
Death of a Teenage Loser, Rise of a God

Brandon_Foster · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1 Rebirth

BOOM my life ended so soon but it wasn't going very well to began with so maybe I can finally rest.

Bright light surrounded me and in a Flash I am suddenly transported to a room that looks like it is from a b rate Chinese movie. Looking around i see a old man sitting and drinking tea confused I walk up to him or try to anyway I don't have any legs!! Who is that and what's going on?

Oh calm down dude relax i am god and this is my little peace of heaven, your death was kind of my fault so I'm forced to give you another chance I'll be reincarnating you into the new world that I created well new to you.

I felt my brain shut off at that moment gods real huh? My life beliefs are all over the place shock and confused i ask again huh?

Okay you seem useless with a wave of his hand calmness is all that remains. Since you passed away was my fault and are now forced to go to another world for reincarnation you can ask for any Two wishes, But be warned once said cannot be undone.

Two wishes what is this some 3rd rate web novel what ever with my new found calmness i begin to think note daring to open my mouth until i think of two.

What felt like years passed like this both remaining patient. 1000 years past like this then suddenly a voice rang out Omnipotent and Omniscience they are my to wishes.

The so called God gave me a smile and with a shake of his fist darkness once again surrounded me.

[ Integrating with host ]

[ Stabilizing ]

[ Good evening master I am World System for Host Here are your stats]

Name: Not Selected [ Change Name ]

Race: Not Selected [ Change Race ]

Rank: yet to be determined

Abilities: omnipotent, Omniscience. [ Add Abilities ]

synchronizing with world for Rank

synchronization complete rank received divine]

Once again Light surrounded me and I was suddenly in space? over a world that couldn't look further from earth about 10 times as big with 6 continents the size Earth and a massive ocean separating all of them. A flash of light appeared with it came words.

[ System announcement to carry on please select a name for yourself ]

I pick James

[ System thinks that's a stupid names system recommends Draco ]

Not bad but i like James

[ Updating Updating name selected Draco]

What the fuck...

[ World announcement the first Divine being has appeared on your world may he forever be worshiped ]

[ Solar System announcement the first Divine being has appeared in your system may he forever be worshipped ]

[ Universal announcement but since Divine being has appeared in the universe let the Divine War begin ]