
The Wererabbit

Goldie looked like she had seen a ghost. "My… t-tail…?" she stammered. "Why do you want to touch… my tail…?"

Ethan was pleased to see the bunny girl lose her composure. On Earth, he was considered a man of above-average intelligence and very often enjoyed wildlife documentaries. The fact that rabbits were sensitive about their tails was part of his general knowledge.

"I have my reasons," the boy replied with crossed arms. "Consider it the fulfillment of curiosity of a growing man. As a liberal scientist yourself, it shouldn't be a big deal to you. It's just a tail, right?"

Goldie bit down on her lower lip. "Count Cromwell, you are missing education on werepeople. They are half-human beasts. Much like wild animals, werepeople have sensitive areas in their bodies. For my species—the wererabbits, tails are sacrosanct."

"They are mostly sense organs, helping us perceive the environment. Cutting off a wererabbit's tail would paralyze them for weeks until it grows back. We allow only our most trusted to touch them, usually sex partners. I expect you to understand how overboard that request sounds to me."

Ethan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I didn't know tails could have so much significance. It's kind of a bummer."

The bunny girl noticed her experimental lamb was losing interest in the conversation. "You can touch my feet if you want," she offered, wiggling her toes. "They are furry, too."

Ethan was tempted to give in. The rabbit paws were too adorable to resist. However, the system challenge was his priority at the time. "No, I want the tail, sorry."

The boy abruptly got up from the patient's bed, dusted his tunic, and proceeded to walk away. "Thanks for taking care of my sister, and for the lectures. I appreciate your efforts. We'll meet some other day if I'm available."

Goldie looked instantly devastated. Her science experiment was running away! Who knew when she'd get such a golden opportunity again? With a surprisingly agile hop, the bunny girl scrambled to the door and blocked his path.

"Alright!" Goldie exclaimed, joining her paws together in prayer. "I'll allow you to touch my tail! Just don't leave, please... We were getting along fine..."

Ethan shrugged and returned to his seat, satisfied with the bluff's success. He had no intention of forgoing the deal since completing the system challenge was integral. However, the boy observed how desperate the Grand Healer was. He feigned walking out, and it paid off handsomely.

Goldie sat beside Ethan and sighed. "I want promises if we go ahead with this, Count Cromwell. I will tell you about my special ability and let you touch my tail. In exchange, you will return to my office sooner than later to talk about the Devil's Curse experiment. If you agree to these conditions, we will proceed."

Ethan nodded. "The conditions are satisfactory. I can come back tomorrow afternoon. You have my word."

The bunny girl offered him a weak smile, torn between glee and anxiety. "Alright, watch me."

Goldie got to her feet and stood before him, doing nothing. "What am I looking for?" Ethan asked. "Is something going to happen? Am I supposed to compliment your body? That would be difficult since much of it is hidden beneath your coat-"

The boy cut himself short when something weird happened. The bunny girl's outline shimmered, and then her figure became translucent. Finally, it was so transparent Ethan could see through her. Within seconds, she completely disappeared!

The boy's jaw dropped and was left hanging. Goldie could be invisible at will? The Cromwell heir flailed his arms around looking for her, but to no avail. She was gone!

"You can come back now," Ethan urged. "I understand your ability."

Moments later, Goldie's body faded into his vision. She had been holding her breath, which she let go with a heave. As soon as her outlines appeared, the bunny girl gasped for air, gulping large volumes desperately.

"So, are wererabbits able to become invisible?" Ethan posed, feeling stupid about the question. But he needed to hear it from her.

"Not all of us have this ability," Goldie replied, finally caught up to her regular breathing. She sat beside him and crossed her legs. "Though research has shown that invisibility is more common among wererabbits than other werepeople."

"I don't understand," the boy asked with a quizzical expression. Did others also have systems that helped them obtain skills? That would be an earth-shattering revelation. How was Ethan special then?

"I was raised in the wild," Goldie replied. "My family had to struggle for food and protect themselves from predators on a daily basis. As a result, I developed my invisibility skill over the years."

"Interesting," Ethan said, relieved that no system was involved. It was like evolution and adaptation on Earth. Species developed special organs, behavioral traits, and physical modifications for survival.

"I can disappear only until I hold my breath, though," the bunny girl added. "Now you know my secret."

