
Dear Olivia

This is the story of Layla and how she reconnects with a past that doesn't belong to her yet is her own

Jude_Abel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Five hundred years ago

The colony

Olivia walked through the grand hallways of the mansion that was built in the old Victorian style. She wore a white dress that was very light, but extravagant at the same time. She wore her long golden hair in an intricate chignon bun.

The hallways were very dark and was lit up by flaming torches. She did this ritual of walking through them whenever something really troubled her, or when she was just plain bored. She remembered the times when she would go out into battle, her sword raised against the throat of her enemies. She missed the days when she'd ride by Gareth's side, his power giving her the energy to move on.

But ever since she became the queen, that power kept slipping away, further and further. Although she got what she always dreamed of, it seemed like it wasn't always all there. She loved Gareth with everything she had. He was everything that she wanted.

She so happened to stumble against his meeting room. What an unexpected coincidence. Yeah right.

She placed her palm softly against the door, and slowly eased her cheeks unto the beautiful oak door. She could smell it almost immediately. The scent of her mate.

It intoxicated her. He had this strong husky scent, that screamed power. But it was not this side of him that intrigued her. Her immensely acute sense of smell could also pick up on his human side. The part she truly wanted. The side she owned.

The scent abrubtly changed, like he just noticed something. Then it changed to... was that arousal. 'He noticed me' she thought. At that moment, she could feel her fangs descend a little bit, her chest tighten, and a slight tingle in her nether. They wanted each other, and all that separated was this thick oak door.


An explosion reverberated through the halls, interrupting what little intimate moment they had together. A massive shock wave caught her off guard, and knocked her off her feet.

The door opened at that moment, and she was pulled inside by large powerful hands. It was him, her king. She hasn't felt this close to his body in a long time.

"Are you hurt Ivvy?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes. She managed to croak out an "I'm Alright" before he let her go.

"I'm going to check what is happening outside, so I want you to shield yourself and these old bags of meat in this room, okay lover mine?", she nodded in response. When he left, was when she decided to look at what she was working with.

The room was large with a large table in the middle. It didn't have any windows, but vampires didn't sweat, and heat wasn't really a problem for them. Then her eyes landed on the 'old meat bags she was supposed to protect', all cowering in a corner like rats.

'I can't do this'. Olivia, peeked, her head out of the door. "okay, time to go.' As she was about to head out the door, one of the elders cried out to her in the vampiric tongue "Where does thou leaveth us hither", she looked at all eight of them probably for the last time and replied, "I'm going to go fight alongside my king, besides you'll probably be fine".

She then headed out the door. Running down the hallway, she placed her hand on the tattoo of a rose on her chest and conjured forth her sword of thorns. Running towards a future that may or may not exist.


That was the third time that week Layla had had that dream. She started having them ever since she met that guy at the subway, three weeks ago.

Pulling herself off of the bed, she managed to get herself cleaned up, and prepare for work.

She worked as a waiter and earned just enough to keep her afloat. Walking out of the door she decided to take the subway for two reasons.

Firstly, because it was faster than the bus or taxi, and secondly because she hoped she might, just might see her prince charming again. Yes, the poor girl was dumbstruck by the guy, especially since he was the same king in her dream.

Walking into the train, she was about to give up when she saw something, more like someone, walking out the train. He had on a grey trenchcoat, and underneath was a black three piece suit. He had on a grey hat, but his black curly hair still leaked from underneath.

"Logan!" she screamed, and by some miracle he turned around to see where the scream was coming from. He looked at her with wide eyes that were full of surprise. She was lost, looking at his heavenly facial features. He had obsidian eyes so dark, that they seemed to reflect all the lights around him. His skin was flawless, and his face was, in her descripting to the other waitresses, "Very perfectly shaped".

'That's strange, he never really told me his name the last time we met.' She watched as the train started pulling away, and leaving the figure of him away.