
Meeting God

It felt like i was falling forever. my mind empty, till a voice called out to me.

"Alirghty kid time to go. i have important things to do you know." a gentle deep voice rang through my ears.

my eyes shot open. i was in a small white room, sitting in a comfortable office chair. in front of me was the girl from before. twirling her hair staring at me.

"About time, the big guy was getting antsy. oh by the way my name is Annabelle. you can call me Anna." she said.

I was overwhelmed, so much information had been thrown at me in a short time. I had died, and that was eating at me. dying before I could do anything important with my life.

"Why am I here?" I asked confused.

"The big guy wants to see you, he'll be here in a second." Anna replied.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I am tied to you, so no matter what happens here, where you go I go. is that a problem?" She asked with a smile.

"No, not at all. I mean your not bad on the eyes so.. I mean if you want to stick around its ok." I said trailing off.

that speaking without thinking thing struck me out of no where. I suddenly blushed as she let out a loud laugh.

"You got big ones huh? your not to bad either Damien. oh he's here." her laughing quickly stopped as a door behind her opened. in walked a large man with a grey beard.

"So your Damien? Seems like life gave you an utterly crap hand, yet you fought every step of the way. file says you were seventeen when you died?" the man said.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"What a shame kid. you had potential, just wasn't in the cards. earth was set up that way. one of my earlier experiments. So heres what i'm willing to do for you, two choices." the man said holding up two fingers.

"Which are?" i asked with curiosity.

"One you can be sent straight to heaven where you can relax forever or be reincarnated on another world." he said with a smile.

" Reincarnated? what would that mean for me?" i asked

"Well, you would be reborn or put in a new body on another one of my worlds or even earth if you wanted, but thatld be boring in my opinion. Hell i will even through in a request or two from you to keep it interesting." he smiled.

"Well then its obvious on what to pick. how can you make this happen though?" i asked

"I'm god kid. anythings possible." God answered with a bellowing laugh.

"So i can have a few requests?" i asked.

"Yup shoot kid, got things to do ya know." God said with a wink.

"Is she going with me?" i asked looking at Anna.

"Hmmm thats up to her, however she would have to be in servituide to you, angels wouldnt be able to exist without a master." God replied looking at Anna with a puzzled look.

"I request to stay with him sir." Anna said with a bow.

god looked at her for a moment and then laughed.

"Very well, now for your requests kid." he said turning back to me.

i thought for a few moments, so many things i could choose.

"I want it to be a fantasy world. magic, beasts, different races, sword play. you know the perfect fantasy world." I said.

"Easy to do, i happen to have the perfect world for that. second request?" god said with a smile.

"Immortality. i did not like death the first time, i would prefer not to die again. if i can live on a fantasy world forever, that would be my heaven." I replied.

god stared at me for what seemed like an eternity.

"Do you understand the consiquences of such a request my boy? losing loved ones forever could drive you mad. eventually everything normal subcomes to age." God asked quietly.

"Yes sir, i already lived through that on earth, while it was horrible, i am used to being alone. plus ill have Anna. i'll be ok i think." I replied with a smile.

"Very well, i'll throw in this freeby. you will have abnormal stats compared to regular people. extra strength, stamina, mana ect, i'll even throw in heightened fighting abilities. should help keep things interesting for me to watch. Here sign this though, since your choosing immortality you'll be dropped into a body. plus it says that you want to live forever on your own free will." god said handing me a clipboard and a pen.

i signed what he asked and handed it back to him.

"Good luck kid, Anna keep an eye on him will ya?" God said with a smile.

Anna nodded as she walked over to me linking her arm to mine.

"Well im sure we will talk at some point, till then kid." god said snapping his fingers.

suddenly i was falling past fluffy white clouds, green landscape rushing to meet me. then i hit the ground. a loud explosion echoed throughout the area as i hit the ground.

"Ow." i said trying to stand up.

"Here." Anna said offering her hand.

i grabbed it and she pulled me from the small crator my fall had created. i looked around. we were in the middle of a field, green hills with a few trees scattered around. a light breeze tickled my skin. a new adventure had started!