
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

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71 Chs

Where am I?

It's been 6 months since I left Smallville. All I have been doing is dungeon diving and learning more about self-defense by traveling to Japan and China, the birthplace of martial arts. I continue to invest in any company that I remember will be popular in the future, and now I have taken actions in many major and minor companies.

My books continue to be my side job, and thanks to that, I max the skill [Scribe] in no time, along with reaching Level 30.

Now my focus is on the collection of knowledge, so I will continue to travel around the world, visiting all the libraries. I occasionally called home to see if they were okay.

I have also been looking for any sign of homo magi presence, but as expected, I found out nothing about them. The only one I could find was Stage Mage Zatara, but I'm not ready to be involved in that family yet.

{At this time, there's a place that maybe I can go and possibly save, but to find this place, you need to be invited to it}

During my stay in a hotel in New York, I decided to risk it.

"Goddess Azar, I have information about the future of Azarath and Raven". I told no one in my room.

{I hope this could work}

After 5 minutes of waiting without a response, I got the feeling that maybe it was too late when suddenly a bright light engulfed me.

"What is the purpose of you telling me that?"

When I regain my vision, I was somewhere else, someplace holy, and in front of me was a mature woman 6 feet tall with long white hair and milky white skin.

{So she's the goddess Azar} I immediately kneeled before her.

"It's an honor to meet you, goddess. Like I said before, the information that I possess is about the future of this place and the half-demon Raven."

"How do you know about us?"

"I possess some abilities that allow me to peek into the future, and this place is in great danger."

"Abilities, huh?, Very well, speak"

"Raven, in her curiosity, will open a portal and will let the interdimensional demon Trigon come here."

"What?!" Out of nowhere, a woman with black hair, white skin, and purple eyes yelled.

"Silence, Arella, those are grave accusations, stranger."

"I know that well, goddess, but is the truth, she unconsciously will doom this place?"

She didn't respond to me immediately; she was just staring into my eyes for about a minute before she finally spoke.

"Hmm...what do you want?"

"I want to save this place and learn the mystic arts."


{Well, I didn't expect this}

Raven, the future teen titan, was a toddler, five years old at most. She has dark purple hair, white skin, and the same purple eyes as that woman called Arella.

{Right, she is Raven's mother}

"There's still time."

"Indeed," Azar was behind me, observing every moment that I made.

I just turned around, and I kneeled before her again.

"Please teach me how to use magic."


"Because I need it to protect what is dear to me and to you as well."

(Sigh) "I sense no evil nor malice from you, so I will believe for now what you say. Come, you better choose a place to stay; I don't want any homeless in my city."

 "Thank you" 


My stay in Azarath was interesting, to say the least. It was a magical place, and not only because his people practice magic, but the beauty and peace were the selling points of this place.

This place had a structure like an ancient Greek city, maybe because the first Azar was born in that era. Azar had many disciples; those were the ones who taught others magic, but she personally teaches Raven, and now I do too.

"So you wish to learn the mystic arts?"

 "Yes, goddess"

"First, stop with the goddess; my name is Azar. So, called me that or Master, understood?"

 "Yes, Master"

"Very well, now you said that you have some abilities."


 "Show me"

 "Here? Or outside?, because right now I only know destructive ones."

"Right now, huh? Don't worry about it, just show me."

"Ok [fireball]," I took aim at the ceiling, and my fireball impacted on it.


"Mmh?" I looked at her, and she was not watching my fireball; instead, she was looking at me.

"You didn't use magic."

 "What?!" {According to the system, I'm a wizard, so what does she mean by I don't use magic?}

"As I said, right now, when you conjured that fireball, magic wasn't used to make it."


"Then what did I use?"

 (Smile)"Your mind" 


After much experimentation, she concluded that my magic is in fact matter and reality manipulation, or at least that's what she thought it was; after all, my system is a foreign entity in this universe.

Luckily for me, I could learn the magic of this universe in this place, but that will depend on my luck and hard work.

I have mixed emotions about learning magic with toddlers as my classmates, but surprisingly, they are very mature for their age.

"Listen, class, today we will learn about the origin of our home, Azarath; the origin of our people began not here but on a planet called Earth."

She began to explain a tale—a tale that froze me to my core because that tale wasn't the one I knew. In this tale, Darkside invaded Earth thousands of years ago, and he almost won. Thanks to the gods, he was defeated, but Earth paid a heavy price; almost all humans, Amazons, Atlantians, and gods were killed.

In the aftermath of the war, Atlantians decided to hide underwater. The Amazons were put on an island like paradise, and God's left earth; only humans remained there.

With time, humans forgot about all this and began to fight among themselves. That's when the Goddess Azar began to recruit humans that wished to escape the bloodshed, thus these conflicts led to Azarath's birth.

{Until now, I didn't have to question it—in what universe am I?}


 [Status window]

[Name: Isaac Kent (LVL 30)]

[Class: [Wizard(Max15)] [Summoner(Max15)] [High Wizard(Max15)] [Forbidden Arts User (lvl.10)]

[Job: [Enhancer(Max30)] [Scribe(Max20)]

[Body: 30] [Mind: 65(+15)] [Soul: 35] [Luck: 15] [Faith: 15] 

[Equipment: Expert Robe Set (Uncommon)] [Expert Staff(Uncommon)] [Ring of the Fighter (Unique)( left hand)] [Necklace of the Initiate (Rare)]


[Artifact: Unavailable] 

[Active Skills: [Fireball]] [Wind Slash] [Shadow Bind] [Rock Golem] [Sacrifice] [Dark Vision] [Lightning] [Ice Spear] [Repulsive Blast] [Drain Touch] [Dark Bargain] [Hex] [Minor Protection]

[Passive Skills: Damage Transfer] [Resistance(Poison, Bleeding, Element(Earth)] [Polyglot] [Photographic Memory] [Author]