in one go.

Jack, Arty, and Malver ended up gaping in shock from the action, seeing how reckless the others were. While Marco and Pedro only shook their heads, already familiar with them.

“Looks like your team is still too weak for this kind of missions.”

A man wearing a robe, with a covering, showing only his eyes, turned to Marco and Pedro. His voice was deep underneath the cloth on his mouth and his expression seem displeased.

Marco’s gaze grew sharper, grumbling some words while his face creased, while Pedro’s complexion became pale, biting his lip while he lowered his head in fear and shame.

“I agree. You guys should stand aside for now and let us high levelers handle this.”

Another person wearing a full plated white armor finally spoke. He seems to be leading the other team, seeing how he gave signals to his comrades to take their position upfront.

“This must be one of those special events where a boss encounter happens.”

A lively fellow in a hood and cape in Sander’s team let out a rain of arrow at the hooded stranger releasing the purple aura, but the being wiggled and squirm avoiding every single one of it.

“About damn time something this strong showed up. I’m starting to get bored facing all those weaklings for the past weeks.”

Sander charge first, not waiting for anyone else. He immediately targeted the robed stranger, not bothering with all the other enemies who tried to stop him.

Bodies flew and rolled on the ground, each assailant injured to the point that their frames twisted, but the purple energy affecting them gave them regenerating abilities, thus healing them through the entire battle.

“Sander, you’re attacking innocent people!”

Marco screamed, seeing how the guy’s group plowed through the masses of possessed villagers without a care. If it wasn’t for their regeneration, a pile of corpses would have toppled throughout the place.

“Randolph, do something.”

Jack turned to the person wearing the full armor, complete with a broadsword and a shield. Among the two leaders, he was the one who kept his team in check, as they only stayed within each other’s perimeter, not moving unless attacked.

But the only thing he got was a shrug of the person’s shoulder, along with a deep and defeated sigh.

“They’re no longer bystander if they attack us. You should know this.”

Randolph muttered beneath his helmet.

Though they couldn’t see the guy’s face, they were certain he was again throwing a bored gaze, hearing the weakened and almost lack luster tone he had.

Not having much choice, it left them with the only option they had in mind, already having an idea of what might be causing the entire problem.

“Then we should probably all work together to take down the one who’s controlling them.”

It was Arty who voice out his mind, as Marco and Jack kept looking at each other with meaningful gaze, along with a frown.

As the two were having second thoughts if they were going to give out that information or not. Aware of what that would mean for them.

“Arty’s right, that enemy isn’t normal.”

Pedro added, understanding that they were up against something none of them had faced before.

“Sit back and let the pros handle this.”

It was the guy with the robe and covering, taking out two daggers from behind him, before rushing to the fray along with his other companions.

“Arnold, don’t!”

Jack tried to stop the guy but couldn’t do much, all because they were now in the yellow of both their health and mana bar.

None of them dared use up their remaining energy, not wanting to end up helpless in case of an emergency. Already familiar with how Sander’s team operates in such circumstances.

“Let’s show that thing what the real heroes of the kingdom are like.”

Sander shouts out as they manage to get closer to the stranger with the ominous purple aura leaking out.

All four youngsters surrounded the being, all the while their guides remained their distance to avoid getting in their way.

“Shit, they ain’t listening.”

Jack groaned because all of them seemed oblivious to how powerful the enemy they were facing.

He was certain all of them were within the same levels, considering they manage to catch up to them, thanks to sir Clifford, who help them in defeating the dire wolves in the forest.

Before they could even do anything, the being let out a monstrous howl, releasing an immense energy that rippled through the air, stunning all of them, causing them to fall to their knees in sheer pain.

It was then the entity clawed on to its face, revealing its form to them. The once burnt skin turned dirt grey, as if it was rotting. Eyes turning black, with a third one appearing on its forehead, which seems to be the one releasing the corrupting energy.

“What’s it doing?”

Sander groaned, his strength waning with each minute from being too close to the sound wave.

It also seems to have affected those corrupted people around them, as they stayed in place, twitching as they started to morph.

Parts of their bodies twisted, bones cracking, and their veins throbbing with the purplish glow they’ve absorbed. In moments, all of them screamed aloud, letting out a deafening screech that echoed everywhere.

“Use your weapons!”

Malver shouts before losing consciousness.

Only then did they remember about the things bestowed upon them by the king. Without a second thought, they all took out their magical items. This broke the effects of their opponent’s ability, giving them the chance to move once more.

“Everyone, give it all you’ve got!”

Jack posed for an attack, gathering every ounce of energy in his palms and adding it to the mystical gauntlets he had.

That became the signals for all of them to do the same, and as if being in one mind, they all released their attacks at the same time, targeting the three eyed stranger.

Their energies merge, creating a sphere of light upon contact, causing a blast of wind to ripple through the land.

It blew away every possessed person in the vicinity, leaving only the youths in their position.

Dust scattered throughout the place, decreasing their visibility. It was only when everything subsided that all of them ended up gaping with wide eyes.

A circular purple force field surrounded the being, thus rendering their attacks useless as it did not even leave a scratch against the enemy.