
Deal with the Devil (P* With Plot)

Akeno knows that Rias won't be able to defeat Riser especially since she doesn't train for shit and placing all her hopes in Issei would only end badly for them. Therefore, after consulting Grayfia, she is directed to Lord Valefor, the lord of the only house who stands against the Great King Faction. She makes a deal with the devil that ends up benefitting every Gremory woman.

Lucif3r_069 · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

 Chapter 2

"So, you guys lost huh?" her master questioned as he continued working. And she continued her work as well.

Giving her master a titjob with her enormous udders as he went ahead and worked in his office.

It had been 3 days since the infamous rating between Heiress Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex, her official fiancé.

It had been 3 days since their loss.

Just like she had thought, placing all their bets on Issei had come to bite them back in their asses. While Kiba and Koneko had trained with all their heart and body, they couldn't gain much power in 2 weeks. They had barely crossed the threshold of Mid Class Devils and even then, between the two of them they could only take out the Pawns and the Knights of Riser.

But that wasn't an achievement as all of them were Low Class in strength and barely reach the surface of Mid Class.

Issei had been a surprise. With his Dress Break, he had managed to stun the Rooks and Bishop long enough for her to get them to retire by electrocuting the entire area they were in. Them being near a fountain helped her situation.

But even then, they fell short.

They had truly underestimated Riser.

Even with only his Queen and himself left, he had wiped the floor with them.

Rias and the rest of her peerage members barring Akeno had engaged him, and he was still coming out on top. Akeno herself went up against the Bomb Queen, Yubelluna. Had it not been for Hadrian giving her a few training tips, when he wasn't busy fucking her, did she manage to do what she did.

She defeated Riser's Queen.


Once, in fair fight. And second, after the bitch had taken a Phenex Tear. That had been a surprise but her master had warned her that Riser may pull something like this, and it was not like the rating games barred them from using such items. Only Holy Items that were not Sacred Gears counted as illegal.

So, they weren't disqualified. Sad.

Anyway, she did beat her again. Actually, fried her to a crisp would be more accurate. But she drained her mana reserves in that fight too and Riser had no problem taking her out, before Asia could heal her. Along with Kiba, Koneko and Issei following soon, the latter in the worst possible condition he had ever been in as he had third degree burns all over and multiple other injuries.

The rating game ended soon after that when Riser was about to blast Asia out and Rias sacrificed the game to save the girl. While she was happy Asia was okay, it didn't matter as they had lost.

And they paid the price.

Rias was due to be engaged to Riser tomorrow. Which is why she was here now, asking her master on what he planned on doing with the situation.

"Yes, master. We did," she replied as she continued working her tits up and down his rigid shaft, slick with her spit from the blowjob before. Up and down and up and down as he did his paperwork while pleasured him with her magnificent breasts.

"Very well. The engagement is tomorrow, I suppose?" It had been the talk of the pureblood circle now for a while. Every one knew that the Gremory girl detested the Phenex, and was looking for a way out. Well, she has one now.

"It is master."

"Alright. I will fulfil my end of the deal tomorrow itself then. Don't worry, your friend will be free of her burdens tomorrow," he said, making the raven-haired girl smile as she remained on her knees, continuing to pleasure the devil. She had never once lost faith in her master.

"Thank you master. I appreciate all you are doing for her, even if its at the behest of my body," she replied in a sultry tone, her onee-sama persona out for the world to see. Though it looked even more alluring than usual, not just due to her position and actions, but also because of the way she was dressed.

Her master had been quite pleased with her Kuoh Academy uniform, but he made certain modifications to it. And she had to wear this altered one whenever she was in private with him ever since.

The short magenta skirt had been shortened even more, revealing her juicy thighs to the world and even half of her slit, a slight patch of hair visible to everyone who would look there. Her ass would be majorly uncovered and would ride up completely whenever she bent over, giving her master easy access to her wet cunt.

But the biggest alteration had been to the top. The black shoulder cape and matching button-down corset remained, and so did the ribbon, but the white shirt, now that had been changed to match his tastes more.

