
DC: The Son Of Cobblepot

This is a story about how a student of happy harbor high school was either onnthe wrong place at the wrong time or in the right place at the right time enjoy.

DamianSegorski · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Important announcement /Poll

Ok this is an announcement that will be on my two main stories, I'm debating I think I need to try a few different fanfic genres to build up to make my Dc story good and how I envisioned and not make a mockery of the characters especially carnage he is after all one of my favorite marvel characters besides dead pool.

Anyways I'm debating because so far The last cipher I feel is doing so much better story wise and I keep Fùcking up this one this ia npt dropped none of mystories ever will be if they are not being updated they are paused or im taking a break.

First thing I think I need to pause this until I gain more experience, so here's the first part of the poll keep going and hope this ends well because I already have a new back story amd MC, or hold off and be able to do this better later and pick up a another story I will let you know the options some have 7 chapters pre written I did this in my freetime for later on and i would review them when I decided to release them pr they're story ideas I have set and theres the stories I have written and paused.

So here's some nice options and if people want I can pause both of my main stpries pick up last cipher again later and just work on these newer stories, and I promise I will finish them adventually I even have a cool idea for a original story after I gain the skills I feel like I need to write it but I'll still write a fanfic on the side.

Ok this huge information monstrosity bit is done now I'll give you options and I'll even number them to make it easier for you guys to type and there will be a short intro to each one to give you an idea.

1.My Villain academia: From a young age our protagonist saw that heroes aren't what they seem and most only want the benefits you gain from being one, after the faithful event that changed him possibly for the worse his quirk was activated and a deck of cards appeared each one with a monster and if he said I summon and said they're name usually it would summon the monster unless there were hidden requirements to summon them, he is also with this group called the league of villains.

Anyways this story is paused I would have to remove a certain event I don't think he should've came out in the open and attacked publicly.

2. Lord Grievous : A guy died and he gained some wishes from a god who controls many things in his multiverse his name is Damian or as you know him the author, The authpr granted him some wishes one such wish made grievous not much of a cyborg anymore and this reincarnator became grievous who is now force sensitive with a high medichlorian he plans to survive and completely ruin palpatines plots he refuses to be a mere puppet.

I will rewrite certain bits but overall it's not terrible.

3. Darth Jar Jar: Another reincarnator of The authors multiverse wished to bring the truth that Jar Jar is the true lord of the Sith and everyone is just a pawn to his game he will be eternal (so he thinks) and he will rule over all who inhabits or invades his galaxy as soon as you enter you are now under his laws.

Most of that hasn't happened but I want it to be adventually that.

4.Darth Revan lives!: He was luckily reincarnated into the authors multiverse and his wishes made it so Revan becomes everything he should be a powerful user of the force unrivaled he should've been more powerful than skywalker he was after all described to be the heart of the force and he faught the eternal emperor Darth viciate to a draw until someone interfered amd tipped the tables amd you know hownit ended, but no more Lord Revan Lives! rejoice for he has arrived.

5.The Demon of orario: A lucky chap reincarnates into the authors multiverse and his wishes all involve meliodas and his race prepare to read his adventures as he makes the demon race which he is the only of them there spreads they're infamy or become famous your choice hehe.

An: (If you read all of this so far I applaud your mental fortitude I needed music to help me write to this point.)

6.The Demon princes school:

Esentially same wishes of #5 except he is in the anime that I like the girls in it alot here's a hint moka akashiya anyways its called Rosario Vampire I didn't plan on writing this more so soom anyways its not bad so far.

7. Star Wars: False Hope

I'm not sure quite yet what I want the MC to be he will be Anakin but will it be SI or reincarnation your choice Tbh because both sound fun, anyways description what if Anakin gave the jedi false hope I won't spoil too much but the reason why its called false hope will be revealed later once I get to a very iconic scene Anyways I think it will be a very nice story I can't give away too much or it might ruin some aspects of it.

8. Arise! Lord Revan:

I was thinking that the creator of all Got pissed off that Revan died he liked him very much and he had big plans for him when he died he became enraged and decided to fix it but he saw that he would need more power so he decided to send revans soul to be reincarnated over and over again and is choosing he sent him to the Stargate universe Naruto universe and so on to be reincarnated to get their knowledge and power he even created a prophecy stating of the revans return it became known as the divine prophecy is reincarnation would end as Harry Potter right after both of my hits it with the Avada Kedavra! curse The Creator goes and meets him and awakens Revan, Revan then absorbs all the knowledge of that planet on magic then the creator sends him back to the Star Wars universe right as order 66 was about to be initiated you can imagine what happened and boy is the emperor going to be surprised.

This idea was thought of and requested by: hammondcloy.

it was a great idea so I used it all credit of the idea is his make sure to enjoy and he wrote this synopsis as well.

Yeah but will be the one writing it, it will start off as his final moments as Harry Potter.

9. Kazuma In One Piece:

This is a story I wrote a small chapter for very recently its a cool concept and i think it's interesting this will be Original Kazuma with some changes Lile hes smarter but he will be the advocate of gender equality he will call you out if your a Simp, anyways he also has some powers I can't give too much away because this was a secret project of mine that I did because it seemed cool and I gained inspiration from a meme Kazuma and sanji was in it and he called sanji a simp and boom this story was born I hope this one interest you and once you do read it I hope you enjoy it.

10. And finally I've got no name for this one because it was a request I haven't touched it was requested I couldn't find where they commented I would've loved to give credit to them if they see this comment and I'll insert your name. Ok so basically it will be a gravity falls self insert I'll consider it a reincarnation of sorts the mc will have the personality but no memories and also there will be time for romance which the show started to run out of and my mc will not be chasing the older girl Wendy Dipper obviously had no chance my mc might try once not sure yet I would think it was pointless due to the massive age difference.

And that's all for now if you want suggest your own ideas and whatever has the most requests will be what I do and this has a today and I think most of tomorrow to decide so go comment and choose what you desire.