
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · perkotaan
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44 Chs

War Maniac

 †*****Gideon's Pov*****†

 [In the dark void]

So, I ended up dying a pathetic death after all huh? Falling from a tree? 

What a laugh.

But to think that people don't go to heaven or hell, they are just stuck in a dark void.

Wait, could it be that I am being rejected by both heaven and hell? 

You're probably curious about my story, aren't you? Here's what I remember from those two years.

When I woke up, I was naïve and lacked experience. I followed the crowd, trying to fit in and pretend to be content. 

I was like a newborn, devoid of intelligence and talent, easily manipulated. But things changed when I realized how shallow and manipulative people could be. 

I delved into studying human behavior, trying to understand what drives them—whether it's inflicting pain on others or extending a helping hand.

That curiosity pushed me to become stronger, to protect myself in this world of predators and prey. I wasn't interested in being a hero; I preferred a solitary life, avoiding unnecessary complications.

Humans are a complex balance of good and bad—cruel yet kind, intelligent yet foolish. I had money, but no power or influence. 

I was used and discarded, but I didn't suffer any significant loss.

although I later caught the guys who scammed me and collected my money back nicely, without beating any of them to a pulp, hehe.

I wanted to regain my memories to gain power—physical, mental, and emotional strength. It was disheartening to discover that someone wanted me dead, a sign of how weak and easy prey I was.


Despite the things that happened to me, somehow, I was always... excited. 

Deep down, there is this messed up part of me and it was always exciting when the people around, me showed me their true nature; Who they truly were.

Hell, rejecting me is a good thing for me. At least I wouldn't have to burn till eternity.

In this void I can use my imagination to finish some anime I wouldn't get the chance to finish.

Ahh, did I not tell you? 

I did watch anime and a lot of them. You know, isekai, hentai...uhm that's not necessary information for you know.

Back to the topic. Honestly speaking, I'm thinking of all this to distract myself from what's currently happening.

I don't exactly know how long I've been here.

I'm struggling to comprehend this eerie void. It's been a while, but I can't shake the feeling of dread. The silence is deafening, and my senses seem futile.

It's a place where all your senses are rendered useless.

While deep in thought, a light suddenly appeared, illuminating a particular spot.

It's like, a spotlight on a stage.

Gravity suddenly becomes noticeable, and I gently descend to the floor.

I was no longer floating, but I dropped to the ground so slowly, almost as if I was carefully carried by something I couldn't feel.


I landed on something.

No, it was neither solid ground nor grass.

I land on water—an ocean, yet I'm not sinking. The light is focused on a mirror, an oddity in this desolate space. 

How can there be a mirror in a void as empty and terrifying as this one?

Though everywhere was still dark, I felt like I could feel my environment, but it seemed that the only things that suddenly appeared in this void were gravity, light, and water.

I still couldn't feel the air, or hear my voice when I tried to speak.

Confused, I decided to Walk towards the mirror.




Strangely enough, I was hearing the sound of my footsteps tapping against the water but I couldn't hear the sound of my voice.

Seems like my senses weren't shut down after all, since I could feel, see and hear.

Maybe I just can't hear my voice here.

As I closed in on the mirror, I noticed that it was a full-body mirror. Rectangular in shape, with black wood at its four sides.

I looked up to see where the light was coming from, and squinting my eyes, I saw that it was something very similar to a white sun.

A white sun in an oceanic void? What the heck? How can a sun only light up a spot? And what's a white sun doing in a void? Where am I?

I'm not quite sure if it's a sun, but you know how almost all of us have tried looking at the sun, and we end up seeing a round yellowish object?

That's exactly what this one looks like. Its only difference is that it's white.

Sun or not, that's beside the point. The point is: why would something that lights the dark, serving as a sun only be effective in a spot? above a mirror more or less.

Ignoring the mirror momentarily, I inspect my surroundings. The water beneath me is black, defying logic. 



Tentatively, I stomp on it, but I remain afloat. Mixed emotions swirl within me.

*Is today a curse, I really am going to go insane, that is, if I've not already gone insane*

I can't help but feel a sense of comfortability or should I say "attachment" to this...void.

Weird right?

Finally, I turn my attention to the mirror. It reflects me, yet it doesn't. A lifeless version of myself stares back—long black hair, empty eyes, and an expressionless face. It's eerie and fear-inducing.

Mirrors are said to reflect one's true self. Memories of a beggar's words about mirrors come to mind. 

But this can't be who I truly am right? 

I made different motions but the reflection in the mirror was not moving, it was just staring into space.

I mean, he's not even doing what I am, as a reflection should.

Sure his gaze was fixated on me, but I felt like he was looking at something else.

Suddenly the reflection moved and placed its palm on the mirror, making me see the front of his palm.

Its movement was slow and shaky, just like an old man who just entered his hut after a long journey under the cold snow.

I don't know this feeling but it felt like I understood what he was trying to tell me.

I understood that he wanted me to also place my palm on the exact spot his palm was.

