
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
110 Chs

Chapter 47 Conquest of the End


Hours later

I sat on my couch barely paying attention to what was on tv and unconsciously petting Artenyx who slept on my lap. as I thought of the last couple of hours spent with the fantastic four Reed was more than willing to begin the process of recreating Monarch which even promoted a mission to appear.

[Mission: Establish a Monarch]

•help the fantastic four set up the Monarch organization


•Posistin in the organization depending on involvement with its creation

•Postive relations with the fantastic four

-high chance of membership

•[Title: Founding member of Monarch]

I accepted of course but the only reason I didn't want to form Monarch by myself is that it would be a pain in the ass to start an organization like that with a secret identity. so I brought it to the only public and independent superheroes I knew personally well mask to mask.

After a time I ended up staying for dinner with the Four which was a pleasant experience and from it, I got a second mission Susan Storm found that plants from Lumeria had interesting prospects to impact the medicinal market as New medicines but she needs more samples so she asked for my assistants in getting them later this week.

[Mission: Flowers for mi lady]

•help/protect Susan storm collect plants samples in Lumeria


•positve relations with the invisible woman


•death/disappearance of the invisible woman

I quickly accepted the mission upon seeing the failure but it seems I accepted too quickly much to Reed's chagrin as I saw him slouch and Ben pats him on the back and laughs.

After dinner, I said my goodbyes and teleported home looking through, the shop, my equipment, and monsters thinking of what to buy and what I should upgrade on only coming to some conclusion the main one being I need a new kaiju and I need to diversify my monsters.

"Tron what would you recommend?"

[If you mean to upgraded and fuse your monsters I would suggest focusing on the ones you use constantly]


[Storm Dragon]




[Or you can begin the process of grinding your other monsters by doing missions I can generate with them]

"Sure let's see what you got for me" immediately there were blue squares in fount of me.

[Mission: Conquer the End]

•slay the Ender-dragon


•Full enchantment diamond Armor and sword


•The End begins to Expand into the universe

[Mission: Hero of New York]

•Go on patrol for 1 month straight

•Defeat 4 villains in New York


•Postive relations with all of New York


•[Title: menses of New York]

[Mission: Journey to the center of the Earth]

•Spend 1 week in Hollow Earth as a Monster




Death or ?????

Looking at the mission they were all doable, in fact, I could accomplish the [Mission: Conquer the End] right now and I wasn't doing anything right now. "why not I haven't been to a different dimension before and I need the experience."

[Aren't you going to equip your armor and weapons?]

"It's the Ender Dragon, not some dark souls boss I want to make this a little bit of a challenge if possible."


Location: The End...

"Well this is nostalgic" I appeared in a perfect square hole with no way out surrounded by dirty-looking sand-like stone or endstone." alright let's go with [blue eyes] dragon v dragon."

after a second I let my blue silver wings extend from my back and a strong whip-like tail came appeared as well and my hands turned into claws. looking up I announced my presence in the end with a light show

[white lightning] power surged around my body like an arch of white electricity I felt the power gather in my body so I unleashed it upwards only after a few seconds could I see my handy work. and I wasn't disappointed the hole I made up was far bigger than I expected at least 20 feet in diameter, with one flap of my wings I made it outside and it was the end I remember black with obsidian towers and Endermen everywhere.

"Now we're are you- ah there you are!" a watched as the second on top of the towers clearly exposed the dragon's location to me if they didn't I could still find them but it would be more troublesome. "right maximum effort" I launched off the ground and in quick succession destroyed the become, while I did so the Ender dragon tried to follow and attack me mid-air but I was a small fast target for a big slow lizard so it didn't even come close to hitting me.

After 5 minutes all the beacons were destroyed and the ender dragon was hurting from the damage it took chasing me to each beacon I destroyed.- so as it flew toward the center fountain and released its purple most at me which I easily dodged "alright time to end this pun intended [Burst stream destruction]!"

All I saw was light for 1 minute. as I regained my vision everything was gone or destroyed the obsidian towers were toppled over with only 2 of the farthest away barely standing what could be called straight with the only thing untouched was the bedrock fountain with an egg on top then the notification popped up.

