
Dealing With Drunk 'Villains'

Sighing with a worn-out smile on my face, I was currently having to deal with a drunk trio of women, and honestly? It was both hilarious and tiring.

"You can bet your ass that I could beat you in an arm wrestle, Pam! I've always been the stronger one~" Harley said with a flirtatious wink toward Pamela who simply scoffed in reply, rolling her eyes. Meanwhile, Selena was off trying to steal some more fish jerky from the bar and failing horribly because of how drunk she was.

Pamela squinted her eyes at Harley before replying, "I don't need to be stronger than you; my plants will do all the work for me! Isn't that right, Noah?!" she snapped her head to me, for some reason, looking at me with a weird light in her eyes.

Looking back at her, I put my hands up, "Don't drag me into this weird argument. What even started this conversation? Weren't you guys talking about who was getting the next round of drinks from the bar?" I asked with a confused expression, feeling a slight amount of tipsiness from the amount of alcohol I'd drunk.

...Weird. Shouldn't I be undead? I shouldn't be able to get drunk. Like at all. My bodily systems don't work, so getting drunk should be impossible.

Bringing me out of my thoughts, a drunk Harley hiccuped, cutely might I add, before leaning forward on the table, "Now now, don't try to dodge the question, handsome; who do ya think would win in an arm wrestlin' match? You definitely think it's me, don'tcha~?" her slightly slurred speech turned into giggling after she finished. While she was speaking her foot started moving itself up and down my leg and I jolted a little in my seat which caused Pamela to look down and show an indignant expression.

Using her vines to pull Harley's foot away she glared at Harley, "No seduction tactics allowed, Harley!" her slurred speech only caused Harley to break out in laughter even harder.

Shaking my head, I looked over and saw Selena crawling around the ceiling on the support beams, trying to get her 'rightfully owed' jerky, in her own words, not mine. Looking at the drunken kitty shimmying her way along the wooden beam I felt a 'are you actually doing that?' kind of expression come across my face and raised my hand, summoning a red flame which I lengthened and changed to look like a blood-red chain and solidified it giving it a metallic look.

After doing this, I cooled the flame down to about room temperature and remarked at how much control I had over my flames before sending it after Selena and wrapping it around her waist and pulling her back over to us. It was really late and not many people were in the bar at the minute and those that were, were quite drunk, so they didn't notice my powers. I did, however, put a reminder to wipe their memories before I left, just in case.

Harley and Pamela stopped their argument and looked at the chain in awe, especially Harley who looked between me and the chain rapidly.

I didn't see a problem with showing my powers like this, as long as I didn't show any of my weaknesses I'm in the good. Even if I told them I was a Vampire it wouldn't matter too much. None of them are the type who will investigate my weaknesses to defeat me. Only people like Batman do that sort of thing.

Not that I was gonna straight up say I'm a Vampire but you get my point, right?

...I'm going crazy - I'm speaking to myself. Maybe all Vampires are a bit eccentric like Alucard? I wouldn't mind that, actually. Sounds fun.

Anyway, I picked Selena up with the chain and brought her back over to our cubicle. When I sat her back down in her seat she looked over at me and pouted.

"You remind me of someone else, you know? He always spoils my fun as well," she huffed, looking away from me, but I just shook my head and sent my chain off and picked up something for her before dropping it in front of her.

"I bet Batman never gives you the stuff you were trying to steal though, does he?" I said with a teasing grin, to which Selena jolted a little before putting on a mock-confused look.

"Hmm, I, I d-don't know what you're talking about. I don't k-know...know Batman," she finished off her terrible lying with a slightly forced and nervous chuckle, while Harley could hold it in and started laughing at the situation.

Pamela just looked at me with a curious light in her eyes, "How did you know who she is?" she just tilted her head at me, in her drunkenness, not realizing she'd given up her friend's identity.

But I didn't bring that part up and just shrugged as I answered with a nonchalant voice, "Hanging out with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn? Wearing cat-themed clothes and eating fish jerky? I mean, it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out."

"But I could have been ANYONE! How did you know I was," she looked around before whispering, "Catwoman?!"

"Well, I doubt Ivy over here," I motioned to the redhead before pointing a finger at Harley, "and crazy over there would hang out with normal people. Nor do I think normal people would be able to hang out with these two without getting into some serious trouble or dying," I shrugged again but the two I mentioned looked at me with indignant looks.

"Hey! We're good friends to have!" "Yeah, what Pam said, people don't get TOO seriously injured around us!"

Harley's line caused Pamela to look at her with a slight glare, while Selena just looked stumped but she looked at me before leaning over the table and getting in my face, a finger pointed right at my nose.

"You're clever, I'll give you that. But! Don't go telling anyone about my identity otherwise I'll, I'll...I'll steal everything you own!" she hiccuped before glaring a little longer at me and then finally sitting back down.

What a cutie. Shame she has an aversion to relationships.