The area of the shirt that covered her chest had been removed completely, leaving her tits to hang out, giving him the pleasure to have her on her knees and have his dick nestled there, just like it was now, within seconds without wasting any time; he also sometimes liked her to sit in his lap while he groped her and continued working. And honestly, she loved it too. It made her feel close to her master and made her feel like whatever they had between them was real, and not just an arrangement.

She wouldn't admit it, maybe because she didn't know it yet, but she had fallen, no pun intended. Fallen hard for Hadrian Valefor.

And she loved every second of it.

"You have been thanking me all this time, Akeno," he added, a smirk appearing on his otherwise emotionless face. "But if you feel so grateful…"

Before she knew it, she was roughly hoicked up by her hair, a moan leaving her mouth due to the pain, along with a whine at having to abandon her boobjob, even when she hadn't even made him cum yet.

But it was soon overshadowed by adoration and pleasure as she felt her master drag her up to face him as he stood up himself, his tongue meeting hers in a heated kiss soon after. His other molesting her chest, just the way she liked it.

Within moments, she was back on the table, her face raised up, facing her master while she lay prone against the expensive wood. A position she had become quite familiar with over the past two weeks.

A smack reverberated across the walls of the room, a moan escaping her mouth as she felt her thick rump being spanked by the man, she had opened up her heart and body too.

More moans followed soon after as he thrust into her, his veiny, hard cock messing up her insides. All thoughts about the impending ceremony tomorrow, disappearing from her mind for a brief moment.

~ Next Day, Rias POV ~

The engagement ceremony and the venue where were gorgeous, a truly extravagant affair and the best that any girl, regardless of her race, could hope for on their big day. The Phenex Clan had gone all out to celebrate their son's triumph.

It was a silver lining that didn't give Rias Gremory much satisfaction, especially when she wasn't marrying the boy she'd come to love, instead forced to tie herself irrevocably to Riser Phenex, a male devil who she not-so-secretly despised by this point.

But she'd lost the Rating Game.

And there was nothing that could be done now.

As she walked towards the stage. A wedding dress adorning her gorgeous, hourglass figure. It was cream in color, adorned with diamonds and frills, off shoulder which highlighted her full, ripe breasts, and a set of matching gloves. While nobody could see it, it also came with a set of white fishnet stockings and garter belt.

The dress would be the target of every bride's envy.

But it did little to soothe her aching heart. This was it; this was the end.

She desperately wanted to blame someone for her misfortune, maybe her brother because what good being Satan Lucifer and the strongest devil in existence did if you couldn't even save your sister from an unhappy life.

But she knew it was useless.

Ultimately, she failed because of her own incompetence, and nothing would change that.

As she stood there on the stage, she could feel the eyes of the entire room on her. Many important dignitaries from all over the Underworld. Lord and Ladies of different clans filled the room alongside their heirs and families, looking at her as her 'fiancé' arrived, an inferno appearing alongside him.

If he thought it made him look cool, it absolutely did not.

As he went on and on about the wedding, the rating game and what not, she wasn't paying attention to his stupidity, her hope began crumbling. Even at the last second, she had hoped that someone, maybe her brother, would finally save her from this farce of a marriage.

But maybe, that was never going to happen.

Maybe this was her fate…

~ Neutral POV ~

As these dark thoughts began entering the thoughts of the beautiful bride, while her oaf of a fiancé continued his monologue, everyone in the vicinity suddenly stilled. No one knew why, but every devil there felt the urge to look at the door. It was as if there was a voice in their head telling them to go to whoever was entering the room.

As soon as the doors opened the aura of the room changed.

Was it a bad change? No, it was quite a serene feeling.

And so as soon as the door opened everyone's head turned towards it. it wasn't like the other guests that nobody would bat an eye for, no, for some reason they subconsciously turned to see the newcomer.

And in walked a devil who everyone knew and had heard of. The Lord of the house of the Great King Valefor, descendent of the devil who single-handedly used to change the entire trajectory of events on the battlefield during the Great War.

It was Lord Hadrian Valefor.

He was wearing a ruby red tuxedo with black highlights that literally sparkled in the light, it was like he literally had small rubies all over his tuxedo, well… that wasn't far from the truth. His face was expressionless and yet he seemed calm, cool, and collected.

