
Chapter 3

An old Ford pick up pulled up to the farm using a spot light to look around the farm through the pouring rain and howling wind.

" Monroe what did they say on the cb again " Barnes asked while looking around using his flashlight, he spotted a horse's carcass laying near the barn.

" what the hell look over there Monroe..they said they were being attacked by people or wild animals" Barnes said as Monroe shines his spotlight on the dark barn, he pulls his side arm out double checking it then grabs his shotgun.

" I'm pretty sure they said people and for us to be careful, the sheriff is on his way a few deputies and we'll check on the family then get the hell out of here " Barnes said looking in the back seat of his extended cab truck grabbing a large flash light.

" you know the family if you come across anyone else then take out their legs first and if they don't stop kill the bastards.. we'll stay together no separating" Monroe said pulling his rain jacket hood over his head then exits the truck with Barnes holding his rifle while looking left and right.

" let's go to the house when the sheriff gets here he can look around " Monroe said walking toward the house, he scans the area around the house and the closer he gets where he sees blood smeared on the front door and walls.

" it's handprints" Barnes said getting up on the porch, he knocked on the door but could not hear a reply and he put his ear to the door.

" I can't hear anyone it's dead silent inside " Barnes said looking at Monroe then squints his eyes looking behind his friend then points.

" look Monroe there's someone standing out by that tree" Barnes said pointing making his friend turn around to see a man slowly limping towards them, Monroe raises his gun and Barnes does the same thing using his scope.

" holy shit either I'm crazy or that man isn't supposed to be walking " Barnes said handing Monroe his rifle as he looks seeing a man with his guts hanging out and his mangled arm with no hand attached.

" keep an eye out on him and watch for anyone else " Monroe said trying the door which was locked to go to the nearby window to see the shutters are locked tightly but was able to see a soft glow of the fireplace through the cracks when a shadow caught his attention.

" Ron, Lukas it's Monroe come on out I'm here to help " Monroe shouts when he hears a loud moan and something hitting the shutters from the inside making them rattle.

" it's locked up tight " Monroe said as Barnes looks around the corner spotting the doors leading down to the cellar.

" let's try the cellar doors, I've always told the wife to go down there if any crazy shit would happen" Barnes said pointing to the doors so Monroe nodded his head walking over knocking loudly.

" May it's Monroe come on out " Monroe shouts when he hears a faint voice coming from inside, he tugs on the door a few times then finally it opens showing May and her daughter.

" come on let's get you two inside the truck, the sheriff is on his way and where is Ron and Lukas." Monroe said helping the two women out, walking them to his truck.

" stay back " Barnes shouts at the man they seen earlier when May gasps out holding her daughter, the daughter points at three more coming from around the house.

" Lukas said shoot them in the head " Lydia said gripping her gun in her hand as the mother was still holding her arm and her son's rifle in the other.

" what should we do " Barnes said watching the torn man walking towards them, Monroe fires a warning shot in the man's leg with his sidearm which didn't faze the man at all.

Lydia points her gun at the man firing a shot hitting the man in the head making his body fall to the ground and the two men gasp out in surprise but quickly walks over to the truck piling inside.