
DC: with D&D Artificer

Follow Asher's journey in the Arrow-verse with an Artificer system. Witness his surprising creations, skill unlocks (yes, even the helm), and other useful or not-so-useful sub-classes. follow as Asher unravels why he was given such fate changing gift and the reason behind it, and in the process find out why his own brain has been lying to him. 2/?? Warning: This story mostly focuses on Asher's material search and creations. If you seek compact action or romance, you may find it elsewhere because this isn't it. P.S.: If the timeline of events in the Arrow-verse doesn't match up, please disregard it. I am aware. as I said the timelines will be confusing and it will even more confusing as the fangic goes on but hopefully you can keep up. and of you do get lost in the way, pray that Asher picks you up in the spellJammer Note: 100 Power Stones unlock an extra chapter. (Disclaimer: I only own my original character. Everything else belongs to their respective owners, including the cover.)

Lythan_Page · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

cranking strength stat (EDIT) (chapter 4)


Inside his home, asher who distributed his stat point could be seen, staring at his body, which was red, his pale complexion returning to a slight better healthy state, "i feel…good" he was unsure as he only felt a cooling sensation running down his spine, which then disappeared as soon as it appeared, "well, it doesn't matter anyways, not only is my mp doubled, i can now lift close to 130 pounds" as he flexed his little muscles.

[ Name: Asher ]

[ Level: 4 (4%) ]

[ Main-Class: Artificer (lv.2) ]

[ HP: 100% ]

[ MP: 2.00/2.00 (1 mp last for one minute, 1 mp can be recovered every minute) ]

[ Current-Subclass: Jammer (lv.3/10) ]

[ Stat-Point: 0 ]

[ Stats: 

Strength: 0.84 (normal human strength = 1 point (130 pounds) ]

Speed: 0.64 (normal human speed = 1 point (15 mph) ]

Vitality: 1.00 ( 1 vitality = 1% HP ]

Spirit: 2.00 ( 1 spirit = 1 MP ]

[ Skills:

Mending: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, Tier: 1 (25/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]

Fabricate: You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, which cost: Tier: 1 (1/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]

After utilising his newfound fabrication skill and his stat points for the first time and being amazed by both, a floating screen again materialised before Asher, accompanied by a familiar sound. [Ding!] [Congratulations for fabricating a Lego car.] [+ 1% XP] Asher's eyebrows furrowed as he picked up the remote control for the Lego car, switching it on. "Huh, isn't the xp too little?," he murmured, his initial excitement dampened by the low experience gain.

A realisation dawned on him, a mixture of disappointment and understanding. "Wait, it's because I didn't build it myself, so it gave me little experience," he muttered, his tone tinged with a hint of regret. His disappointment quickly gave way to a mischievous smirk. "I mean, it makes sense, specially since I was planning on abusing the fuck out of it," he admitted, recognizing the potential for exploiting the skill's efficiency, "but its fine anyways, all i need to do is get the materials ready, and use the skill for things i dont want to build myself" despite its down side, he was still happy with the skill.

Examining the Lego car before him, Asher concluded, "Aside from that, everything else seems to be working." With a sense of purpose, he began dismantling the Lego pieces one by one. "Well, it looks like I'm only going to be using the fabrication skill when I'm in a hurry or want to mass produce something," he reasoned, returning the Lego parts to their designated box.

"But for now, I need a well-deserved sleep," Asher declared, feeling the fatigue from a productive day weighing on him. Although the sun was about to rise, he decided to call it a night, since, well, he didn't get much sunlight, seeking respite in the embrace of sleep. His mind buzzed with ideas and plans for the future.

-scene change-

Asher woke up to find himself in cleaner clothes than before, now inside a shop. He pulled the hood of his hoodie down as he scanned the shelves, his eyes landing on the items he needed for his project. "Electrodes," he murmured, picking up the metal prongs responsible for delivering the electric shock. He examined them closely. Next, he reached for the conductive wires, as he moved to the next item, "Conductive wires," he confirmed with a nod.

Moving down the aisle, his gaze fell upon the rechargeable batteries. "Power source," he noted, grasping the batteries in his hand. He mentally ticked off each component he needed as he continued his search. "Circuitry," he muttered, recalling the importance of internal circuitry for controlling the electrical discharge. He also knew he had a control module at home, which would house the necessary circuitry. Finally, he found a section dedicated to plastic casings. "Casing," he said, selecting a housing that would protect the internal components and provide a comfortable grip.

With all the required components gathered, Asher made his way to the cashier, a young black girl who looked at him curiously. "Anything else, handsome?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice, since adding some points to his strength stat, his gained a little bit of muscle, just barely noticeable, but it improved his overall physique. He shook his head, a faint smile forming on his lips. "What are you, an electrician?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow. Asher nodded. "Yep, I am something of an electrician myself," he replied confidently. The cashier chuckled. "Guess many people ask you that," she remarked, bagging his purchases. Asher took the bag after paying and left the store, eager to return home and begin his project, of course he paid with the money he stole from Jonathan's boys.

Back in his makeshift workshop, Asher spread out all the components he had acquired, carefully arranging them on his workbench. His fingers deftly manoeuvred as he assembled the pieces, connecting the electrodes to the wires, attaching the circuitry to the batteries, and securing the casing around the internal components. He followed the instructions he had memorised, referring to them occasionally to ensure he didn't miss any crucial steps.

Hours passed as Asher meticulously completed the assembly, his focus unwavering. The final touch was the trigger mechanism, a button he attached to the taser. As he admired his handiwork, a sense of pride swelled within him. This was his creation, his invention born from a combination of acquired knowledge and his unique RPG-like abilities.

With the taser complete, Asher decided to give it a test. He found an empty space in his workshop and cautiously aimed the device. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button, and a crackling electrical discharge sparked between the electrodes. The sound and sight filled him with a mix of excitement and awe. [ding!] [congrats to the host for successfully building your own first taser from scratch] [+ normal XP] [+ class (artificer) exp] [+ in the subclass (Jammer) XP] [+1 level], he of course immediately filled out stat, passing the 130 pound mark, and putting near 177 pound mark.

[ Name: Asher ]

[ Level: 5 (01%) ]

[ Main-Class: Artificer (lv.2) ]

[ HP: 100% ]

[ MP: 2.00/2.00 (1 mp last for one minute, 1 mp can be recovered every minute) ]

[ Current-Subclass: Jammer (lv.3/10) ]

[ Stat-Point: 0 ]

[ Stats: 

Strength: 1.36 (normal human strength = 1 point (130 pounds) ]

Speed: 0.24 (normal human speed = 1 point (15 mph) ]

Vitality: 1.00 ( 1 vitality = 1% HP ]

Spirit: 2.00 ( 1 spirit = 1 MP ]

[ Skills:

Mending: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, Tier: 1 (25/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]

Fabricate: You convert raw materials into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a wooden bridge from a clump of trees, which cost: Tier: 1 (1/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]


A/N of course the main priority in terms of stat distributions would be the spirit given the importance of mana in the new update, but the second is strength, followed by speed and agility, of course, certain situations call for priority adjustment. 

Otherwise, what do you guys think about the chapter?