
The Crowned Failure

The rumbling of hooves could be heard from a distance a cloud of dust rising from the otherwise calm grassland. If one looked further behind you could hear the same thing but on a much larger scale. Upon closer inspection you could tell that the smaller group was only made up of a fat gentlemen who seemed rather uncomfortable on a horse and ten warriors bruised and bloodied all had one thing in common a hurried demeanor. Although a hopeful look appeared when they saw a lone figure was seen wandering a land they all knew was fraught from danger. After casting a few worried looks behind them they thought this is their best chance at survival. After hoping of their horses. Hoping is actually an overstatement they basically collapsed in front of the stranger who they were finally able to get a good look at. He was seven feet tall but very lean he couldn't have weighed more than two and ten pounds. Dressed all in black he looked rather intimidating. But considering it was there only chance of survival they decided to try and talk to him. The fat gentlemen elected himself to talk as he was in the best shape.

"I'll give you whatever you want just protect us." Said the fat gentlemen.

"Will you give me money, women, power and anything i can imagine." The tall stranger replied his interest peaked.

"Yes of course."  Replied the gentlemen gaining hope gaining hope.

"Not interested." Said the stranger in his monotone voice.

"What do you want." Said the leader depressedly

"I just like to send people to my brother." The stranger replied with a straight face.

"Who is your brother." The gentlemen said out of curiosity.

"Death himself." Replied the stranger like it was common knowledge

"Sounds fun."  The shocked group replied.

"Sure is, he has a morbid sense of humor though." He said totally straight faced.

Change of perspective to the tall stranger


Even though that wasn't a total lie i do send people to my brother and he does have a morbid sense of humor. I left out the part where he was banished by his brother after the successful assassination of their father the previous king of demons death ruler of the underworld. His damned younger brother had saved his strength so that he could beat me in a fight after which he banished me from the underworld while "graciously" allowing me to retain the title of crowned prince. So when i send people to my brother i send them with a message. The king shall return and when he does there will be a reckoning even hell itself couldn't withstand.

Oh more people are appearing. They look like they still have some fight in them unlike this useless sack of fat next to me and his half dead guards. There seemed to be a hundred of them all in fighting shape. Looks fun.

(back out into the real world)

"Fine i'll help you but only because you brought me a better offering" I replied in my usual monotone voice.