
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

The_author3 · perkotaan
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43 Chs

An unpredicted victory

Gideon and Troy descend to the fighting stage, tension thick in the air. In this critical moment, Troy tosses a coin into the air. Gideon calls heads, and Troy claims tails. The coin lands, and it's Troy who emerges victorious. 

He proceeds to the 'virtual sandbox' to input his preferred settings for the fight, selecting a jungle devoid of any animals. 

This location plays perfectly into his family's technique, providing a strategic advantage.

Troy's motivation is clear and singular – to pummel Gideon's handsome face into pulp. Meanwhile, Gideon is a master of strategy, meticulously crafting his plan to silence Troy once and for all. 

With a deliberate calm, Gideon retrieves a piece of paper from his pocket, the same makeshift ear muff he used earlier.

Gideon's mind is a wellspring of thoughts as he reflects, 

*There's a saying that whoever is in trouble should locate the source of his trouble and cut it off; do that, and you'll never have that same trouble again. 

I don't know who said it, but I believe someone must have... or maybe it's just me, right now.*

As he takes an amateur fighting stance, Gideon contemplates Troy's predicament,

 *Troy's a simple-minded bully, more suited to a background character role. Yet, his insatiable craving for attention defies his designated role. With my plan, defeating him without much effort should be a breeze. Once he's defeated, I'll ensure he remains silent for good.*

"What's that? Is that how you'll fight me?"

Troy mocks Gideon's stance, prompting a retort. Gideon locks eyes with Troy, his expression serious, 

"I'm giving it my best, Troy. Let's go all out from the start."

Troy brags, 

"Looks like you want to lose quickly. I'll do you a favor and grant your wish, but I'll do it with style."

A look of confusion crosses Gideon's face, but before he can react, Troy launches into a dramatic series of moves, imitating Jackie Chan and other random martial arts maneuvers.

"Hwuuuu, Hyaaaaa, hwuah, wicha! Dish! Dish thoom!"

Gideon remains dumbfounded, silently observing the performance. He comments dryly, 

"Don't you think you're a little too fat to be doing that kind of stunt before a fight? You'll tire yourself out quickly."

Troy, not one to back down, angrily asks, "Did you just call me fat?"

Gideon doesn't hold back, responding with brutal honesty, "Someone's got to tell you the truth. You barely escape obesity. If Jackie Chan were to see you attempting those stunts, he might curse himself for inventing them."

Troy's face turns a furious shade of red, steam seemingly escaping from his ears.


"You...! I'm going to make this quick. I'll knock you unconscious and then take my sweet time torturing you."

Gideon, however, shifts the conversation unexpectedly, "Quick advice, if you ever marry and want to have kids, don't stay on top."

Troy's curiosity gets the better of him, *"Why?"* he asks, puzzled by Gideon's bizarre segue.

Gideon shrugs, a sly grin on his face, *"Who knows? You might end up breaking her. That's assuming you find someone willing to marry you."

Internally seething, Troy takes his family stance, plotting his revenge. 

The onlookers are divided in their reactions, some declaring, 

"That's an R.I.P for Gideon, once Troy uses his family's technique."

"What was he thinking getting Troy that angry?"

"I can't blame him he lost his bet, he's probably looking for someone to will kill him"

"Poor guy"

 while others express concern for Gideon.

Troy, fuming, releases steam from his nose as he prepares for action. 

He adopts a charging stance, pawing at the ground as though he were a bull ready to clash. Gideon, aware of the impending danger, assumes a low posture. 

However, instead of facing the charging Troy, he turns and begins sprinting away from his opponent, eliciting a puzzled response from the crowd.

Troy is incensed, shouting, 

"Hey! Where do you think you're running to? Stand still and face me like a man!"

"How dumb are you, telling a man to stand still so you can kill him?" Gideon retorts

"You had no problem staying for the train!"

"The train has a purpose, you don't, if you kill me, I'd be too embarrassed to even go to hell."

"You sure talk alot for someone who's not brave enough to face me!" Troy shouts

Troy challenges Gideon's bravery, but Gideon remains unfazed, responding with a taunt, *"I'm not falling for your tricks!"*


"He's running for his dear life! Hahaha"

"He's smart, what a good choice he made."

"He also has a razor sharp tongue, I don't want to ever exchange words with that dude"

The crowd's reaction is mixed, with some laughing at Gideon's tactical retreat and others applauding his clever evasion. Meanwhile, Troy charges toward him with unrelenting determination.

"Huff, Huff" Troy breathes

"Haaa, haaa" Gideon breathes loudly fromgis mouth.

As Gideon approaches a tree, he decelerates significantly, prompting Troy to push forward with all his might to close the gap. Gideon's taunts continue, 

"You.... should, haaa, learn how to exercise, Troy. You can't even catch me, huff."

"What an irony, he's not even fat and yet he's not fast."

"Looks like he just has only looks and a sharp tongue"

"He's even running to a tree, if Troy hits him, he might end up passing out and breaking a few bones"

"What a boring match it is." The class murmurs. The teacher is annoyed at Gideon, she thinks he's playing with the practical.

Meanwhile, Troy, fixated on catching his prey, accelerates, but Gideon suddenly leaps up the tree, out of Troy's reach. The charging Troy is unable to stop or dodge the tree, leading to a painful collision.


With a muffled scream, Troy's shoulder dislocates, and he crumples to the ground in agony. 

"Uhhhh! I can't feel my arm! Gideon, what the heck did you do to me?"* he cries out.

Gideon descends from the tree with a soft thud, his victory apparent. 

"I didn't touch you, Troy. I just outsmarted you. And honestly, you need to work on your physique. You're in bad shape." Gideon teases.

Immediately, healthcare professionals rush to Troy's aid, 

 "Arrgh, I'll get you for this" Troy screams in pain as he curses Gideon.

"Should I help you? Oh, the health care are here to take care of you, ok then, I should finish my work." Gideon says as he looked at the health care rushing in with an injury cart, he then bends towards Troy, using his hand he forces Troy's mouth open.

"Say aaahh" Gideon commands

I'm running out of imaginative juice, so I want some ideas in the comment section.

Also tell me what you think about the chapter

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