
Beginning of life and Ending.

One day the world was created, and one certain being was also being created. That being has ruled over the lands for sometime. He thought to himself I have been alone for far too long, so he created beings called guardians. he ruled over the whole world, until he was betrayed! He was sealed deep within and from that day, the guardians said they were the first Gods. Years and years later where humankind was finally formed. The One got tired of it and killed himself, and implanted his soul within a baby who was just borned. That baby's name was Azure La Queztsa. Now the Great One is finally been borned again. With a passion of anger he forced all his power into this baby, and swear to take revenge. When he was 3 he started by killing demons. He once killed a demon king, and obtained it's power. He became more powerful, and went to the mountain of the God of Death. He empowered through the God's power, and blasted a hole in the God's head. The Death God has fallen, the other Gaurdians were informed about this. Now he has obtained Death God's power, and now he is digging deep into the canals of Egypt. He is ready for Anubis the God of the desert. Anubis used a move called MULTI DESERT STORM!!! Azure blocked it with Skull flame, and threw a weapon called Victim of instant death at Anubis's head. At that moment Anubis collapsed. His next victim was the God of Flames. He passed through the Great Wall of Flames, and has met The God of Flames. The God of Flames was prepared, and instantly threw a move at Azure called INFERNO BLASTING DRAGONS!!! Azure was hit by it, and was hurt intensely while he was hurt he threw a move called DANCING SKELE DRAGONS!!!! The God of Flames was caught off guard and was hurt intensely from every direction, and the God of Flames has fallen. Just like what he did to the other Gods he did the same to the rest, and finally ruled over the lands again. He created a being called God, and destroyed everything he created including himself, and he hoped that the being he created God will create a better world.