
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · perkotaan
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43 Chs

The Grim reaper

As I make my way to the martial arts practical room, the classroom door is in sight, waiting for me to exit. 

Emma stands in my way, her presence an unexpected hindrance. I am the last student eager to leave the classroom, and she appears to be the last to linger.

"Uh...Do you mind? I have a class to catch up to," I say, puzzled by her obstruction.

"My name is Emma, Emma Lucian," she retorts, a sense of pride infusing her words due to her family's prestigious name.

"I didn't ask. Besides, you already introduced yourself to the whole class," I reply, my tone neutral.

She starts, "I'm from the..."

"I don't care about that," I interject, eager to move on, I'm beginning to feel tired from standing.

"You're quite rude, aren't you?" she retorts, her annoyance palpable.

"State your business, ma'am. I'm sure you didn't just stop me to introduce yourself," I say, my tone flat.


Emma clicks her tongue in frustration. "I want you to tell me everything you know about your friend," she demands.

*My friend?*

"Uhh...who exactly is my friend?" I question.

"Henry, of course," she responds.

"Oh, Henry, I see... so, what's in it for me?" I quip, adopting a business-like demeanor.

"Huh?" She looks at me with a stupid expression, clearly confused as to what I mean.

"I mean; what do I get to gain from helping you out?" I explain.

"What the hell? You need a gain? For just speaking?" she asks, taken aback.


I know this kind of people, they are so naive and don't understand the system of this world.

"Business, princess. That's what the world's all about. I can't render free services. Besides, information is power, and power comes at a cost."

"Well, if that's what you want, then it's honor. You'll gain the honor and respect for saving the Lucian family from a filthy lowlife thief," she states, pride evident in her words.

I chuckle

"Honor? Really? Is that what you have to offer? What the hell do I do with honor?Is it supposed to feed me? Let's think this through princess, so if I sell my friend out, otherwise known as betrayal, you're telling me that what I have to gain is honor? I don't know what you'll even do to him, he might even get hurt or worse and you say honor is my reward?" I say trying to make her understand how dumb the proposal is.

"It's not that bad, you just make it sound bad, besides I won't hurt him if he cooperates, I'll only ask him some questions" Emma say.

"So,my reward is walking around the street with a badge and be honored as 'the boy who saved Lucian family'. Did you even think of how he'll feel his friend for betraying him? How will see me? I already have a huge reputation to deal with, I don't want more. Look princess, we both know that you have more to gain in this proposal than I do" I say

"What do you mean?" She asks 

"I know you're the one trying to protect your honor. Because it's going to be embarrassing for the world to know that a lowlife stole from an esteemed family. You've already exposed yourself to the class and we both know how fast news travels.

You know it'll tell of you when the world hears this. It'll tell of how weak, vulnerable, and irresponsible your family is and I'm sure that's the last thing you want" I explain, making her understand the weight of her proposal.

Emma widens her eyes in realization. 

"I guess you didn't think that through, did you?" I note, observing her shock.

Man, I'm already talking too much, my jaw hurts. I just wanna end things here and go to class.

"Fine, name your price, help me win back my family's honor," she says, taking a breath and calming down.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline, because you know...he's not my friend. He just calls himself my best friend, but I assure you we're just seatmates, I don't even know anything about him, he's in the school under sponsorship, and I don't know who is sponsoring him," I say

It's not like I even bothered asking, I'm a fan of personal space and privacy, so yeah, it's understandable why I didn't ask.

"Then will you help me keep an eye on him, monitor him, for a handsome reward," she suggests, attempting to convince me.

"No can't do, princess, I'm too lazy to stress myself in that way," I say

*He's trying oo lazy, who the heck goes about declaring themselves lazy?* Emma asks inwardly with a confused expression.

Sighing, I decide to explain, "You see, the thing is, I don't want to get involved in whatever is going on between you two. Accepting your offer will just have me tangled up in the web of your conflict," I state honestly.

"So the speech was all so you could reject the offer?" Emma asks, annoyed.

"I noticed that you are naive, so I thought a little lesson could help. Just make sure you think of the consequences before acting up next time." I say

"You imbecile, you dare insult a person of high class?" She rages. 

"You price that with you actions not your words, and so far, you're acting like selfish narcissistic" I say, annoyed from how much of my time she wasted.

". . ." Emma is speechless

Thanks for the very awkward conversation. Now, if I may, I would leave for the practical room, princess," I say, making use of the small space and squeezing myself through to finally leave the class.

*...Did he just scold me? has, he's not my priority now, I'll deal with him later. If I can't get a pawn I'll do it myself* She thought before following behind Gideon.

Although she feels a surge of emotions, a mix of frustration and realization, Gideon's words leaves a lasting impact on her perspective.


Escaping from the princess, I head to a building not too far away from the main school through a hallway. Heading to a room with a large automatic door, 

The martial arts practical room unfurls before me, a spectacle of grandeur and ingenuity. As I step into this chamber of physical prowess and discipline, a breathtaking vista unfolds beneath my feet. The floor, a seamless expanse of crystal-clear glass, stretches out like a glistening lake reflecting the sky above. From this vantage point, I can peer down into the depths below, catching glimpses of the world beneath us, our training ground.

Arranged meticulously, each seat in this amphitheater-like hall is a number, neatly etched into the glass surface, guiding the students to their designated places. My destination is seat number 110. As I reach my chosen spot, the anticipation of the impending practice surges within me.

Facing us, a colossal glass cubicle commands attention. A marvel of craftsmanship, it stands as a transparent fortress, revealing the movements and skills of the practitioners within. It's a stage for the skilled, a focal point where mastery and technique take center stage. The pristine surface of the cubicle reflects the eager faces of my fellow students, mirroring the dedication and determination that brought them here.

Beside this magnificent structure, a towering glass tube emerges, reminiscent of a futuristic apparatus. A tube cylinder of transparency, it can hold two people in it, and it leads to the underground training center.

In this martial hall, where innovation meets tradition, and strength meets grace, the environment itself stirs the soul, inspiring us to strive for greatness and push our limits. It's a theatre of discipline and artistry, a canvas where martial aspirations are painted with dedication, a ballet where strength and strategy dance in harmonious synchrony. It's a world of glass and determination, where every movement tells a story of courage and fortitude, and every moment is an opportunity to rise.

Emma enters a few seconds after me, she gives me a heart-piercing glare before going to her seat. It made me wish I just kept my mouth shut, I don't know why, but her kind of people always tick me off.

"...now, let's start the first practical," the teacher said. She doesn't bother repeating herself, so I ask Henry what she had said.

"What's the test about?" I ask 

" That's not what you need to know, what you need to know is that our time is ticking. If we fail, we'll die by the hands of the grim ripper," Henry says with a gloomy expression as bead did sweat race down his face.

I swallow hard, feeling the weight of the impending challenge. I understand, who doesn't know what it means to stand before the grim ripper talk more of dying by his hands.

"Y-you really mean it don't you."

I'll update two chapters today too

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