

Sasha_0932 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Light did it,he succeeded in his mission and Misa, Sayu and they are safe.

His body fell onto the ground as he sees the rest celebrate.

Till he saw him.

The rest noticed how scared Light became and they were confused , till they saw a man .

The man had all black with a mask covering his face.

The only thing you can see were blood red eyes.

" Well done ! What a happy ending!!"

The man said as the police raised their weapons.

" Who are you and why are you here ?!"

Said one of the policemen.

" Oh me ?? I'm just here to kill Light !"

The man said happily and with a snap of a finger Light's vision turned black.

" What the-"

A policemen tried to attack but failed and fell to their deaths.

" You see , Light here disobeyed me . I ordered him to kill some organization called the Kira task force. Heard of her ??"


" I'll take that as a yes. Now Light here only managed to kill.... No one ."

" What do you mean ?! L and Soichiro died !!"

The man rolled his eyes and laughs.

" Those 2 died on their own accord , L wanted to save Light from me and Soichiro wanted to save his poor daughter Sayu Yagami."

The man then grabbed Light's corpse .

" He had such a huge heart , you know ?? Putting all the blame on him to ' save ' me .How stupidly sweet !"

" You're lieing! He ....he.."

" He What ? Hmm ?? Oh well if you haven't noticed, I am Kira. I killed all those pathetic low-lives criminals. I killed those who defied me and I killed Light. "


Nothing could be heard , the police tried calling back up but failed.

They all had a heart attack.

Everyone, the whole world turned black, and so did Mu, the shinigami realm.

Ryuk got his entertainment, dieing and completing his goal.


I woke up in cold sweat and tears , I saw and felt how everybody died.

All because of me, if I weren't so selfish that wouldn't have happened.

I tried to get up from my bed only to get ambushed by my family.

" Light !! What happened to you ?!"

They were crying, because of me, mom , dad... Wait. Dad ?!

" Dad ??"

I couldn't believe it, dad was there .

He was breathing and ... crying.

" Son you don't know how much you scared us !!"

Mom hugged me and kept thanking God I was alive , but why ??

I'm Kira. I should be celebrated when dead or hospitalized .

Sayu was also moving and she seems a bit younger .

" We were so scared Light !!"

After some time they let go and I saw the calendar .

13 June, 2017.

The day I got the death note.

" How... "

I look to see the death note next to dad.

" Dad , why do you have that ??"

Dad looked at the book and opened the cover.

I only saw my name.

All the pages were filled with my name and the handwriting, it's mine.

" Son... Why ??"

I looked away , sad and confused on why I wrote my name.

" Just tell me , son. I'll listen ."

I couldn't answer , no. I wouldn't answer.

I wrote my name to kill myself, to make myself pay for what I did to them.

A nurse came in surprised but still a little calm.

" I'll call a doctor.."

She mumbles a few seconds before leaving.

I lifted my arm up to see tiny white claws, I didn't have them did I ??

I also started to see white words ontop of almost everybody's heads.

They weren't their names though.

It only took me a few seconds to realize.

I could see the names of their victims, people that died because of them .

And me ??

I have no names , even though I am Kira .

Why ?? I wrote thousands if not billions of names down !!

I need to calm down.

Maybe it's like the shinigami eyes ??

As I was thinking a doctor came in and an argument began.

I turn my head towards them and I started to cry.

" No !! No matter what he is and always will be my son !!"

That made tears fall.

" Dad... I...I'm sorry ..."

" It isn't your fault Light. "

I don't deserve you dad .


I was alive , Watari was next to me .

" This only works in legends... "

That name that I wrote ( Light's name) made me part shinigami.

That also means that Light is also part shinigami ...

" Call Aizawa and Matsuda for me . "

" Yes L. "

Watari left the dark room and L looked at his hand.

small black claws.


It took Light some time to adjust to his new eyes .

He also noticed that he has a weird tail , it is pale white and has a soft texture whith a scale tip.

It can move as a extra limb.

He also noticed he had pale white hair , just like N.

He wonders how he got it .

He also felt 2 things on his back , probably wings .

At first he fainted in shock but soon he got used to them.

After some time he was sent out the hospital and the first thing he saw were flashes of light.

Luckily it was a car light and not cameras.

Sayu loves the new changes and so does his parents , so why isn't he aloud to go out ?

Not outside in public ofcourse , but outside his room.

" It's a surprise !!"

Sayu cheerfully says and he smiled at that.

He continued studying for his second exams and he found this quite nice.

He gave this up as soon as he made a deal with 'him' to protect Sayu and Misa.

" I wonder how Misa is doing ..."


Misa became an legendary idol with her 'best friend ' Rem.

How ??

The 2 met when her parents got murdered and decided that what they suffered wasn't worth Kira and became full fleched idols.

The 2 made a song that told the story of Kira , his rise and the demise of man kind.

They made millions with the song and live in a huge mansion in the countryside.

The 2 do concerts with newer idols and teaches them the way of a idol.

The 2 became legends in the music industry.


The days went by and Light learned to hide his features, today was his first day back at school .

" Good luck Light !!"

And so the nightmare begins.