[Mission: Conquer the End] (completed)

•slay the Ender-dragon (completed)

{Secret missions}

•kill the dragon under 10 minutes (completed)

•Kill 15 Endermen (completed)

•Destroy all the beacons (completed)

•Dont get hit by the dragon (completed)


•Full enchantment diamond Armor and sword

(Bonus Reward)

•Trident of the Drowned Sea

-Riptide 3

-Loyalty 2

-Impaling 5

-Channeling 1

-Unbreaking 3

-Mending 1

•Herobrines Blade

-Smite 5

-Unbreaking 3

-Fire aspect 2

-Sharpness 5

-Sweeping edge

-Knockback 2

-Looting 3

-Unbreaking 3

•Notches Longbow

-Infinity 1

-Flame 1

-Power 5

-Punch 2

-Unbreaking 3

•Steves Pickaxe

-Efficiency 5

-Mending 1

-Fortune 3

"Ahh Tron I knew [blue eyes] was powerful but how?" I looked at the destruction as I passed making my way to the portal to grab the egg, as I did green shining orbs like fireflies flew into me in great numbers and my level started to increase fast.

[Blue eyes attacks deal 3x damage to evil creatures this effect took place on the dragon and the Enderman]

"Aren't Enderman neutral creatures how are they evil?" I grabbed the egg almost expecting it to teleport away after touching it but it didn't it was about double the size of a football (American).

[The End is a land shrouded in darkness a land of mostly made up of nothing creatures of here would be considered evil by creatures of light like [Blue eyes]

"Well the battle wasn't that fun but the loot is awesome as always". I equipment all my new items and if I do say so myself I look like a badass with a trident on my back and sword and Pickaxe on my hips and bow around my shoulder wearing full plate armor that had shined with a translucent energy.

I pulled the sword from its scabbard and marveled at its beauty it was comparable to [Dawn] but unlike the other sword, the [Diamond sword] had weight to it unlike the Sword of the morning.

[Herobrines Blade] was the same but opposite it was beautiful but gave off the aura of power while the [Diamond sword] gave off an aura of majesty and after a quick [Observation] showed that [Herobrines Blade] was made of Neitherite.

Sheathing both blades I pulled from my back the [Trident of the Drowned Sea] holding it in my hands I felt a connection to it, wanting to test the enchantments and the power of the weapon I aimed at one of the closest obsidian towers and through it with all my strength and a loud *crack* resounded in the void before the trident flew back to my outstretched hand looking at the pillar a larger crack in the obsidian could be seen. "I have my own Enchanted flying weapon eat it thor!"

[Steves Pickaxe] was a normal pickaxe except for the blue-tinged end that was semi-translucent but a couple of swings later and I was sure it could kill a person instantly if used right no matter the armor.

[Notches Longbow] was a master-crafted bow possibly made by Notch himself putting my fingers on the bowstring an arrow appeared that had a flaming aura around it, I released the arrow and it flew far into the void before disappearing "man now I have a bunch of new weapons to learn to use".

[Ah is that arrow just going to fall forever?]

"Yeah it's the void it will either fall forever or despawn it's not gonna land anywhere," I said with certainty

[If you say so, what next?]

"Next is to get back on patrol it's been a few days seems I've gone out looking for trouble" and a second later I was back in New York.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

<Monster-Blue eyes white dragon>

<lv -22>


str- 295



energy- 15,000


•White lighting attack

[1,000 energy]

-release a destructive blast io of pure light to destroy all your enemies

- 3x radiant damages to evil

•Burst stream of destruction

[1,000 energy]

-release the radiant energy within destroying all enemy's around you

- 3x radiant damages to evil

•Majesty with Eyes of Blue (New)

[500 energy]

-stun enemies for 15 seconds

•Rage of Blue Eyes (New)

[10,000 energy]

-summon 2 dragon spirits of white

•Eyes of blue (passive)

-allows the user to see the unseen and the good in others

-negate illusions

-see incorporeal