Though I wouldn't say I'm all that clever...it was kinda obvious if you have knowledge about the DC Universe...

Ignoring that thought, I directed the conversation to something else while Selena started nibbling on her jerky.

"Well, I'm gonna get the drinks in, what do you guys want? The same or something different?"

This line of questioning seemed to perk Harley up, who'd luckily forgotten to question me about my powers she'd just seen, thank god.

"sh...SHOTS!" she stuttered out what she wanted as she thrust her arms up like she was on a roller coaster, "Lots of shots! Tequila!" she said with a bad, and a slightly racist, Mexican accent. Pamela perked up at this and eagerly nodded. Selena seemed fine with just her jerky, so I knew not to get her any.

Nodding, I stood up and walked over to the counter before holding up three fingers, "A bottle of Tequila and three shot glasses, please," I smiled politely and the server just gave me the ordered items without even thinking about it. Thanking her, I picked up the bottle and the glasses before walking back over to the cubicle where I saw something odd.

"I'm gonna win! And then you'll lose! And then I'll take the prize!" Harley said with a strained voice as she tried to wrestle Pamela's hand to the table. In response, Pamela slithered multiple vines up her arm and had them support her arm as she was actually slowly losing to Harley who had a chemically enhanced physique.

She grunted as the two of them struggled against the other, "I don't believe that my plants can't get me this win!" her green eyes practically flaming with a determination just like Harley's.

Slightly lost, I just sat down in my seat and put the bottle and shot glasses down before pouring myself one and taking it back. Once I'd done that I looked over at Selena, "What got them like this again?"

Hearing me, Selena sighed before giving me an answer, "Something about where we should go in a bit after we drink some more. Harley wants to go clubbing while Pam wants to buy some alcohol and go relax in a park," she sighed once more, shaking her head while looking at her two friends, "They always settle stuff like this. Muscle-bound idiots," she dismissively said, huffing and going back to her jerky.

Her two friends, however, seemed to have heard her and snapped their heads in her direction, "We heard that!" they both said in unison before going back to glaring determinedly at one another.

I just watched them with a smile. I kinda want Pamela to win because I don't feel like clubbing and I'd much rather relax in a park than be stuffed into a hot room with other drunk people.

Luckily, for me, Pamela started to win after she summoned more vines that enclosed her arm in a sort of exoskeleton. It gave me a few ideas about my own Pyrokinesis, actually. But those were thoughts for when I was slightly less drunk.

In the end, Pamela did win with a slam that cracked the table in half making me shake my head and causing Selena to crack up and start laughing.

Luckily I saved the Tequila otherwise the two of them would face my righteous wrath. Yep.

"Okay then, you two drunkards, let's go to a nearby park before we get charged for this table. I'll go and erase this from everyone's memories, so you guys go wait outside," standing up and taking the Tequila with me I sped around the bar and used compulsion to erase whatever the people had seen concerning me and the others. I made doubly sure to erase everything to do with me them witnessing my power over fire.

Finished with that, I wandered outside and found myself looking at the Gotham trio being spoken to by a guy around my height, who had blue skin and blond hair.

Huh. Is that Ignatius Ogilvy, one of the Penguin's henchmen? What was he called again...Emperor something, right?

Walking over to them, I saw Pamela look at me and motion for me to leave but I ignored it and continued to walk over to them.

"Who's this blue-skinned gentleman then, ladies?" I let what seemed to be my usual devilish smile come across my face but none of them answered me, only the blue-skinned guy turned to me and sized me up.

Once he'd done that he scoffed before waving me off, "Fuck off," before he went to turn around.

His words annoyed me but I kept my temper in check and simply spoke again, "Now now, don't get impatient with me. I'm with the ladies, so as long as they're here, I'll stay here," I smirked slightly provocatively at him, feeling previously unknown confidence growing inside of me. Is this something to do with being a Vampire? Probably.

The guy, however, didn't seem to have listened to me and simply turned to me again before sending a fist at my chest. Surprised at his sudden aggressive action, I felt his fist go straight through the Tequila bottle that just so happened to be in the way before it impacted my chest dully.

To his surprise, I didn't move even a step back. To my surprise, his punch, a punch from someone who had superhuman strength, felt like a child's tap. Granted he was only in the single-digit of tons but that was still enough to rip Humans apart with ease.

I seem to be a part of an especially potent Lineage...

But more than my surprise, I felt an irrational anger blast from the bottom of my heart.

He just destroyed something of mine. Something of MINE.


A single word. Followed by a single action so fast, even I only saw a blur. A clawed hand, my hand, piercing into his throat while wrapped around it, choking him and holding him up in the air.

"You broke my bottle of Tequila..." I spoke coldly, so cold that it felt like the surroundings got much colder--wait, it actually had, the surroundings had gotten colder, but I ignored that and continued speaking, "How are you going repay me for this slight? Hmm?"

Don't mess with a man's Tequila. A rule to live by.

Prince_of_Sincreators' thoughts