I feel like I have a bond with this reflection, a connection, like that of twin brothers, but this time, we could understand each other. 

My heart pounded in excitement as if I was bonding with my long-lost twin brother.

Following my instincts I decided to place my palm on it, and once I did that, my brain began to hurt badly.


As our palms meet the mirror, a searing pain shoots through my brain. I scream silently, witnessing a flood of visions. 

I see everything—the WORLD AND BEYOND. The unknown unfolds before me.

*What's this?*

*********Back to the Real World********



Gideon clutches his head, sinking to his knees, a sharp, searing pain ravaging his skull. 

The air rushes past him in the expansive field, a symphony of nature's elements. Trees sway in graceful unison, oblivious to the battle unfolding within their domain.

Amidst this wide expanse stands an aged man and a youthful boy. 

The man, with short, grey hair, assumes a poised battle stance. In stark contrast, the boy, long-haired and youthful, kneels, breath ragged, sweat beads racing down his face to the grassy carpet.

Onlookers might presume the boy has taken a beating from the older man, unaware that the opposite is true. 

Gideon begins to regain his composure, breathing deeply and steadily. However, the old man has no intention of affording him respite.

Swiftly, the elder lunges toward Gideon, a blur of motion too rapid for mortal eyes to fathom. As he enters striking distance, his foot connects with Gideon's jaw with a resounding "Taan!" Gideon, anticipating the assault, raises his hand to deflect the kick but is still sent airborne from the tremendous force.

Emulating Gideon's tactics and refusing to let him land, the old man dashes back, aiming for a gut punch instead of a knee jab. 

Gideon's kin sight catches the man's moves and while in the air, he twists his body striking the man's chest with a palm thrust and propelling himself away. 

A resounding "Bam!" reverberates through the field.

The man, astonished by the boy's impeccable control and flexibility, realizes he faces a seasoned warrior, seemingly brimming with combat experience. 

Unable to fully block, he staggers back, marveling at the boy's prowess.


Gideon lands but immediately stands up to regain his footing.

His expression was back to emotionless and his eyes were as blank as before. 

Taking another different stance, the old man readies himself, as he balls his hand into a fist.

He slightly crouches as he steadies his breathing.

Gideon just looks at him, not assuming any stance, he starts running towards the old man.

The old man dashes toward him too, as they both reach striking range, the old man throws his balled fist at Gideon aiming for his face.

Gideon used his hand to misdirect the old man's punch.

 The old man smiled at this, but Gideon just remained expressionless.

Gideon spins his body like a whirligig and closes in on the old man, he uses his elbow to hit the side of the old man's face, but the attack isn't successful as the old man ducks and dodges.

The fight turns into close hand-to-hand combat.

The old man while still ducking, throws a punch at Gideon's lower tozo, but Gideon dodges by spinning in reverse.

Nearing the old man who is already standing, he throws a punch at him in the middle of his spin, he is like a spinning toy.

But unfortunately for him, before the punch could connect the old man catches his fist and head-butts him backward. 


Creating some distance between the two of them.


*How come he has such a strong skull?" The old man complained.

Gideon, blood trickling from a wound on his forehead and a growing lump, remains expressionless. 

Seizing an opportunity, he somersaults toward the old man, attempting a kick, yet the old man evades with a jump.

Gideon persists, scaling the old man's knee, and launching a knee jab towards his jaw, but the wily opponent anticipates every move. 

The old man blocks the attack with his palm and retaliates with a punch to Gideon's exposed chest, the impact echoing through the air.


Gideon's leg slips from the man's knee, and the force of the punch sends him sprawling to the ground. 

The old man raises his leg to stomp on Gideon, expecting a roll and dodge, but Gideon surprises him by catching his leg, and pushing it away with force.

Although the force of impact did break a bone or two from Gideon's hand, his expression did not show that of pain.

Confused, the old man is caught off guard as Gideon lifts his lower body and wraps his legs around his neck, leveraging his upper body.

As soon as he did that the old man found it difficult to breathe, so he caught Gideon's chest and pulled him to his face.


With another headbutt from the old man, the pain makes Gideon loosen his leg muscles and thus the old man finds an opportunity and throws him to a distance.

Gideon did not show an expression of pain, but another lump grew on top of the previous one while a lump grew on the old man's head 

*Damm thick skull!* The old man curses

The combatants create some distance, eyeing each other warily. 

Gideon isn't gasping for air, it's as if he isn't doing anything to make him gasp for air.

Gideon enduring the pain, continues to observe the old man. 

Suddenly, he begins to transform, his eyes shifting back to their original blue hue, his long hair shortening.

A brief smile graces Gideon's lips before he collapses to the ground, unconscious. 

The old man, now aware of the transformation, retreats, breathing heavily. "Huh? He... passed out?" he mutters, perplexed by the turn of events.

Long chapter.

Thanks for your support so far

Tell me, how's the fight scene?

It's harder than it looks and takes a lot of imagination.

Please keep supporting and voting for me.

( ◜‿◝ )♡

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