
DCOM: Enemy Within (XCOM x Girls Frontline)

I thought my second chance at life was good, I mean I was able to become rich, Its the same world I was just in the past but around the same year I come back. ALIENS ATTACK! ACTUAL ALIENS, OH AND THEY'RE HELLBENT ON KILLING EVERYONE. At least I own part of GnK and the guy at the front owes me. Now I need to figure out how to get back to my comfy life... hopefully in one piece and why are those girls holding specific rifles?

Lightblade23 · Derivasi dari game
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8 Chs

Wolf Pack?

"XCOM huh?" 

"Yes, we're a military organization that is funded by the world security council, and several of the brightest minds across the world." The Commander said as sweater just nodded.

"Commander, I told you about him, he's the kid that owns part of IOP and GnK." Kryuger said.

"I'm aware, but what are you here you're not fully ready?"

"I need to get home and also it's nice to give a name to the organization that saved my ass." 

"I need to get home. I need my shit and since this war is going to shit then might as well help the effort and apparently something important is there. So I need a plane or something."

"Currently XCOM has a plane but it's too risky and there is only one Skyranger. On standby for a squad to respond to alien attacks."

"Then get me a chopper." I said not backing down.

"Why go back? You have everything you need here." Sweaters said to me. 

"Not precisely, I'm the best gunsmith and my tools as well as blueprints for several projects are there as well as my PC which has access to my bank account and liquid assets. You need money and right now I have spare account number 5."

"Then, I'll send you with a group of sol-" only for alarms to sound around us, Sweaters focused on his earpiece. 

"Commander Aliens are attacking a populated refugee center, in London, confirmation of new aliens appeared, they can fly." 

"Deploy Satyr Squad. Let pilots and armory know, they're leaving in ten." 

"Understood Commander." Sweaters began to bark orders, Kruger nudged his head motioning me towards a direction as I walked towards the base hangar. Which if I'm correct I need to get my guns from him.

The squad of soldiers jogged past me and into the armory where everyone grabbed a different weapon, one grabbed a sniper rifle, another an LMG, followed by one holding a shotgun while the last one had an AR on his arms. In less than a minute they were in the air and exiting the place through a hole in the roof.

"So this is the speed of their response."

"Impressive isn't it?" Helian says as she stands beside me.

"Yes, Helianthus… tell it to me honestly... how bad?" I said referring to the war outside.

"Cities are getting turned to ash, fighter jets are paper planes to them and aliens shoot at anything with a pulse. It's a massacre out there."

"Then get that Chopper running and set me up with a plane to get to my mansion."

"Give me a few minutes." Not even twenty minutes that a Chopper lands in the center of the landing pad.

"Helianthus, you beautiful wonderful woman. The plane ready to get me home?"

"Yes, but you will have to jump from the plane to get there."

"Easy enough. Time to go, home. Colt! You're with me." I said to the Doll standing behind me, as I walked into the armory and got my guns and rifle, with a nod from the officer at the front we left.

"Ready." I said as I get into a chopper. "Strap in, it's going to be a long ride. Besides I'm sure the squad there is keeping my mansion safe. If I'm right the hardest part will be landing."


3rd POV

"Come on Snow, White, even you Ninety Four. Chill out! This guy is loaded and has the most ridiculous shit here. It's not like he's going to show up in a few minutes. We've been here for months! There is nothing to do, except relax patrol an empty mansion and relax." A girl wearing a suit lying on a couch drinking a glass of wine says as she lays comfortably while smoking a cigar.

"RPK Sixteen, are you done making your rounds?" A tall girl with long hair and tactical gear said with a stoic face.

"Ugh, no. There is no need Fifteen. Also, you can't give me shit! I've seen your location at night and it's in the Jacuzzi this guy uses as a bathtub." That seems to get the assault rifle as her eye twitches a bit.

"Sixteen is kinda right; there is not much to do here." Ninety Four says as she is in a bathrobe that has Koval written in cursive and gold color. 

"Look at that! Even the emotional support bitch is on board. Have some wine fifteen! Relax a bit, this is the expensive stuff that was hidden in the back of a cabinet." 

"Not a dog, slut." 

"Not a slut, I'm still a maiden. Unlike you and Snow. As if we don't hear you moan every night. Ah AH! RIGHT THERE TWELVE! YES! YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM!" She takes a sip of her wine as Ninety Four glares. "White over there is never getting laid. Because she's… her." She says pointing with her newly lit cigar at the stoic Doll "I mean, I know I can get laid, I just don't because I don't need anyone except myself." 

"You're still angry about Commander Angie not fucking you even when you showed up naked to her room." That comment from 94 seemed to do the trick as a glass was thrown and a cigar broken.

"You bitch." RPK-16 pounced on the offending doll promising pain. 


1st POV 

Man fifteen hours of travel and I'm back home, I think to myself as I remove my parachute, getting my phone from my pocket and look back to see Colt already doing the same as me, we approach the door and after biometrics, key code and fingerprint read. I open the door to my home to hear screams. Colt and I ready our guns. I motion with my head to move only for her to step in front of me making me take point. 

I hear something break and we move. "You Skank, I'm going to kill you!" I hear a clink followed by what seemed like a bottle breaking. We rush in guns out and I notice 2 girls fighting in the ground one is platinum blonde with blue eyes wearing a bathrobe and nothing else. How do I know?

Because I can see her tits and panties, the other is wearing one of my suits that are really expensive, but she's not wearing the tie mainly because DAMN is she stacked, those buttons are holding for dear life. Last but not least a girl that is taller than me she's almost 1,90 or close to 1,95 but she's beautiful, her purple eyes are directed at me as she is in full combat gear. The moment she spots us, she has her rifle up and aimed at us. From a glance I notice how its my favorite AR at this moment, it's an AK-15 but wait that has-

"Identify yourself!" She says as the girls stop and look ready to attack me.

"Are you Wolf Pack?" I ask in disbelief as I see how a glass of wine that was on the table rolled off and fell on the girl wearing the suit that has my baby cashmere shirt that I love to use. "Is that my... baby Cashmere shirt? Oh god it is and please don't tell me it's my Musigny 2009 wine." I kneel down to the broken bottle and I want to cry. "Uh, Mister. How did you get in?" I stand up angry glaring at them.

"ATTENTION!" All three stand straight as the girl holding an AK-15 is now standing at attention and saluting, the rest stand and make a line. "I SAID ARE YOU wolf pack? Who is the leader? You! The one that is doing their job, answer! And for the love of god close the bathrobe." The girDOLL that has the bathrobe is fully open quickly closes it and makes a knot. 

"Sir, we are Wolf Squad, are you Alexander Koval? We were not notified of your arrival as we are currently in offline mode." 

"Yes, and I assumed I didn't need to confirm my identity."

"There are no pictures in the database of how you look or even biometrics so I couldn't confirm. Sir." The tall doll says.

"State your names." I say in a rough tone, my head feels like it's about to blow up.

"AK-15, during ops I'm called White Mastiff." She says in a clear tone with a slight Russian accent. My gaze moves to the next in line.

"RPK-16, during ops I'm called Silver Fox." The girl wearing my suit says, she's around 160 she's pretty stacked in the chest area and her purple eyes are filled with mirth.

"AN-94, I don't have a name during ops I'm in charge of supporting our leader AK-12."

"And where is your leader?"

"Right here sir, I moved when heard you enter." A girl wearing incredibly tight pants, black combat boots, a shirt, a lot of belts and a cloak. But what amazed me is how her eyes are closed as she moves perfectly. "AK-12 Leader of the Wolf Pack Squad also known as Snow Wolf. Pleasure to meet you Alexander Koval."