
Death is My Lover

Everyone dies. They can die in a peaceful way, in a way that they never expected, in a way that's so horrible, that you can't even imagine that it's really done by a human being. There was a myth that circulated along time ago. Death was a person, he comes to you and watch you die right on the spot. Ashleah chuckled, no way in hell that would be true. Right?

belly_hina · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs


"How was your plan? Is it going well?" Callum questioned Rowen, looking at him. Not even batting an eye. The High Priest snickered due to the Man's question.

He sat down comfortably and took a deep breath before explaining to Callum what really was happening to his current plans. "I cannot move with my plans for now, I do feel like I am being watched by that Emperor." Rowen soon then finishes his sentence, clicking his tongue inside his mouth due to irritation.

"I told you that you can ask for help. The sooner your plan gets finished, the sooner we can use him–" Callum cannot even finish what he was saying when suddenly Rowen slams his hands on the table in front of them both. "Acting all tough now, High Priest Rowen? Who did every single thing for you huh?"

Rowen raises both of his eyebrows as an amused scoff escapes his lips, crossing his arms on his chest, he nodded his head slowly before looking back at Callum– pissed. "Do not dare and talk about that righr here and right now, Callum. You should start learning how to start closing your mouth when it's not the topic that we are talking about."

Callum was about to answer Rowen's answer but suddenly the door inside his office busts open receiving a loud thud from the door as it hits the wall. Huffing, Elias had flaming eyes as he walked closer to his brother ignoring the fact that he had a guest inside.

"You! You dare to brain wash me and do your dirty tricks!? Is this some kind of game for you Callum!?" Elias pointed Callum on his face, meanwhile he just looked at his brother with bored eyes, lips were sealed closed, he shook his head and was not ready for any arguements at the moment and was about to let Elias walk out of his office. "Do you really think that we will win this war? Callum, it's going to be the death–"

Callum felt like there was a rock that hit him when those words left Elias' lips. He stood up gritting his teeth, closing and opening his hands. Trying to calm himself down. "Let me tell you something then Elias, you know that much that what we are fighting for can be the death of all– no of everyone! But what are you doing? Telling me to talk it out?"

Rowen went silent and was about to take a sip from the tea that was given to them a little earlier but Elias talks back to Callum. "I am not a kid Callum! I know that much that this man right here is the High Priest of Genry. What are you really planning to do!?" Elias bursts out and was now pointing at Rowen without even looking.

"Why are you so mad that he brain washed you?" Rowen finally speaks up, Callum was about to answer and stop Rowen from talking too much but he shakee his head before placing the tea cup back, standing up slowly walking closer to the two siblings. As he places his palm of Elias' broad shoulders he smiled. "He did it for you to fight, Callum's not that selfish you see."

Elias scoffs and backs away from the two of them. Chuckling, he washes his face using the both palm of his hands before shaking his head like he was disappointed with them. "There is really no point with this cold war that you are wishing to happen, brother." He blurts out before walking out of Callum's office.


Axis slowly twists the door knob of Rowen's office and chambers all in one. He signals Nash with a thumbs up, Nash looks back, left and right before walking behind Axis.

Trying their best not to make a sound they've safely went inside the room without anyone noticing. Every single one inside the building of chambers knew that Axis will be going to his personal chambers yet they were wrong in so many ways. They cannot trust anyone inside of this very building for they might be someone that's associated with Rowen and might bring them to danger.

"Where should I check?" Nash whispers as they look around the room. "You should check at his office, I'm going to check his room. You might know more than me, Axis."

"Yes, goodluck. And if he comes, hide Nash. Hide." Axis repeats it like it was something that holds their precious lives. Well it is indeed true, Rowen might have backups from the black magicians, fighting them they were really trained well.

As they slowly and quietly go through Rowen's stuff, they heard a voice that they have not heard for the longest time making them widen their eyes and stop what they were exactly doing at the moment.

"My, you are so far away to where he is hiding the proofs." The voice blurts out, Axis' eyes glimmered as he stood up amazed. "My dear child, open your eyes better and look around. You will see what you are trying to find."

The room went silent yet again, Nash and Axis looking at each other. Blinking their eyes, they tried finding what the God was trying to say to them. "Something far away from us?" Nash whispers to himself as he looks around what was far away from them.

"Is it outside his chambers?" Axis blurts out, they were about to walk to the door when suddenly God yet again talks to them.

"It inside the room yet it is indeed far away from you." With that an idea came into Nash's mind as he quickly looks up to the ceiling that was far away from them. He then saw something suspicious, tapping Axis who was beside him the man also looked up.

"Ah, how did he even–" Axis shakes his head before groaning as he opens his palm and uses his magic and Nash was right. As a drawer from the ceiling suddenly opened and papers fell up to down, Nash quickly picks all of them and sighs.

"Let's check the papers." As they went through the papers they were speechless, did not know what to say. "Axis, make copies of this and bring it back to where it belongs."

"Yes, I will." Axis stands up straight as he opens both of his palms in front of the papers, Nash backs away a little as Axis' magic smoothly made copies of the papers that served as the proofs of what Rowen was doing behind everyone's back.


"So, how are you and Nicolai?" Ashleah asks Enver who was busy eating his strawberry cake that was sent to him from his lover, obviously ut was Nicolai.

"Ashleah, do you really seriously need to ask about that? the Count just sent Enver his favorite cake, of course they are doing great!" Raven blurts out as he took a sip from the fresh orange juice that was served to them a little earlier.

"HAHAHAHA! Come on Raven, stop bullying Enver just for once!" Blake laughs out, making Lovis who always laughs when someone laughs also laugh. Ashleah giggles softly while looking at them.

"How about you, Ashleah? You've been so busy with training that you do not even know what's happening to Axis and Nash–" Akriel could not even finish what he was saying when suddenly Ashleah intervenes.

"Why? Is there something that happened to them? Is Nash okay?" She floods them with question making the men of a group of 5 silent as they look at Ashleah, blinking their eyes.

"My! HAHAHAHAHA" They laughed in sync. "Do you even realize what you are feeling for Nash, Ashleah?" Enver asks the Princess, she smiles as she shakes her head slowly.

"I love them both as much as I love you guys, I love everyone. Is there something wrong?" Enver sighs with Ashleah's response as he puts down the strawberry cake on the small table in front of him before looking directly at Ashleah's eyes.

"Yet, even though you love everyone of us Ashleah, something is different with Nash. Just try and look at yourself after meeting him, yes? Right?" Enver looks around as Ashleah did the same, the group started nodding.


They were about to walk out when suddenly the door knob was heard being twisted. Widened eyes Axis and Nash looked at each other. Is this THE END?