He held himself high and chest puffed out showing he didn't fear anyone in the room. His blood red eyes glowing as if staring straight through everyone in the room. His midnight black hair flowed in the breeze that entered the room as he opened the doors. His ring signifying his status as Lord Valefor, displayed on his fingers for the world to see. The aura around him was tantalizing, and it radiated power.

Everyone stood in awe and slight fear of the newcomer, but the awe outweighed the fear.

"Lord Valefor… I did not know you would be showing up to the engagement ceremony between Rias-chan and Riser Phenex!" Serafall Leviathan, the resident magical girl, questioned the young lord. Had she known he was coming she would definitely have worn her sexier outfits. After all, Lord Valefor was the most eligible bachelor in the Underworld. Even her sister, Sona Sitri, fancied the young fellow.

"Lady Leviathan, a pleasure to see you as always. And you are right, normally I wouldn't consider attending a function like this, circumstance have forced me to be here this evening," the handsome lord replied, a small smile gracing his lips that made the devil ladies, including the Satan, blush and swoon a little.

"May I inquire, what the problem is Lord Valefor?" the strongest woman in the Underworld questioned, coming close enough to the young lord that her magnificent breasts, which seemed uncharacteristic on her petite body, were pushed up against his abs. and what wonderful abs they were. 

"I recently found an old marriage contract signed between Lord Andramelach Bael and my father, 3 centuries ago. It states that when my father's son, that's me now, shall ascend to the position of Lord, he shall have to take a woman of Bael heritage possessing the Power of Destruction, as a first or second wife.

As you can see, Miss Gremory here is the one that fits this category and the marriage contract was activated," the young lord spoke up, the contract put up in the hands of the Satan, who verified it was true and binding.

The crowd soon started murmuring. Stealing the fiancé of the Phenex during their engagement? Now that wasn't something you saw every day.

"Wait a second! Who the hell is this weakling anyone to take the fiancé of the great Riser?! Just because he is Lord Valefor doesn't mean he is qualified!" the chicken fuck erupted from the stage, people gasping at his insulting words towards one of the two strongest houses at the Underworld.

They looked towards Lord Valefor to see him ignore the chicken head, infuriating him even more as he continued conversing with the Satan Leviathan.

"Don't ignore me!"

At this, the young lord finally looked towards the devil who seemed like someone had forcefully made him swallow goat shit.

"Did you say something? Sorry your power level isn't enough for me to notice you," the red-eyed devil spoke up, a bland tone lacing his voice.

Several people sweat dropped and did a spit-take at that, while some younger ones openly sniggered.


"Now, now, there isn't any need for this. We can sort this matter out easily," a voice spoke up, and everyone immediately ceased the whispering. After all, you would be pretty stupid if you wouldn't follow what the Crimson Satan, Sirzechs Lucifer said.

The red-head dressed in his traditional Satan garb, complete with an armor, moved forward towards the stage where the Satan Leviathan, Lord Valefor and Riser Phenex were present. His wife and queen, Grayfia Lucifuge, dutifully followed behind him, garbed in a French maid attire.

His wife had explained to him the measures Akeno had taken to ensure Lord Valefor would aid them, and when he walked in, a silent conversation had ensued between the two queens, ending with Grayfia urging her husband to go along with what Lord Valefor had planned.

"Why don't the two of you have a Rating Game against each other right now? The winner shall win the hand of my sister in marriage. Simple and effective, right?" the crimson Satan asked the two jovially.

"Very well. If Lord Lucifer has said it, then Riser shall show this upstart his place," the chicken clucked.

"I agree to it as well. I hope it relieves me of my boredom, which is why I propose my opponent be allowed to battle with his peerage," Lord Valefor said, and before anyone could protest after hearig his unusual request. Lord Sirzechs agreed.

~ Akeno POV ~

As she stood with Rias, standing by her best friend as her life's most important decision till date was about to be decided upon by the match that was about to begin within moments in front of them. She was consoling Rias, ensuring her that it will be alright.

And it truly would be.

After all, it was her master against the Phenex.

The moment he had walked through those doors, she had smiled to her heart's content because she knew that her best friend would be free and her master would take care of everything.

