
DC: The Wildcat

A man who will have to punch and kick his way through the DC universe with no powers. Seems like a pretty cool idea. It isn't.

CruzControl67 · Komik
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15 Chs


Eddie. POV.

"Ok. The plan is we'll Zeta tube to the Young Justice base. There you'll meet your new teammates." Black Canary said while she was driving her blacked out Sedan.

"Zeta Tube?" I asked being genuinely confused.

"Teleportation tech, that the league uses to travel quicker. Not all of us can travel at the speed of light." She said shrugging and making a left.

"So you guys just have these tubes every on the planet?" She looked thoughtful and then shook her head.

"Only in allied countries and densely populated cities, and it's not like anyone can just enter them." She pulled up into an alley way.

"This is where it is?" I looked around at the trashed alley. It just looked like another worse for wear alley.

"Not exactly." She pulled up in front of a wall and pressed some buttons on her wrist.

"Recognized. Black Canary." The wall seemingly slid into the floor and she drove in. I gave out a long whistle.

"This is an old JSA hide out. The league refurbished it when your mother became Wildcat. Ted used it a little after your mother's death, before his injury."

"Why wasn't I told about it? I know about all of Ted's old hero stories. Hell, my closet is full of Wildcat shit." She just glanced at me and drove in slowly. The wall rose again, and lights filed the room.

"The league wanted to give you a chance to be a civilian. Ted was the reason why no league member contacted you. He never wanted you to be Wildcat. Not after what happened to your mother." I just nodded and looked around the room. There was a boxing ring right in the middle and it was full of workout equipment. There was even a rock-climbing wall that went around the entire room. Black Canary got out and I followed her. She looked at a portrait of my mother, in full Wildcat garb. She had a smile on her face and she was flexing her arms. Next to her portrait was one of Ted and he was doing the same pose but he had a smug smile on his face and trophy's placed on his arms.

"I guess me fighting crime as the new Wildcat raised some flags." She just snorted and looked at me.

"Yeah. It does. Batman contacted me when you first suited up. He told me it was up to me, if we would contact you." I was confused and she saw my confusion. "I was friends with your mother. More than friends really."

"So, you guys were best friends or something?"

"No. Not exactly."

"Then what do you…" They were 'friends' "Oh." She just nodded.

"It was only for a few years, when the JSA was still a major thing. Then we broke things off. She left the hero business for a few years and out you came. I stayed in Star city and met Oliver. Then joined the Justice League with him."

"Oh." I was absolutely floored.

"I understand if you need some time, to come to terms with this all. Just remember your mother was a dear friend to me. She was taken to early." I swallowed and nodded. I looked back at the portrait. I really didn't want to talk about Dinah and my mother's relationship anymore.

"I guess I need to get a portrait of myself soon." I pointed at the spot next to my mother. She smiled in response and patted my shoulder.

"One thing at a time. Let's go. Oliver and his new protégé are waiting for us." She walked further into further into the building and I saw something covered by a tarp. It was in the corner of the room, surrounded by sets of tools. I walked over to it and threw off the tarp.

"The Cat-o-Cycle" I said softly and brushed my hands across the oversized cat head above the front fender. My mom took me on a ride before. She wrapped one arm around me and steered with the other. I was in front of her with my arms spread out and laughing at the speeds we were going. I was 4 or 5. Life was happier then.

"We'll bring the bike later." I heard Dinah say from the doorway.

"We'll bring the bike now." I said and sat down on the bike with my arms crossed.

"Do you even know how to ride that?"

"Learned how to ride a motorcycle when I was 15 in Japan. I was running away from the Yakuza. Win to many fights and people get angry." She just looked at me and at the bike.

"Fine. The Zeta tube should be able to transport it. Now we really have to leave." I nodded and began to walk the motorcycle through the doorway. There were rooms to the sides but she just kept going straight. The room we entered was an open room smaller than the main gym area but had a large tube looking thing.

"That's the tube?"

"It is."

"I thought Oliver was waiting for us."

"He was supposed to be." As she said that the tube flashed and out came Green arrow and a smaller girl version of green arrow. "Your late" Dinah crossed her arms and glared at Oliver who just looked sheepish.

"And you are as beautiful as ever. I was late because I had to grab my niece." He said and he awkwardly wrapped his arm around the girl arrow. Right. Niece.

"Well. It's good to finally meet you Artemis. This is Eddie or Wildcat on the field. Eddie you've already met Oliver." I just nodded at them.

"What kind of name is Wildcat?" I heard Artemis say.

"What kind of name is Artemis? A bit on the nose, are you? Am I supposed to call you girl arrow when we're on the field?"

"No, you call me Artemis." She said with her arms crossed and she was glaring at me.

"Wait your field name and real name are the same thing? I may be new to the cape's thing, but that seems highly unprofessional"

"It's been working just fine."

"Whatever you say" I crossed my arms and glared back at her.

"Well now that we've all met each other. How about we meet the rest of your team?" Oliver said with a nervous smile on his face trying to defuse the situation.

"Lets." Dinah responded and they both walked into the tube. Artemis just huffed off. The fuck is her problem? If it's about the name thing, it's not my fault she couldn't think of something better. I followed her into the tube and everything changed. It was as if pressure was being placed on your body and at the same time you felt completely empty. Like a balloon being squeezed and then instantly being filled again.

