
DC: The Queen Anomaly

A person from our world transmigrates into the body of Thea Queen and decides to change her future destiny. She bravely forges ahead, mastering martial arts and magic, determined to reach the highest peak. The Flash: "What's your superpower again?" Thea: "Money!" Superman: "What did you use to defeat me?" Thea: "Magic!" Wonder Woman: "Darling, where are we eating today?" Thea: "At my place." In short, this is a story about a determined girl causing trouble in the DC world and rising to the top. ---------------------------------------------------- Update Schedule - The update schedule will be two chapters a day. ---------------------------------------------------- Raw Link - https://m.qidian.com/book/1007739053.html This is originally a Chinese novel but I am translating it here. I will also modify parts of the story so as to improve its quality. ----------------------------------------------------

Hopeless_Reader · Komik
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119 Chs

Disastrous Fitting and Unexpected Incident

In the end, Thea's red color scheme was adopted after the debate, considering that she was the one risking her life. Felicity felt a great regret for not dyeing it green.

Just as Thea thought she would soon enter the testing phase, a serious problem arose for the two of them.

"Felicity, put some effort into it. This suit is too tight!"

"Thea, exhale and release the air from your chest. Follow my instructions, inhale, exhale!"

Thea Queen made a minor but significant mistake—she believed in pragmatism without having a practical spirit.

The anti-G suit was originally designed for pilots. The principle was to use an anti-G regulator to inflate the suit's airbags, which would then tighten the fabric, applying pressure to the entire body to protect blood circulation.

In theory, it could enhance a pilot's tolerance to positive G-forces, which was more than enough for Thea's Glider, which didn't even reach a speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

However, the problem she had been neglecting appeared. This suit, along with the others in the company's warehouse, was designed for male pilots, and unlike traditional anti-G suits, they were all tight-fitting. This led to the aforementioned problem—Thea couldn't fit into it!

Whether it was another growth spurt, eating too much during her martial arts training, or Lady Shiva giving her some kind of growth-promoting substance, Thea's B-cup was rapidly advancing towards a C-cup.

After much effort, they finally managed to squeeze Thea into the suit. She realized that while the back barely fit, the front, due to certain well-known protrusions, was too short, leaving her entire pretty little belly exposed to the air.

While this would be perfect for a runway or a banquet, it wouldn't be ideal while flying on a Glider at 400 kilometers per hour. Thea estimated that she would need to find a restroom after flying for about 20 kilometers.

"Felicity, this... suit is too tight. Please think of a solution. I can't breathe properly," Thea stood upright, afraid to sit down. She had never understood what it meant to feel short of breath before, but today she finally experienced it.

Felicity jokingly pointed a pair of scissors at Thea's chest. "Should I cut two holes for you? To let some air in?"

Was this some kind of shameful role-play line!? Felicity used to be so innocent and kind-hearted, but now she had changed so much! Bring back the old Felicity!

Thea firmly rejected her suggestion, but Felicity laughed heartily, probably thinking of some strange and wonderful ideas.

Taking off this humiliating anti-G suit and panting heavily, Thea sat at her computer desk in her underwear. What did it matter? They were both women anyway, although her companion here was quite the seductress. Thea couldn't stand the heat anymore; this suit was not breathable!

She called a few people from the weapons development department, falsely claiming that she had a female pilot friend and instructing them to expedite the production of a female pilot's anti-G suit according to the original specifications, with a special request to enhance its breathability.

The staff on the other end of the phone were idle anyway, so upon hearing the orders of the heiress, they immediately promised to do their best, saying they could have the suit ready in three days.

After hanging up the phone, Thea pondered how to account for this expense, while dragging Felicity, whose makeup was smeared from laughing too much, out of their secret base.

"Hey, Thea."

Turning her head, Thea saw Laurel in professional attire calling out to her. Why was she looking for her? Their relationship was really quite ordinary, and they were completely unrelated. What could she want with her?

"Hey, long time no see. What brings you to me?" Thea asked.

Instead of replying directly, Laurel glanced around at their surroundings.

"You two chat, I'll go check on the new recruits in the software department." Felicity, although a bit of a goofball in private, still knew how to maintain decorum in formal settings. She gave Laurel a smile and gracefully walked out of the office.

"Thea, you have to take a look at this document. It's a new case received by the United Innovation Association." Laurel handed Thea a thick stack of files.

The United Innovation Association was her current workplace. Upon hearing the name for the first time, outsiders might think it was some high-tech organization. Those with vivid imaginations might even associate it with something like the Illuminati or the Bilderberg Group. However, in reality, it was just a law firm formed by a few rookie lawyers who had recently obtained their licenses. Aside from having a name that could scare aliens away, they lacked both connections and capabilities. If it weren't for Tommy occasionally organizing events to raise money to support them, they would have closed down long ago!

With her mind preoccupied with the anti-G suit issue, Thea wouldn't have paid attention if someone else had come to her. She had too much on her plate, with no inclination towards justice or heroism. If strictly defined, she was a neutral bystander in the superhero world.

But Laurel wasn't a stranger. Whether from Oliver or Tommy, she was practically her sister-in-law. Thea had to show her face for the sake of her pride. Taking the file, she began to read it attentively.

The client's name was Derek Reston? The photo showed a middle-aged man with graying hair, no scars, no tattoos—just an ordinary person with a normal family, with two children, living together in a rented house.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so she continued flipping through the pages.

"Huh?" Thea focused on the document, reading it carefully for ten minutes. Finally, she let out a sigh, realizing why Laurel had come to her.

This guy named Derek Reston turned out to be an employee of Queen Industrial Inc. Coincidentally, his previous workplace was the same as Thea's current headquarters. Derek had worked at Queen Industrial Inc. for fifteen years, serving as a foreman.

However, due to the circumstances in Starling City, the company closed down the Queen Industrial Inc. in 2007, and Derek, along with 1,499 other employees, joined the ranks of the unemployed.

Initially, this might not have been a big deal, as people lost and found jobs every day, and even superheroes can't handle it all. But the problem was that, for some reason, Queen Consolidated exploited a loophole in the union contract and didn't give a single cent of severance pay or pension to the workers.

This was really despicable, the true nature of capitalists! Did the company really care so much about this little money? No wonder Oliver believed that the company itself was also complicit in wrongdoing, standing by as Queen Consolidated collapsed.

Rubbing her head and looking at the date of the layoffs, it seemed that Robert had signed off on it before he went out to sea. Sighing, Thea realized that even if she wanted to, could she escape this blame?

She nodded in thanks to Laurel, understanding that she showed her this document not to sweep the issue under the rug but to urge her to quickly handle it and give the workers an explanation.

If this matter were to come to light, it would have a significant impact on Queen Consolidated's reputation and her mother's political career. Even though her mother's methods might make this guy disappear from the face of the earth, Thea's conscience couldn't allow her to do something so extreme.

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