
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · perkotaan
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43 Chs


*The Lucian's family crest, I huh?

A family crest is a symbol that is only owned by the 14 pillars.

This symbol, irrespective of the handler, commands respect.

This means that even of a wretched person from the slums with no background is seen in possession of it, the person would be treated as an offspring of the Pillar's family.

It also comes with privileges which include access to information, places and tools only the Pillar's can get.

This is why the Pillar's protect this crest with their life and is only given to the members of the family once they are 15 years of age and above.

These crests can be sold for millions and many are willing to die to get their hands on it

Stealing from the Lucian's family isn't easy, after all, their security is top-notch, even their weakest maid is going to be able to beat a dojo master.

Emma, Mary and Mark (twins) are the three children of the Lucian's family.

Although I couldn't get a read on Lucian and his wife, their characters felt like a pretence to me, no matter how much I tried, it was only what was on the surface I could see.

But I have a little Intel on Emma and her twin elder siblings.

I admit I did it, but, I was merely taking it back to the owner.

***********Omniscient POV****************

"It's time to get serious*

Henry and Emma were standing some meters away from each other, both of them were wet due to the sprinklers.

Emma's wet clothes just hugged her body making her look like a model.

She had a model-like slim and slender figure, with a super alluring body.

"Damm, you look good, I actually think I might have fallen for you, do you perhaps, think that maybe, you and me, we might hang out, like have ice cream together princess?" Henry teased Emma


"Not a chance, you see, the only place I'm gonna escort you to is the hospital, after I have beaten the hell out of you" Emma said.

"Does that mean that you're going to take this fight seriously?"

"Oh you noticed, yeah you're right I'll get a little bit serious from now on. But I wonder, how did you manage to dodge my attacks?" Emma asked

"Don't know, just sheer luck" Henry said

"Luck? That doesn't exist" Emma said

"Hold on a bit princess, why did you call me a thief earlier" Henry ask

"Trying to act ignorant now, are you?" Emma asked

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said while shrugging

"Don't worry, I'll beat it into you"

"Hehe, ok then" Henry said assuming a fighting stance

"Make your move" He said to Emma.


Emma sprinted towards Henry, her speed faster than before.

"Woah" Henry muttered to himself as his movements became shaky.


Henry jumped back dodging Emma's punch.

*That was close...!* His thought was interrupted by another attack.

*Swish* He jumped further back and barely dodged the attack.

"I never knew you were a frog, quit jumping already" Emma said annoyingly

"No way I'd die if I didn't...huh?!"


Henry fell after he tripped on his leg.

*An opening*


Emma thought and immediately dashed towards him.

On reaching him, he was lying down flat on the ground, she decided to stump on his head with the intention of rendering him unconscious.


Grasping the situation Henry caught her feet, but the force she used too heavy


Henry tried pushing her legs back with all the strength he could muster.

"I see you still have enough strength, how about this" She said increasing her force.

"Uhm...p–princess?" Henry said

"What? Trying to beg for your life now? sorry but it's too late" Emma said

"That's not it princess, the thing is that ugh...ahh I don't know how to put it?" Henry said.

"Huh?" Not releasing her force, Emma looked confused.

"I'll just say it... I can see it," Henry said

"See what?" Ea asked

"Your, uhh... what's the polite word for it? Panties, yes, I can see your panties." Henry said while looking under Emma's skirt.



Grasping the situation Emma jumped a whole six metres backwards, her face flushed red while she was holding down her skirt.

Sitting up Henry his stretched his hands.

"Wow, you even jump more than a frog, what are you? A red kangaroo?" He teased.

"Wow, your face is all red, was it because I saw your panties?

Don't worry, I'm not into aggressive girls who could beat me at home.

Don't worry, I'll soon forget that it was white in colo..."

"You filthy pervert!!!" Emma said kicking him in the chin

"ugh!" Henry was caught off guard

~whirl, whirl, whirl~

Henry spun three times in the air before falling to the ground, due to the kick and he passed out.

Three seconds later, the buzzer sounded and the teacher announced Emma the winner through the speaker.

A few seconds later some medics came in and carried Henry to the infirmary.

*************Henry's POV***********

*Damm that b*stard, making me loose in both sides. He didn't even attack, what a boring fight*

"Thanks for the money looser!" Troy said evily smirking at Gideon.

Yh, I was too lazy to make Henry fight back, so I ended it quickly.

Not to worry, there's a reason behind it though

The_author3creators' thoughts