
Tuesday, November 1, 1934

Dear Ho-Jin,

I knew you'd never forgive me. No, of course you wouldn't. Not after what I've done to your best friend. Ho-Jin…Do you know what I think about lately? I think about how good it would be if time were to go into reverse. I often sit in our room–the one we always cuddled in–and I just think. I think and think and think. That's all I do. I just think. I sometimes imagine what life would be like if Hideki were still alive and the three of us could still be together. I imagine us going to school together every morning, joking about how you and I were sure Hideki was going to fail the chemistry test. I imagine Hideki's adorable, troubled face when he struggles to remember the answer to question two on the review packet. I imagine the three of us all laughing together like we always do when he just can't seem to remember. I always enjoy the times I think by myself in our room. It brings me back to the days when our happiness seemed to be never ending. But for some reason…whenever I get to the part where we're all laughing together, I just can't seem to see Hideki's smile. Why is that? Ho-Jin…I'm scared. I'm so scared. Whenever I think in our room like that, I get so terrified of the future and I continuously think about how good it would be if time were to turn back. Maybe the reason why I can't see his smile anymore is because all of the happiness that the three of us had together has been veiled by all of the sadness and loss.

I can no longer see Hideki's smile.

What did it look like again?

