

Hades, the immortal and overwhelmingly powerful ruler of the demon realm, grows weary of his monotonous existence in hell. Unexpectedly, his infernal castle is transported to a new world of sword and magic. Fueled by a desire for conquest, Hades aims for a balanced rule, seeking peace in his pursuit of dominion over this fantastical world."

Drino · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

First encounter

The sun dipped below the horizon as the Crimson Dragon returned to the bustling city of Staert. The narrow streets, lined with shops and stalls, were now illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns. The adventurers headed straight to the guild building, their footsteps echoing in harmony with the rhythm of city life.

Entering the guild, the receptionist greeted them warmly. "Welcome back, Crimson Dragon! You've got quite the lively aura about you."

Elara chuckled, "A run-in with an ogre will do that to you. We've got a quest report and some loot to turn in."

As they handed over the proof of their victory—a hobgoblin ear and a detailed description of their conquest—the receptionist congratulated them on their successful mission. The bounties collected, they decided to celebrate at a nearby pub.

Walking through the crowded streets, the Crimson Dragon approached a quaint pub known for its hearty food and lively atmosphere. Little did they know, Hades, disguised as a nondescript human, was strolling through the same streets, perusing the list of available quests.

Unbeknownst to the party, Hades walked past them, absorbed in the details of a quest that caught his interest. His eyes, masked by the guise of a human form, lingered on the parchment, absorbing the information. The Crimson Dragon, engrossed in their post-quest banter, paid no mind to the passerby.

The adventurers entered the pub, a warm and inviting place with the comforting scent of freshly cooked meals wafting through the air. Gruff, taking the lead, claimed a large table for their party. The atmosphere inside was jovial, with patrons engaged in conversations and the lively tunes of a minstrel filling the air.

As the Crimson Dragon settled into their seats, they placed their orders and began to share anecdotes of their recent adventure. Laughter echoed through the pub, blending seamlessly with the cheerful ambiance.

In a twist of fate, Hades, still immersed in his quest choices, decided to experience the culinary offerings of the human world and entered the very same pub. Unaware of the group of adventurers in the corner, he took a seat and placed an order.

Lysandra, with her sharp intuition, happened to glance across the room, catching sight of Hades. Recognition flashed in her eyes, a moment of realization that left her momentarily stunned. She discreetly nudged Elara, directing her gaze toward the mysterious patron.

Elara, intrigued, turned her attention toward the figure at the adjacent table, completely unaware of the unfolding drama. As the evening continued, the paths of the Crimson Dragon and the enigmatic Hades danced in parallel, each party navigating their own worlds of adventure and intrigue.

Amidst the lively pub atmosphere, the Crimson Dragon savored their meals and exchanged stories of past exploits. Lysandra, however, couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that lingered since she noticed the mysterious figure at the adjacent table.

Leaning in closer to Elara, Lysandra whispered, "Elara, I might be overthinking, but I think that guy over there might be a spy from the underworld organization. They've been trying to get me back for a while now."

Elara raised an eyebrow, "Underworld organization? Lysandra, you've been on too many adventures. Maybe he's just a traveler passing through."

Gruff, who overheard the hushed conversation, chimed in, "Or maybe he's after a different quest. No need to jump to conclusions, Lysandra."

But Lysandra wasn't convinced. Her instincts, honed through countless battles, were sending warning signals. "I can't ignore this feeling. What if he's connected to the shadowy figures we've encountered before?"

A plan started to form in Lysandra's mind. She leaned back, surveying the pub's layout. "Let's play it cool for now. Finish our meals and head to the back alley. We can corner him and find out what he's up to."

As the Crimson Dragon continued to enjoy their evening, Lysandra's mind raced with possibilities. The pub's patrons, blissfully unaware of the impending intrigue, carried on with their merriment.

Once the plates were cleared, the adventurers discreetly made their way toward the pub's exit. Gruff, always the vigilant one, kept an eye on the mysterious figure, ensuring they wouldn't lose sight of their potential target.



