
Chapter 3: Goku VS Vegeta

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting elongated shadows across the battlefield. Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince, had taken the upper hand. His movements were fluid, a deadly dance of precision and power. The tides of the battle turned, and the onlookers—both human and alien—stood frozen, their eyes wide with amazement.

Vegeta's power surged, the very ground trembling beneath his feet. His power level, initially at 18,500, skyrocketed to an astonishing 185,000. His eyes glinted with determination as he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, each one leaving craters in the earth.

Goku, the indomitable hero, felt the pressure mounting. His power level, initially at 18,000, surged to an astonishing 27,000 as he shouted, "Kaioken x3!" The energy radiating from his body crackled like lightning. But Vegeta was no ordinary opponent. He had a cunning plan up his sleeve.

With a sly grin, Vegeta distracted Goku, drawing his attention away from the battle. The prince's eyes glinted with mischief as he conjured a fake full moon. The Saiyan tail, a unique feature of their race, held immense power. Vegeta's transformation was swift—a colossal ape, a Great Ape!

"You see, Kakarot," Vegeta taunted, "this is the true might of a Saiyan. Behold my Great Ape form!"

Goku's senses went haywire. The ki emanating from the giant ape was unlike anything he'd ever felt. He needed a plan—and fast. In a desperate move, he ordered Krillin to blind Vegeta. Krillin, ever loyal, unleashed the Solar Flare technique. The blinding light disoriented Vegeta and his son, Gohan.

Seizing the opportunity, Goku channeled his energy. "Kamehameha!" he roared. An azure energy beam erupted from his palms, striking Vegeta's blinded eye. The prince howled in pain, but Goku wasn't done. He began charging his most potent attack—the Spirit Bomb.

Goku's friends rallied, distracting Vegeta. They knew the stakes—the fate of the Earth hung in the balance. Gathering energy from his comrades and the very planet itself, Goku poured everything into the Spirit Bomb. It swirled above him, a colossal sphere of pure energy.

But fate had other plans. Just as Goku was about to unleash the Spirit Bomb, Vegeta sensed the impending danger. With lightning speed, he attacked from behind, disrupting Goku's concentration. The Spirit Bomb dissipated, leaving Goku drained and defeated.

As the dust settled, Adam turned to Ibrahim, desperation etched on his face. "Can't I fight?" he pleaded.

Ibrahim's gaze was unwavering. "No," he said firmly. "You'll train with me in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. We'll prepare to face the androids and Cell. And if we can't find the Time Stone, we'll use the Dragon Balls. But for now, stay put and keep an eye on Gohan.

The fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and time was running out. Adam clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes. The battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.