"The Rating Game shall commence in 2 minutes," her mentor, Lady Grayfia's voice sounded out.

Soon, the screen showed the two parties standing on opposite sides of the field. Riser and his entourage on one, while Lord Valefor stood on the other end, alone.

"Riser will wipe the floor with him!" a dumb devil from the council spoke up from the crowd.

"I agree, just because he is a Lord now, and his inherited his Clan Trait, doesn't mean he is strong enough. He hasn't even participated in a Rating Game!" another obnoxiously loud voice spoke up.

To everyone who was criticizing her master, she wanted to rip their hearts out. How dare they?! As if they know him or who he is. He will win.

And when he does, she would be there to celebrate with him.

A healthy blush adorned the face of the sadomasochist of the Gremory Peerage, imagining doing naughty things with her master. Ahhh, it made her gush.

Down there too.

"The Battle will go until 1 Party cannot continue. Either by knock out, by surrender, or … by death!Lady Grayfia announced making the audience cheer.

"Are both fighters ready?"

Both fighters nodded but didn't move a muscle. Didn't even go into a battle stance.


And that is when it happened.

A magic circle, covering the entire length of the battlefield appeared in the sky (check images).

Then the nightmare for the Phenex and his peerage began.

Rain, hail, tornados, cyclones, thundered down the sky. But that wasn't all, they were all made of blood.

There wasn't just a couple. There were hundreds of them, the field they were in was starting to get overrun by them and the High-Ranking Devils had to work together to put up barriers to stop the forces and protect the guests.

Within moments, the peerage of Riser Phenex, was obliterated, leaving only him and his sister as the sole survivors of the massacre the guests had just witnessed, leaving them in awe and fear of the young Lord's powers.

"R-riser Phenex's eight pawns, two knights, two rooks, one bishop and Queen have been defeated."

There was a stutter in Lady Grayfia's voice, and while normally it would've shocked everyone to see the Strongest Queen fumble with her words, everyone was having the same reaction at the moment.

After all, hearing about it in stories and then seeing the power of Blood Magic in action are two vastly separate things.

The only reason the Phenex siblings were not dead was because of the insane regeneration rate of their clan. But even they could see that the ferocious attack had nearly destroyed them. Exhaustion evident on their faces.

"Surrender now, Riser Phenex. Otherwise, I shall be forced to end you. It is a match to the death after all," Lord Valefor spoke in a deathly calm voice, as if he hadn't just threatened to kill the guy.

Everyone who was watching the Rating Game realized he was being dead serious, and because of that, Sirzechs ended it right then and there after being pressurized by the Phenex patriarch. He did not need another feud between noble families now.

"The victor and the now fiancé of my sister, ladies and gentlemen, Lord Hadrian Valefor!" the Satan Lucifer declared, drawing applause and cheers from the crowd. The Devil King was about to approach the young lord, but Satan Leviathan dragged him away to another end where the two spoke for a while before Lord Valefor excused himself and left the venue.

She would meet her master later anyway, so she turned her head to see her best friend. And what she observed confused her to no end.

"Rias, are you alright? Why are you crying, you are free of Riser so what is the issue?" she questioned the girl.

"Yes, Akeno. I realize this but, what is the point? I am trapped in another contract now and I don't even know Lord Valefor," the Gremory Princess answered.

"You are not trapped Rias," her brother appeared before her along with Lady Grayfia. "This contract given between Lord Valefor and you, states that, 'Should either party be unsatisfied with the betrothal, the contract can be declared null and void from their end, as long as the necessary compensation to the other party is provided.' So yes, you aren't trapped and if you truly feel you don't want to marry him, you can escape it."

Rias' face lit up at the declaration as she hurried to take a look at the contract herself, tears glistening in her eyes before she slowly began weeping.

Akeno and Koneko, both surged forward to embrace their President, glad that this fiasco was finally over.

~ Later with Akeno ~

As she entered the chambers of her master, she saw him relaxing as he remained laying on the sofa, his eyes not opening to acknowledge her presence but she knew he could sense she was here.

Walking towards him, she stopped a few steps in front of him, remaining there with her hands joined at her front near her abdomen. Waiting for him to acknowledge her, like a maid.