In the dimly lit back alley, the Crimson Dragon waited for the opportune moment. Lysandra, fueled by her determination, outlined the plan. "When he passes through here, we confront him. No violence unless absolutely necessary. We need answers."

As they concealed themselves in the shadows, Hades unknowingly walked into the alley, oblivious to the brewing tension. The stage was set for a confrontation that would unravel the mysteries of the underworld and entangle the Crimson Dragon in unforeseen events.

As Hades, disguised as a human, ambled down the narrow back alley, Roderick stepped forward with a friendly demeanor, striking up a conversation. "Hey there, stranger. You seem new to Staert. What brings you to our humble city?"

Hades, maintaining his facade, smiled, "Just passing through, enjoying the sights and sounds. This city has a unique charm."

Gruff and Elara, lurking in the shadows, gradually approached the group. Gruff, with his burly appearance, added, "Aye, Staert is indeed special. But newcomers often have their reasons for visiting. Anything specific on your agenda?"

Elara, her eyes narrowing, subtly scrutinized Hades. "And where do you come from, stranger? Not everyone who wanders into Staert is as innocent as they seem."

Roderick, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, decided to get straight to the point. "We've heard rumors of an underground organization causing trouble in Staert. Any chance you've got information on that?"

Hades, genuinely puzzled, replied, "Underground organization? I'm afraid I'm not aware of any such thing. I'm just a traveler with no connection to any shady dealings."

Lysandra, still skeptical, asserted, "I don't buy it. There's something off about you. You must be connected to the organization that's been shadowing us."

Hades, caught off guard by the accusations, shook his head. "I assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just here for a peaceful evening."

The Crimson Dragon persisted with their questioning, trying to pry any information from Hades. Gruff and Elara, although wary, couldn't find any evidence to support Lysandra's suspicions.

As the tension escalated, Lysandra, convinced of Hades' involvement, declared, "Enough of this charade. I know you're part of that organization. You won't fool us any longer!"

The back alley, once silent, now echoed with the intensity of the unfolding confrontation. The Crimson Dragon stood firm, their distrust reaching its peak, while Hades remained baffled by the accusations thrown his way. The moment hung in suspense, a crossroads where destinies would soon be entwined or severed.

As Lysandra continued to insist on Hades' alleged connection to the dark organization, Hades decided he had endured enough. With a subtle sigh, he raised his hand, revealing the parchment containing the quest details. "Look," he said, "I'm just here on a simple task from the guild – finding a missing dog." He pointed to the official guild logo on the document.

The rest of the Crimson Dragon, their eyes now fixated on the quest parchment, felt a mix of embarrassment and realization. Gruff scratched his head awkwardly, Elara's gaze shifted downward, and Roderick cleared his throat. Lysandra, recognizing the guild emblem, blushed and muttered an apology.

"I... I didn't mean to accuse you falsely," Lysandra stammered, her confidence waning. "We've been on edge lately, you see. There are rumors about a shady organization targeting adventurers, and we thought... Never mind."

Hades, maintaining his composure, replied, "No harm done. It's understandable to be cautious. But I'm just a newcomer trying to make his way in this world."

Roderick, trying to diffuse the tension, chuckled nervously. "Well, that's embarrassing. Sorry for the trouble, friend. We're usually not this paranoid."

Elara, managing a smile, added, "We've got a reputation to uphold as the Crimson Dragon. Can't be too careful, you know."

Gruff, extending his hand, said, "Let's put this behind us. Welcome to Staert, and good luck with your quest. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

Hades shook Gruff's hand, accepting the gesture. "Thank you. I appreciate your understanding. Perhaps we can share a drink to lighten the mood?"

Roderick grinned, "Sounds like a plan! We've got a favorite pub nearby. What do you say, guys?"

The group, now on more amicable terms, decided to put the awkward encounter behind them. As they walked towards the pub, the evening air lightened with laughter, and the Crimson Dragon welcomed Hades into their company, ready to share tales of adventures and camaraderie.