
Dead Man; Gone Rogue

It has been about a five hundred years since multiple dimensional cracks had started to appear around the world. As void started to shatter uncontrollably, from there countless otherworldly monsters came pouring out and had started to invade the world of Genesis. However, people started to adapt and mutate, and with it came the integration of their systems. Despite countless wars and bloodshed, the cracks did not disappear; they broke out randomly, with each wave growing stronger. Now, humanity faced the looming threat of death and destruction, were presented with a single choice by a mysterious organization that suddenly grew named Messiah. They took it, not knowing what the consequences of their actions would entail for their future. "To be born is to have a soul; at least, that's what everyone in this world thinks. However, I was never born; I was created. Even the system in this world believes so. Even so this all feels just like a fleeting dream. " "As I continued the massacre, taking their lives away from them, unknowingly, that they were also taking my life away from me. But I didn't want to let go my grasp of it, so I held it firmly."

Pandoras_Act · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Outskirts of the East City

Going out of the east city, is much easier than going back inside of the east city.

Because if someone from inside wants to go outside, there wasn't many procedures needed for their inspections, not unless there was a major event that occurred outside.

The officers are only allowed to scan their faces and ask them a few questions, since on paper they still respect the right to privacy of the citizens.

But the same could not be said when going inside the east city. As you should at least reach the bare minimum level and also amass a certain amount of wealth, even then, even if you meet all of these requirements, someone from the inside still needs to vouch for you. Before you can be considered a citizen and be allowed to own a property to settle inside.

The same rule also applies if you are from the outside and you have a business with someone from the inside. You would have to call the person or company inside to vouch for you.

The main justification for these rules on almost all of the cities is because it is now hard to check the items that you bring with you, ever since the system was introduced, it has now become much easier to smuggle items.

"Stop!" As the traffic enforcer sent a message through his wrist.

However, John Doe did not stop and kept going, because he does not have a User's Interface.

So, seeing this, the traffic enforcer signaled John Doe to stop by throwing a hand signal towards him, which John Doe subconsciously recognized, hence he stopped.


The traffic enforcer then opened various panels of his User Interface and began to circle around the car to inspect it and look for the plate number.

After which the traffic enforcer knocked onto the glass window and asked John Doe to open it.

However, John Doe suddenly had a headache, and a memory of Jane flashed before his eyes. So, before opening the window, he first turned off his gadget "Identity" further proving just how thick his plot armor is. But will it last him until the end of this story?


"Please look directly at this panel so that I can scan your face." The officer said in a monotonous tone.

[Scanning Face...]


[Facial Discrepancy Found!]

[Registered Owner: Jane ▬▬▬▬]

[Driver: Unregistered in the Human Face Database]

The officer the spoke in a doubtful tone, "Sir may I ask you why you are riding a car that is not yours?"

"Oh, my master Jane just asked me to run an errand for her." John Doe said with a straight face.

The officers facial reaction then changed slightly, but it was hard to tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, "I see, then one last question. Why isn't she with you?" 

John Doe still keeping a straight face said, "She instructed me to tell that if an enforcer asks for her to reply with that, she was busy"

"Okay, since you're a clone, I'll just give you a ticket." The officer had finally lost any signs of suspicion because his story lines up. As there could only be two reasons why his face would not be registered in their database. It's either he is an illegal immigrant or a clone. But the latter must be true since he looks extremely similar to Jane, and his skin also doesn't have any pores.


The officer eased of his concerns then said, "Please present that to the toll guard. You may go now"

He then drove to the first toll gate where the officer asked him follow-up questions, which he quickly passed. He then traveled underground and also crossed another toll gate where the security was much laxer, before finally coming across the bridge near an ocean, where he disposed of Jane's car.


Splash! Splash!

After swimming out of the ocean and catching his breath.

Huff! Huff!

He then changed his clothes to become much more fitting of a common man.

Zip! Zip!

Because even if his looks may allow him blend in with the crowd, his clothes would definitely make him stand out. Since the only clothes that Jane owned were expensive ones, a habit of her formed by trying to fulfill her own vices.

After all, as the saying goes, "You don't need to just look the part, but also dress the part." If he wants to be convincing enough.


After finding the first trace of humans ever since he traveled underneath the bridge. He quickly climbed up the stairs and walked among the humans.

Pitter-Patter! Pitter-Patter!

Pitter-Patter! Pitter-Patter!


For the first time, he had felt lost. He didn't have any directions; he didn't have anywhere to go. It was if he was a child wondering the streets alone. However, he couldn't stop, he needs to continue, as him stopping in the middle of the roads would only bring about suspicion, he needed to make it seem as if he was moving with purpose.

So firstly, he needed to look for a place to rest first then.

Pitter-Patter! Pitter-Patter!

The establishments here presented a diverse appearance, some were meticulously maintained, with bots and clones diligently attending to it—Clear indicators of a considerable investments from the building owners, while some of them are still in the middle of construction, and the majority of the other establishments seemed to be in a decent condition.

The mode of transportation here was also a different. While not everyone owned their very own private vehicles, there were still buses driving around the streets, providing a public transportation option. Additionally, many people relied on motorcycles to travel around, adding to the much more bustling atmosphere of the area, compared to the capital inside of East City.

Pitter-Patter! Pitter-Patter!


After about another two hours of walking, he had finally found an empty bench next to building in the middle of construction.

Without much time passing by he found himself lost in his thoughts he then looked above and breathed a sigh of relief, "Sigh..."

He then gathered his thoughts and focused on the problem at hand; He didn't have a User's Interface, which means he cannot partake in any form of bartering or trades, whatsoever. 

There were still solid currencies, however it is very rare nowadays, and it is now only used for specific purposes. So, in other words, the online currencies now run and dominate the world.

But there was a single way to get out of this, and that would be to contact the black market. Because from Jane's fragmented memories, when she availed them, they could provide anything that you want, as long as you are willing to pay the right price.

However the way of contacting them is different for each parts of the cities and places where human inhabits. But Jane only knew how to contact them inside the east city, but not outside. So that would mean that he will have to figure it out on his own.

The very first thing that came to his mind was to find criminals in this place, as they would most likely be well informed about this.

He then got up and stretched his body, starting with a knuckle stretch, then with a head stretch, next with a knee stretch, and lastly by pressing a blue button. To prepare for the long journey ahead.

"Hap! Hap!"

So he sought them out and ran into every dark alley that he could find, while pretending that he was only jogging.

Thump! Thump! Thump!


Pant! Pant!

But after awhile of running around in circles, his ears widened.

"Until when are you going to pay us?! HUH?!!!"

"I-I swear I'll make it up to you by next week"

"And how many times have we you told us that?"

"Whatever dude. Let's just get this over with and harvest his organs."

"Yeah you're right dude." 

Finally he had overheard a cliche conversation between a loan shark and a debtor, very typical of manhwas nowadays.

So he slowly approached them, but now that just leaves him with the problem of whether he could actually defeat them.