"So, how long did you watch me with my sister?" the boy asked anxiously. He was heavy with guilt since he took his time admiring Gwen's sleeping beauty until finally deciding to perv on her feet. To an outsider, it would be a disturbing scene.

The bunny girl giggled lightly. "I can hold my breath for up to ten minutes. So maybe I saw all of it."

Ethan put on a nervous smile. Goldie's revelation explained why the system offered him a challenge even though nobody else was in the room, specifically a bunny. An actual invisible bunny girl was already there, watching him!

The boy tried to change the topic. "Let's move on to my next condition."

Goldie nodded and turned around slowly. Her long white healer coat was partially covering her tail. She lifted it, exposing the ball of fluff.

Ethan observed it in wonder. It was a pinkish-white thing with restricted movement. Unlike normal animal tails that were long, a wererabbit's tail was essentially a giant cotton candy ball. It twitched and wagged up and down.

"Just be gentle," Goldie murmured. "Don't make my tail fall off."

"Do they fall off easily?" the boy asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes, if you are rough with it and pull too hard. In fact, I always need guards when I go out in public. Wererabbit tails sell at high prices in the marketplaces."

"I'll be careful," the boy said, kneeling down closer to Goldie. He began by letting the fur touch his fingertips. It was a slight but exhilarating feeling. How can a human being see something so cute and not grope it immediately?

Ethan grabbed the tail with his right hand and pressed lightly. Goldie let out a sharp gasp, followed by a low whimper. She leaned a bit forward, pushing her hips back to give the boy a better view.

Ethan shifted closer and held the rabbit's tail in both his hands. It was as soft as a pillow and yet warm and alive.

[Challenge completed! Grope the bunny tail]

[Reward: Invisibility pill x2]

[Invisibility pill: Become invisible for three minutes. Not effective on witches with mystic vision. Not effective on warriors with divine vision.]

The Cromwell heir celebrated on the inside. Invisibility would be a great addition to his meager collection. When faced with a formidable opponent, he could flee or attack undetected.

Now that the system challenge was complete, Ethan had no purpose with Goldie's tail. However, he wasn't satisfied yet.

The boy decided to go a step further. He risked lifting the ball of fluff to see its anatomy. The tail grew out of the bunny girl's lower back. A generous hole had been cut into her pants to accommodate it. Ethan pushed it up further, revealing her buttcrack. She wasn't wearing any panties.

"That's enough…" Goldie murmured, trying to pull her tail out of the boy's grasp unsuccessfully. "Don't go too far, Count Cromwell…"

"Wait, I'm not done!" the Cromwell heir replied, watching her fidget and shift uncomfortably. She was letting out weak whimpers that were barely audible. Ethan tried to memorize whatever rare glimpses and sounds he could capture. "Just a few seconds more."

"Please…" The bunny girl begged. She shivered as if having a mild fit. Something odd was happening to her.

Ethan's face was close to the tail, fondling it like a stress ball. Meanwhile, he tried to see through the hole in her pants. If the boy could slip in a finger and touch something, it would be totally worth it. Making the act look innocent and accidental would be easy.

'What do wererabbit genitals look like anyway?' he wondered, as if in a trance.

Squirt! Ethan felt something sprinkle on his face. He let go of the bunny girl, toppled back, and landed on the floor. "What the hell!"

Goldie turned around with a guilty expression. Her cheeks were red in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"What happened? I feel something on my face!"

The bunny girl knelt down with urgency in her expression. "My tail… It secretes and sprays pheromones when I am deeply aroused. You triggered it by holding on too long. I'm so sorry!"

Ethan wiped his face with a cloth and relaxed. "It's okay. It's just pheromones, right? Nothing toxic, poisonous, or harmful? Then, why are you apologizing so much?"

As soon as the boy reassured himself that he was safe, he started having strange sensations. He realized moments later why the apologies were necessary.

Ethan yelped and grabbed his crotch, which felt like it was suddenly on fire. A surge of madness rose within him, making him grind his teeth. Before him knelt Goldie with a terrified expression.

On the inside, the boy knew he was going to have an erection at any moment. It didn't matter that he had a recent ejaculation while titfucking Hilda. All Ethan wanted to do was to fuck Goldie.

"Please control yourself, Count Cromwell," the bunny girl warned. "My tail pheromones are powerful aphrodisiacs! Don't act on your urges!"

"I don't think I can resist you!" Ethan growled with blood-red eyes and pounced on her.