
Chapter 5

The students were heading up the mountain two and four on ATVs, the guide had them stop to eat lunch since they arrived early this morning at the bottom of the mountain.

" Ali I've noticed Calista and Lillian have become close again, actually they're both ignoring you together" Brian said with a mocking tone playing with his new bow gun near the camp fire, Ali rolled her eyes then looked at the time.

" Sir we have six more hours until we meet the trail guides, dad said we were supposed to meet two who were to lead us up to the first cabin by night fall " Ali said looking over at the one guide who showed up and she could tell he was intoxicated.

" look Ali he said they didn't show up to work it was either him or we rescheduled the trip, I've been here over a dozen times and we're going the same route we do every year " Mr Smith said looking around doing a head count of the students which was only sixteen this year.

" Calista please come keep Ali busy " Mr. Smith said walking over to the passed out guide kicking him out of the chair.

" Ali we've been up this trail every year...come on let's talk to Lillian before that Pax boy makes anymore moves on her " Calista said making Ali's head snap toward them, she watches the boy hand Calista a flower he picked.

" you know that causes rashes right " Ali shouted while jogging over to where the two were standing and the boy quickly dropped the flower running down a trail to a small stream.

" Ali that was mean " Lillian said while laughing and stood up to go back to her assigned ATV which happens to be the one Calista and Lillian are sharing with the two boys she doesn't really know since he is new.

" Mr. Smith Calista and Lillian will ride with us have the others ride in their place " Ali said grabbing the girls things with Brian's help, she noticed how quiet the radio has been even the music radio was static.

Brian pulled his phone out and seen they had no service, he put on some music that was already downloaded.

" Brian turn that shit off or use your headphones, why don't you kids listen to nature " Mr. Smith aid walking over putting the camp fire out, he motions for everyone to get ready for departure.

" Lillian I thought you two was riding with us " Pax said, Ali walked by then pulled Lillian and Calista over to her ATV.

" nope their riding with us " Ali said helping both girls into the ATV with Brian smirking at her, after two hours riding up the trail the two girls was asleep in the back seat.

" well I know how you feel about both of them so who are you going to choose " Brian said in a low whisper, Ali looked back to make sure the girls are still asleep.

" idk I love them both, Lillian was my first love and after she left I fell in love with Lillian and I dought I could ever choose between them." Ali said making Brian feel sorry for his best friend, what they didn't know was both girls listened to their conversation.

They pulled up to a cabin that had no lights on or campfires going, she looked around seeing no staff or guides.

" something isn't right " Ali said looking over at Mr. smiths bewildered face, she went up to the cabin finding the door unlocked.

" it doesn't look like they've even been here yet " Brian said trying the light switch, Ali walked around back to the shed to see it was still locked.

" where's the keys to the shed for us to start the generator " Ali shouted at the guide who used a flashlight inside the cabin, he brought the keys out to unlock the shed.

" I don't understand Jones is usually here the day before getting everything prepared even the other staff should have arrived this morning " the guide said taking a flask from his jacket and taking a large swig.

" Brian get the satellite phone and call my father " Ali said pouring gas in the generator and a couple minutes later the lights started to flicker on.

" ok kids let's grab firewood for outside and the fireplace inside, girls go assign rooms inside " Mr. Smith said grabbing an axe to help some of the boys get firewood.

" Ali your father said to stay inside the cabin tonight then first light keep moving up the mountain and if you run into people to stay away from them...he said their biting and killing people like wild animals" Brian said while Calista and Lillian listened in on them, Ali went out to the ATV and grab the box her father put inside.

" what are you doing Ali " Calista said from behind her to see several hand guns, a shotgun and a rifle, Calista walked over pulling out a bag that had dozens of boxes of ammo.

" is my parents still with your father, what about Lillian's family" Calista asked looking at all the weapons Ali's father packed along with the gear that Ali brought.

" here take this and give Lillian this " Ali said handing two loaded 9mm to her with a box of shells, she loaded two more before locking the box back up.

" have Brian get our bow guns ready plus the bows for easy access while I call my father back, I'll make sure both your families are with him." Ali said taking out the satellite phone.

" dad what's going on " Ali said listening to the back ground where she heard the girls parents talking, she waited for her father's reply.

" it's some kind of virus that's turning people rapid or people who are dying are attacking the living, listen even animals are getting infected. I've sent some links to you explaining everything you need to know when you get to cabin six you'll be able to access the antenna. Ali I'd someone is bitten they will become like these things so make sure no one in your group has bite wounds and the only way to bring these things down is damaging the head so remember that. We will be leaving to make our way to you guys in three days, so it'll be a week before we reach you since we have a large group. Tell Brian and the girls their families are with us, also a girl named Tai will be waiting for you at cabin four with another group and don't trust any strangers besides her." Her dad said making Ali's head swim, she looked over at her three friends and they were quietly listening.

" watch out for any government workers do not trust them now keep your eyes open and be careful when you help the others that's with you don't risk your lives for any of them besides the ones you love ok...I love you " Her father said then the other parents said their I loves you to the other three before she gets off the phone.

" do we talk to the others about this " Calista said, Ali seemed to be deep in her thoughts with someone who isn't with them.

(" Len please be safe " ) Ali thought before someone snapped their fingers in front of her face, she quickly shook her head then walked inside the room the four chose to stay inside tonight.

" ok I'll take the first watch then switch with whoever wants to be next Calista " Ali said earning a yes from Calista who kissed Ali before she sat on the window ledge where she could see the front of the cabin.