
Death note: The 6 NOTES

This is a fan-fiction of the amazing piece of work "DEATH NOTE" this is a fictional story of what happens 16 years after the Death of Kira and L when an other character 'the new KIRA' finds the Death Note by accident and tries to become the new Kira and tries to avoid being caught like the first Kira, and on this generation there is of course an other L that is different from the previous L. this story is going to be interesting, I will do my best on uploading daily chapters for you to read. I hope you all will like it.

imadramdani · Komik
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21 Chs

The new KIRA! Part 1

Jasper wore his usual outfit after taking a warm shower, while Jasper was wearing his sneakers he looked forward and said with a big creepy smile "I will fix this damned world" then he went out after hiding the death note under his clothes inside the closet.

Jasper reaches the Police station and goes to the reception and speaks with them as if he doesn't know anything "Hello sir, I've received a call about 40 minutes ago telling me to come, my Name is Jasper" Then he smiles with the cute receptionist, she smiles back and says "Yes let me see, give me just one moment Jasper" The receptionist started typing his name on the computer then she said to him "Please take that elevator to the third flood and look for the office under the name of Jessica, that is where you should go" Jasper bows to her and says with an attractive smile "Yes, I will go there, thank you for your great help" and smiles to her before entering the elevator.

Jasper on his way up another guy joined him, while they were going up the elevator stopped suddenly and pushed the guy to throw some of his coffee on Jasper's hoodie and he said "Damn it, these elevators" Jasper looked at the guy up and down and said nothing then tried to clean his hoodie, the guy felt offended with Jasper's move and said "The kids of these have no manners, what are your parents doing?" That triggers Jasper and pushes him to act a bit nice to get close to the guy and he speaks "I am sorry sir, it is just that it has been a rough morning, what is your name, I would gladly want to buy you a new coffee" The guy gets surprised by the young man's surprising behaviour and just answers him "That's how you kids should treat old people like me, and my name is James B***** Then the elevator starts moving again and stops at the 3rd floor where Jasper leaves it and says to the man "Have a great day sir, as if it is your last day" with a creepy smile after the elevator closes its doors.

 Jasper walks slowly towards Jessica's office with a creepy smile on his face, when he gets to her office, he knocks gently on the door that was already open and officer Jessica answers "Yes! Come on in, whoever you are" Jasper opens the door gently by 35° and enters only his head for Jessica to know him and she says after seeing his face "Oh! Jasper, please come in, I have to tell you something!" Jasper gets in and sits after Jessica points at the chair on the right.

After Jasper sits, Jessica also sits on her chair and puts all of the documents she had on her hand on her desk and she leans forward with putting both of her elbows on the desk and both o her hands under her chin and says "You do remember the woman Marry Josette? The woman that you suspected she had caused the accident your family had few months ago!" Jasper takes a deep breathe and gives a stoning look as if he was angry and says "You mean the woman that killed both of my parents and escaped prison, please if this is going to be about her, I would like to go home now" after saying that Jasper put his back on the edge of the chair and laid back to see the sealing and relaxed while Jessica started speaking "Will, Marry was found dead on her villa today, she committed suicide yesterday by burning the whole house" That shocked Jasper that he sat straight after hearing it and said to Jessica "what do you mean? She killed herself by burning down the whole house! That doesn't make sense! It can't ju…" Jessica interrupts him by saying "But the video shows that she wrote a paper then she burns down the whole house" Jasper was shocked, he acted as of the death of that woman shocked him while what really shocked him is that he didn't expect the suicide to be like that.

After few seconds Jessica asked Jasper this question "Did you have any idea about this? Or knew about it earlier?" Jasper takes a deep breathe then looks at her eyes while saying "No! madam, I had no idea about this until you have told me!" Jessica looks at him with relief then says "Okay, you are good to leave, have a great day and I am sorry that I brought you all the way here" Jasper nodded to the front while getting up and says "There is nothing to apologize about, and if this is all, I am welling to leave now, I have a course to attend at 10". The he left the office.

Once Jasper made home, he closed the door and drunk a large cup of lemon juice while gasping for breath, and saying in his brain "Why did this feel so wrong? And why did it feel too strange? She deserved death, why am I so worried about it? What the hell is wrong with me, why am I so nervous? Wh..." Jasper stopped for a minute then he started talking while smiling to the death note "I am this nervous because I felt that I was being interrogated by the officer Jessica, now if she dies, they will know that I killed her, and even the damned guy that threw coffee on my hoodie, Fuck! I can't do anything concerning them now, but what can I do, I am certain that I am now a direct suspect, even though the Kira case started and ended in Japan 16 years ago but they still know everything about the case, they probably have seen something strange on her movement and related it to the Kira case. This is not go…" "Hello there! Human, how are you doing" a scary harsh deep voice came from behind Jasper, he felt coldness on all of his bones because of that voice, Jasper felt as if out of the sudden all of the air in the apartment disappeared, and he tried to look back slowly by turning right.

The Shinigami Ryuk appeared to Jasper with a big smile on his face, Jasper didn't say anything, his lips just started shaking and he felt of his chair, with a lose of control over his body out of fear, Jasper peed on his pants, Ryuk heard it and said "What the hell, Jasper, pull yourself together, the previous Kira didn't act like this when we met, come on man"

*NOTE: write "Real life Ryuk" on the google search panel then choose the Images option to see how Ryuk looks like in real life*

Jasper manages to stand up and says "Who… who are you?"