
Death World Menagerie Nightmare

The leaders of Earth have betrayed its people and sold off dissenters into indentured mercenary work. A barrier was purchased and soon after the moon was destroyed by the approaching alien Logos. Through an unholy bargain the people were saved at the cost of those unwilling to follow the leadership. Vincent goes to his family home on the last day before he is to be shipped off. He's already taken his pill and gained a skill tree along with other members of his family. HIs girlfriend broke up with him and sent a video telling him it was truly over. With nothing holding him back he parties with his family until midnight. He's to be shipped off the the death world Menagerie Nightmare. After he completes three challenges he'll be promoted and some of his debts will be paid. All he has to do is survive on a world where every animal and plant wants to kill him.

Ultimatedaywriter · Fantasi
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23 Chs

CH17: Zebra Trouble

I woke up feeling like new money and dressed out in my armor. A new codpiece completed my set with my belt squeezing the chainmail close to cover down to my knees. I dashed side to side, testing if the mail would bother my knees.

"I got to piss, and you need to get used to seeing me piss." The hyena girl rolled out of bed and stomped toward the bathroom. Hati pounded on the door before letting himself in. "Did anyone want to join up after our casualties?" Azizi asked.

"Yea, a big striped donkey with healing spells and rage. The academy shipped his ass here, and no one wanted to deal with his attitude."

"He sounds like a pretty swell guy compared to you; what's the problem," I asked.

"I'm a wolf, and he's a donkey; we would be better off with sheeple." Hati blinked with his second eyelid. It was his version of rolling his eyes. "I already told you it wasn't my fault."

"That isn't an apology," I said.

"We triple-teamed together; if that isn't team building, nothing is," Hati said.

"I don't remember triple teaming with anyone. Did you sneak off while I was deep in that crazy 8, Selena?" Azizi said.

"Listen, I'm going to need you to stand between me and Zeff the entire time we're in the dungeon," Hati said.

I shrugged non-committedly. There was no way I could let anything happen when we entered the dungeon, but until then, I would let the wolfman sweat. Fun fact overheating was a killer.

The door nearly shot off its henges as a 10ft zebra man leaning on a white wood polished staff galloped in. He was far more zebra than man and spat a wad of tobacco on the floor.

"Just like that, we aren't getting our deposit back," Azizi said.

"The dungeon is a deposit, never mind to business. We are scheduled to enter the dungeon in half an hour, and only one of you is armored. I'm unimpressed."

"I'm Vincent Hawk; you must be Zeff. I think it's a good morning with your arrival." A snort was my reply. "That being said, we aren't the only ones who partied hard last night. I see you have an interesting use for your second staff." I said.

"I don't have a second staff." Zeff hefted his white wood-polished staff. It glimmered in the morning light. "This is the only foci I need."

"Then you must not take the dungeon very seriously," I said.

"Dual foci don't double a priest's power. That being said, where is this second staff you mentioned. Is it in the hallway? We could sell it for coin."

"Oh, no, I'm referring to the pole stuck up your ass," I said.

"You were joking." The zebra sucked in a breath and let it out. "You should hope that your armor holds up. I may be too busy laughing at your joke to heal you in the future. While I am not laughing now, I'm sure it will grow on me when a sword is stuck through your chest." Zeff said.

"Well, it hits everyone eventually," I said.

Azizi flushed the toilet and left the bathroom. "I'm Azizi, the party leader, and you've already met Hati. Most of our armor was destroyed in our last dive, so we're going light. Vincent will tank Hati is long-range, and I'm a fighter. Oh, and shirking your duties had better be a joke, or I'll bash your brains out myself." She cackled in a way I hadn't heard before. "Once we're armored up, we plan to go hard. Are you up for it?" Azizi said.

"It's good to know there is someone I can get along with. I will stay in the back, where I can apply buffs and heal over time while we delve. Since I am the most important member of the party, I should get the first pick of any item drops."

"I assume then you have a death wish, and this is your suicide note in audio," Hati said.

"Listen, dog, your lucky I tolerate your existence," Zeff said.

"Is it because no one else wanted someone with your attitude. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, and as a member of the priests stationed in a dungeon town, you must delve with a team or dive alone. We're your last option." Azizi said.

"I have other better choices," Zeff said.

No one was buying what Zeff was selling. The zebra looked around before slumping.

"You can't have much mana since this is your first dungeon. Keep to the back and accept the equipment the dungeon drops sized to you. At the end of the day, we will distribute the coin from selling loot evenly. Is that understood?" Azizi said.