
Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night

An Apocalypse descends—as a lethal super-virus wipes out most of the human population. It took less than a day for the world to change forever—bringing mankind to its knees. It’s a time of misery and death for most, however, there are some who are lucky. Zane Graves, who came across a “Blood Crystal” is given an ability: [Dead Man Walking]—which grants him a special power, and so setting him off on his path to the top!

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A Death In The Family

The journey to Elena's house was a difficult one. After all, the three of them were forced to dispatch small groups of walkers with both their abilities and their knives. After all, any shot fired would immediately attract unwanted attention. As for Zane, he was severely lacking in offensive capabilities, as his skill was passive in nature.

Thus, Zane helped when he could, but was mostly relying on both Elena and Olivia to kill the hostiles. What surprised Zane was that they did not run into any other living beings on their journey through the city and towards the suburban neighborhood where Elena lived.

Eventually the party arrived at Elena's house, to find that its windows were boarded up, as were most building that had not already been broken into and looted. Elena's heart skipped a beat when she saw that there were signs that her family had survived. She nearly broke into a sprint towards her home when Zane stopped her.