
August 18th

Dear Diary,

Last sleep over of the summer! Woo! Wait... summer is over. Damn.

Well I'm still excited for the sleep over tonight, Savi and Rachel are both coming over, we are going to watch scary movies and eat pizzas.

Scary movies is something we always do for sleepover ever since me and Savi became friend, which was like 8 years ago,and then when we became friends with Rachel about 3 years ago. Rachel wasn't to sure about watch scary movies because of the legit scary, buuuut typically we always watch the B budget movies and guys what... they aren't scary they are just funny.

It was so funny to see Rachel's reaction. At first it was hiding behind the pillow and then it was constantly laughing!

My friends are the best.

Even though school is starting on Monday, I really hope that we can keep doing movie night like these.

I wonder how much homework we are going to have... gross.

Oh! They are here.

I tell you how it goes.