When you're trained by the Strongest Queen who has a severe maid fetish, you pick up a few habits.

"Yes, Akeno? Do you need my assistance with something?" her master questioned, opening his eyes slightly, narrowing them towards her as he waited for her response.

"Master?" she tilted her head in confusion. Why was he asking her this?

"I would assume that now that you're friend is free, you would have me let you go."

Shocked did not even convey the way Akeno felt.

"B-but why?! Master, you promised me an eternity with you! I don't want to let this end!" she cried out in surprise, her voice faltering.

A sudden realization dawned on her. Could it be?

"M-master?" she questioned him, her lips quivering as she looked ready to cry.


"Is it because I am part… fallen?" she whispered the ending, disgust evident in her voice. Once again, because of her father and his blood, she was about to lose someone.

As her mind descended into these dark thoughts, she did not register the fact that her master had come directly in front of her.

So, imagine her surprise when she found her chin lifted up by the person who she believed she was now in love with, before he roughly attached his lips to hers.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and succumbed to the skilful assault on her senses. The firm grip on the back of her neck. The expert pressure of his lips. The way her master's body moulded into her, all hard muscle and heat.

His mouth moved over hers, hot and demanding. Pleasure fogged her senses as the rich, bold taste of him invaded her mouth.

It felt hard.



Her worries from earlier melted into nothing, as she instinctively curved her body into his, seeking more contact, more warmth… just more.

They had kissed before, countless times. But this? This felt amazing. It felt different.

A soft gasp escaped when Hadrian hooked her legs around his waist and carried her further into the room.

Blurry glimpses of gilt-framed paintings, tapestries and golden wall sconces passed through her peripheral vision as he navigated them through the massive chamber.

Reaching his bed, he set her down. Undressing himself with magic before he began stripping her off her shrine maiden outfit.

Her clothes, her lingerie.

All of it fell away, with tugs and pulls of his fingers, leaving only heat and bare, flushed skin glistening with sweat, behind.

As she gazed at her master's body, a body she had felt, ridden, touched and done a lot of sinful stuff to, she felt herself gushing with arousal between her legs.

His body was sculpted with such perfection she half expected to find Michelangelo's signature lurking on one of his chiseled abs.

Broad shoulders. Muscled chest. Fair skin that went well with his hair and eyes. A line dividing his chest that went down to his abdomen…

Oh Satan!

His cock jutted out, huge and hard. A cock she had serviced for the last two weeks for hours on end. And yet, it still made her feel anxious.

What if it broke her?

A question she had pondered upon in the past. But she knew, while it seemed scary, the pleasure and the pain that followed, made her feel more complete than anything else ever had.

When she finally dragged her gaze back up to his, his eyes were already focused on her, crimson and smouldering with undisguised lust, greed, desire and heat.

It felt as if molten lava dripped down her spine, especially when he spun her around so his erection dug into her lower back.

A full-length mirror hung on the wall opposite them, reflecting her bright, violet eyes and flushed cheeks as her master palmed her breasts, gently squeezing them and rolling her nipples between his fingers until they stiffened.

"Foolish girl. Do you think I wouldn't realise the nature of your blood and heritage?" Hadrian Valefor's soft voice sent shivers over her skin a second before he pinched her sensitive peaks, hard. "Let me make something clear, slut."

She instinctively jerked at the jolt of pain and pleasure, a needy moan escaping her mouth.

"Master I don't…" her reply melted into a breathy sigh when he dipped a hand between her legs.

"Do you know what you are?" he continued, as if she hadn't tried to respond.

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip. Shaking her head, her hips bucked as he pressed his thumb against my clit.

"You are mine," his teeth found its way to her neck. "The day you gave yourself to me, you signed your life away to my whore for eternity. Your blood and heritage doesn't change it for me. Do you understand now?"

"YES! Yes master! I understand! Please, punish your naughty fallen whore!" Akeno howled, her voice filled with need and ecstasy. She wasn't being abandoned. She would remain where she belonged. By her master's side.

She didn't get a chance to fully register her thoughts before he slammed into her and tore a cry from her throat.

