
August 20th

Dear Diary,

The first day of school is over!!!! Took forever! The first day of school is ALWAYS super boring. It's just teachers going over expectations, what materials you will need for their class, and what they will be going over for the year. They really could have just handed out some papers during Freshman Orientation that covered all of this, but whatever I don't make the rules.

Lunch was nice me, Savi, and Rachel were able to claim a table so all 3 of us could eat together. During lunch Rachel talked about soccer tryouts, so Savi and I will be joining her after school for a few days to help brush up on her skills. I used to play when I was in elementary school so hopefully I don't suck to bad. Haha.

Mr. Wilson didn't seem as weird this time. Maybe he prefers group settings rather than one on one? I don't know, it was something I read online once. I could be totally wrong.

Anyway I gotta go, Savi's mom is taking us shopping for school supplies.
