
DC: Villain Gacha Essences

MC [Alex] who was the world's most feared assassin is transmigrated into the body of the 'Dark Knight' in D.C but younger and with a new identity as well as a Gacha System. Alex will now become a villain and get revenge as the 'Dark Knight', how far can a human go against supervillains, superheroes, and Gods and Goddess? You will soon find out as this human is reborn with a Gacha System. [MC is not exactly Batman you will see the more you read] [LOTS OF GORE AND R-18 CONTENT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED] Now Alex will have the power to change his destiny. He will be able to summon characters from all across the superhero multiverse, even Marvel or other superhero verses such as Dragon Ball Z or even One Punch Man. Of course Alexander can even gain superpowers and weapons from D.C and other superhero verses with his Gacha System. First he will have to gain levels and do missions. Now let his journey begin to the top of D.C and many other superhero verses. [Hardcore R-18 Fanfic]

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Customize your Body Frame [Cyberpunk]

[A/N]: I will let you guys comment and select some options for the MC body frame. I already select gender cause this is a Male Lead fanfic.


Alex quickly goes to upgrade his body or in this case Body Frame with his Gacha System. He saw a simulated screen of his entire body that looked the Cyberpunk A.I interface in the Video Game. He can see his entire skeleton and veins. It was like his Gacha System was like a HUD or VR headset he could literally see his entire body from outside and customize it anyway he wanted! Talk about a God's Gift.

[Gacha System]

[Select Body Frame]

[Body Frame]

[Select Gender]: Male/Female: Of course male. Not to be sexist or anything but males are stronger than females, but there %100 very strong woman in D.C verse, like Wonder Woman who could kill me in seconds if I don't have any superpowers. Anyways I much rather be a male, genderbending is not my cup of coffee. Not that I have any prejudice against it.

[Select Height]:

[Select Skin Color/ Race- Black, White, Tanned]:

[Select Eye Color]:

[Select Muscle Tone]: You can choose any character body frame from D.C Verse only. [Example]: Superman, Batman, Joker, Red Hood, Cyborg, Shazam, Black Adam, Lucifer Morningstar. [Remember you will not gain their superpowers only their body frame such as muscle mass]

[Select Face]: You can customize your own face.

[Select your IQ]: You can choose any smart mind from D.C verse such as Doctor Manhattan, The Spectre, Batman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Deathstroke. Etc.[ Again you won't gain their powers, but you will gain their minds and IQ]

[Select your genital size]: Of course have a mighty dragon.

'Alright let's chrome the fuck up and get stronger, faster, and smarter, if I am going to survive in the D.C world I am going to need a perfect godly body, time to push this Gacha System to the limits,' Alex darkly smirks to himself he was thinking of all the possibilities to become more powerful in the D.C verse and fighting all of the villains and even superheroes, after all D.C needed more villains. Alex was about to become one of the strongest villain in D.C.


A/N: I will be going to the Teen Titans and Young Justice Arc in the next chapters. RAVEN IS BEST GIRL. BIG BOOTY AND THICK THIGHS.

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