She was so wet he slid in without much resistance, but the sensation was so sudden and intense she clenched her walls around his shaft without thinking.

Letting her savour, the sensation of them being connected together, he allowed her to feel him inside of her for a while, only then did he pull out and push back in.

Slowly at first, then faster and deeper until he set a rhythm that made her knees buckle.

All thoughts vanished from her mind as he hammered into her so deep, he hit spots only he could make her realise they existed.

Her eyes fluttered closed, only to fly open again when a hand closed roughly around her neck.

"Open your eyes, Akeno!" her master growled. "Look in the mirror when I'm fucking you."

And she followed his command. The sight that greeted her was almost enough to tip her over the edge. Her breasts, voluptuous and ripe as they were, bounced with each thrust, and her eyes were glassy with lust and a few tears as he wrung every ounce of pleasure from her. An endless stream of moans and whimpers poured from her mouth.

She didn't look like the good, mature, respectable onee-sama she portrayed herself to be. Nor did she look like the Queen of Heiress Gremory.

She looked wanton and needy and ravished beyond comprehension. A whore that had been absolutely devasted by her conqueror.

Her gaze locked with her master's superior one in the mirror.

"You like this?" he taunted. "Watching me wreck your pussy while you make a mess all over my cock?"

Her lungs couldn't get enough oxygen for her to respond with anything other than a strangled noise, that sounded more like a whine full of want and lust.

The fucking was too intense, and all she wanted was for him to keep going. To push her further and further until she crashed over the metaphorical cliff looming ahead.

The force of his fucking increased as the moments passed until the last plunge pitched her forward. If not for his hold, she would've collapsed on the floor.

He dragged his cock out slowly, letting her feel every inch of him, before slamming it back in. Electric sensations shot through her, turning her body into a live wire. And she loved every single tingle.

It wasn't due to her magic though.

"You are mine forever now, my slutty fallen bitch," the rawness of his voice matched the desire in his eyes, a fathomless pool of desire and greed. A desire to remind her who she served and greed to keep her there till the end of his days.

It was that look and those words, spoken in that voice, that finally tipped Akeno over the edge.

Soon, she came with a sharp cry, her body shuddering around his. He followed soon after, his cock pulsing inside her, filling her up to the brim, making her cry out in pleasure, until they were both spent and gasping for air.

As she held on to her master, their breathing gradually evening in unison as they came down from the intense high, they experienced.

"I love you, master," Akeno's voice sounded out. Soft enough to be heard only be her master as she lay in his arms.

Him stroking her head as she cradled into him was all the message she needed. She was going to be here. This was her life now. With her master.

~ Rias POV ~

 All throughout the training camp, he Queen and best friend had been sneaking off to somewhere. She had seen her leave their mansion in the hills where they had been training for the rating game, during the night, after everyone had left for their rooms.

She had confronted her one day, and all she got in reply was that Lady Grayfia had been summoning her. A fact that her brother said was untrue when she asked him, since Grayfia was with him at all times.

So, to spy on her Queen and discover the truth of her nightly visits to Satan knows where; she asked her mother to send her a ribbon that functioned as a camera as well.

She replaced this ribbon with the ones Akeno usually wore, and today she finally got to see where her queen was sneaking off to.

And what a discovery it had been.

Knowing that Lord Valefor only aided her because of her Queen and not due to any marriage contract, made her gasp in surprise and her respect and adoration for her best friend increased a thousandfold.

The show that followed after… watching the mature, teasing girl she had known for close to a decade now get ravaged with such ferocity…

It had made her aroused beyond belief, her mind not realising when her hands had started playing with her body as she rested on her bed, viewing the intense fuckfest between the devil that had saved her a few hours prior and her queen.

After it ended with Akeno falling asleep in her master's arms, it was then she realised where her hands were at. Her right hand groped her outrageous tits with wanton need while her left hand strayed into her nightgown and between her legs.

Throwing caution to the wind, she proceeded to continue with her own pleasure fest, imagining herself in the position of her queen, down on the floor being ravished by the man that granted her freedom.

Maybe this marriage contract was one she could actually get behind.

Author's Notes

Part two of this series. Review and comment as its always helpful.

Ciao, till next time.