"Recognized. Wildcat" I heard the automated voice says as I entered, a cave? At least the walls looked like we were in the cave, and the ridiculously high ceiling.

"You brought the bike?" I heard the same gravelly voice of Batman say.

"Hell yeah, I brought the bike." I walked it off to the side and stood up fully to look around the room. "Your green." I looked at the green girl standing beside Robin and Red Tornado. She blushed and quickly changed her skin to a basic Caucasian color.

"That a problem?" Said a boy with a black shirt with the superman symbol on it.

"Not really. I was just stating a fact. Like how he has gills." I pointed to the blond-haired black guy who I could only assume was Atlantean.

"Team. This is Artemis and Wildcat. They'll be joining you from now on." Batman said stopping us from continuing. I moved to stand next to Artemis and she just glared at me. I snorted and crossed my arms, looking at the training wheels squad. There was Robin, the green alien thing, Superboy? and the Atlantean.

"So, this is everybody?"

"No." Batman said stiffly, and we heard the whirl of the Zeta tube activate.

"The Wallman is here. Now let's get this party star-" A ginger boy came running in with beach equipment and promptly fell on his face. I laughed a little bit and even saw Artemis smile. He looked up at us and a beach ball bounced and hit Batman's chest. "…ted"

"Wallman huh? I love the uniform." Artemis started

"What your power? Build sandcastles or do you stop people from getting sunburnt?" and I finished.

"Who are they?" The Wallman asked his teammates.

"We're your new teammates. Wildcat." I pointed my thumb to my chest.

"Artemis." Artemis said placing her bow in front of her.

"Kid Flash. I thought Wildcat was retired, and I never heard of you." He said the first part to me and I was about to respond when Oliver just quickly walked up to Artemis and propped his hand on her shoulder.

"Uh she's my new protégé." Right. Way to play off.

"Well, what happened to your old one?" The Tube whirled again and in came a red garbed archer. The timing is comical.

"Well for starters he doesn't go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow." Edge lord supreme over here.

"Roy, you look…" Oliver started and began to walk over to him

"Replaceable" Roy finished.

"It's not like that you told me you were going solo."

"So why waste time finding a sub?" Roy shut back.

"Why waste time bitching about it?" I growled back from behind Oliver.

"Who are you?" Roy looked at me past Oliver.


"Didn't you die?" I growled and lunged at him. But I was held back by the Atlantean and Superboy.

"Enough!" I heard the Atlantean yell. "This team has no quota for Archers. But Wildcat is a part of this team, so you will treat him with respect." He glared at Roy who just looked at me smug. I could hardly move from the Superboy's grip.

"Yeah, and if we did. You already know who'd we pick." Kid Flash said from behind Roy with a smile patting him on his shoulder. I huffed and the Atlantean and Superboy let go of me. Artemis stood next to me. The team was already divided. Teenagers.

"Whatever Baywatch. I'm here to stay."

"Whatever. I'm here to give you the mission." Roy turned around and walked towards a table he put something in and the room was full of holograph images of a women. "Dr. Serling Roquette" Robin's eyes lit up and he typed into his wrist, more information showed up on the holograms.

"Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City." I looked to Artemis and nodded; she nodded back. It looked like we were alone on this team. "Vanished two weeks ago."

"Abducted by the League of Shadows two weeks ago" Roy corrected while staring at the image of her.

"You want us to rescue her from the Shadows? Hardcore" Robin and Kid Flash high-fived. Really? This is the league of trained assassins we're talking about.

"Already rescued her. Only one problem." Roy clicked a button and images of a grenade looking thing popped up. "The shadows made her make a weapon. Doc calls it, The Fog. Nanotech. Capable of destroying everything in its path." Blah, blah, blah. Give me something to punch already. I spaced out as they were talking. I snapped out of it when Roy turned to leave.

"Wait. You bitched about being replaced. Now you're just going to leave?" I asked Roy and he turned his head to look at me.

"I don't play sidekick anymore."

"No. Your just being the messenger and letting us 'sidekicks' do all the work. Funny when you think about it." Angry flashed on his face but he just huffed and turned to leave.

"So much for a warm welcome." I heard Artemis whisper at my side. I just shrugged.

"What can you do about it?"

"Good luck on your mission." Batman said softly and made his way out. Green Arrow following him giving the both of us thumbs up. I just nodded.

"Way to make your mark." Dinah said from behind me, and I turned to look at her. Red Tornado was at her side.

"Wildcat. It is good to see you well again." His lifeless voice said to me.

"Oh, I'm not the old man, RT."

"I see. You wish to keep your identity secret from the others?" Red Tornado asked me.

"For now. Yes. I think Artemis and I aren't fitting in well." I saw Dinah frown and Red Tornado kept staring at me.

"Yes. I was under the same impression. Do not fear. This team is a good one. They will just need some, warming up to?" I smiled and RT and he just turned and walked away. Dinah watched him.

"Crazy that he's one of the only ones to fight beside all three Wildcats now." Dinah just looked at me weirdly.

"Oh, he doesn't join the missions. He volunteered to watch over the team as a league member. I help train the others in hand-to-hand combat." I nodded slowly. "Speaking of others. Have fun on your mission." She pointed to the former green girl who was walking up to Artemis and me. Great.