
DC: Sunspot

See the adventure of a mortal becoming one of Marvel's most overlooked characters in Young Justice verse

Pedro_Marques_3020 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


[Bayo Bartolomeu: 01/09/2010]


Celcius pushed the sorcerer as far away as she could.

"Let go of me, you insolent fool!" Felix shouted as magic flowed through his body, separating the two.

But Felix was no ordinary person, and using his powers, he pushed the heroine away. The two were then at a considerable distance, with Felix flying using his magic and Celcius using her flames to stay in the air.

"Your insolence will no longer be tolerated, child!" Felix shouted as magic covered his fists.

"Wow, I didn't know foreign sorcerers could be so petty," Celcius murmured, more to herself than to her adversary.

Celcius adjusted her position in the air, her body wrapped in flames that kept her floating. Felix, hovering at the same height, smiled with disdain. "Do you really think you can defeat me in my own territory?"

Celcius didn't respond, launching herself forward with surprising speed. Felix raised his hand, conjuring an energy shield that shone brightly upon contact with Celcius's flames. The explosion of heat and magic illuminated the sky, but neither of them backed down.

With a quick movement, Felix extended his other hand and invoked chains of energy that snaked toward Celcius. She responded with an agile gesture, forming an ice barrier that captured the chains and shattered them into a thousand pieces.

"Impressive," Felix admitted, his eyes gleaming with a combination of respect and hatred. "But you are still far from being a real threat."

He raised both hands and began to conjure a magical storm. Dark clouds formed above them, magical lightning crossing the sky and aiming at Celcius. She skillfully dodged, her flames and ice serving as a shield against the attacks.

Celcius then concentrated her power, creating a massive pillar of fire that roared towards Felix. He opened his eyes in surprise, conjuring a more robust shield, but the impact of the attack pushed him back, his magic flickering under the pressure.

"Do you really think playground tricks will stop me!?" Felix shouted, firing a concentrated energy blast that pierced through the pillar, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks.

Celcius stood firm, her hands glowing with a mixture of blue fire and crystalline ice. "You're all talk, Felix. So far, I've only seen a light show."

Felix roared in frustration, his magic intensifying. "I'll show you the true power of a sorcerer!" He raised his arms, and the sky darkened even more, a spiral of wind and magical energy forming around him. The storm grew, its violent winds trying to knock Celcius down.

She held her position, her eyes fixed on Felix. With a determined gesture, she conjured a barrier of fire and ice around herself, protecting against the storm. Then she began to spin, her flames and ice forming a vortex that clashed against Felix's spiral.

The two vortices collided with devastating force, creating a shockwave that spread across the sky. Felix was thrown back, his shield disintegrating under the pressure.

The two were hurled towards the ground, on the brink of unconsciousness.

Celcius regained consciousness in time to realize she was falling rapidly. Her muscles ached, and she tasted blood in her mouth. Her vision was blurry, but she forced herself to focus. "I can't... lose now..."

With monumental effort, she raised her hands, conjuring ice platforms that appeared below her in quick succession. Each one broke under her weight but slowed her descent. When she finally reached the ground, she landed with a heavy but safe thud.

Panting, Celcius looked around, assessing the situation. Her body was covered in bruises and cuts, and her energy was nearly spent. "I need a moment... just a moment..."

She knelt on the ground, trying to catch her breath. But the peace was short-lived. Felix, though visibly injured, rose not far away, a malicious gleam in his eyes.

"You won't escape so easily," he murmured, raising his hands. The swamp plants around them began to stir, and in an instant, thick, thorny vines shot towards Celcius, wrapping around her arms and legs.

She screamed, trying to free herself, but the vines tightened, their thorns piercing her skin. "This... won't hold me!" Celcius declared with determination.

Felix laughed, his voice full of disdain. "Do you really think you can defeat me on this terrain, child? I control everything here!"

Celcius closed her eyes, focusing. Despite the pain, she felt the familiar chill of her power. With a final effort, her hands glowed intensely blue, freezing the vines and shattering them into pieces.

She stood up, her eyes blazing with fire and ice. "You talk too much, Sorcerer. I'm tired of your threats."

Felix growled, launching a wave of energy directly at her. Celcius dodged, creating an ice barrier to block the attack. With a swift movement, she counterattacked, sending a burst of flames that made Felix recoil.

"Is that all you've got?" Felix shouted, conjuring a sphere of dark energy in his hands. "See the true power!"

He hurled the sphere towards Celcius, who focused all her power, creating a shield of ice and fire in front of her. The collision was explosive, sending sparks and shards of ice flying in all directions.

When the dust settled, Felix was on his knees, exhausted but still with a defiant look. Celcius, despite her injuries, stood firm, her gaze resolute. "Your arrogance was your downfall, Felix. No more games."

She raised her hands one last time, gathering all her cryokinetic power.

Celcius possessed a unique meta-human ability: the power to manipulate both fire and ice. She could generate intense flames reaching thousands of degrees Celsius or lower the temperature around her to near absolute zero. When she concentrated her power on ice, she created a freezing zone that affected everything around her. Within this radius, the temperature dropped drastically, freezing anything in seconds, including herself. This state increased her resistance and strength, making her nearly invulnerable for a short period.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Celcius focused, her eyes glowing with an intense icy blue. The air around her began to shimmer with ice crystals, the temperature plummeting rapidly. She knew that to defeat Felix once and for all, she would need to unleash all her cryokinetic power.

As she channeled her energy, a frosty mist began to form, spreading in a twenty-meter radius around her. Felix, realizing the danger, tried to conjure a magical barrier to protect himself. "You won't defeat me, child! I control this place!"

But Celcius's freezing zone was relentless. The ground around them began to freeze, plants and trees were covered in ice within seconds, and Felix's breath became visible, fogging in the cold air. He tried to resist, but the sudden drop in temperature was overwhelming.

Felix's magical barrier began to crack under the pressure of the ice. He shouted in frustration, casting desperate spells to try and keep the freeze at bay, but it was futile. Celcius's power was simply too much. Her own body started to be covered in a thin layer of ice, but she remained steadfast, determined to end Felix's threat.

Finally, Felix's barrier disintegrated, and the cold hit him full force. His movements became slow and uncoordinated, his magic faltering as the ice encased his body. He fell to his knees, trembling violently, unable to cast another spell.

"You talk too much," Celcius said, her voice echoing in the frosty air. "This is the end."

With a final gesture, she intensified the freezing, ice completely enveloping Felix, immobilizing him. His eyes, once full of arrogance, now showed pure terror as consciousness left him.

When the temperature finally began to stabilize, Celcius lessened her concentration, allowing the air around her to slowly warm. She took a deep breath, exhausted but victorious. Felix was defeated, frozen in a block of ice, his threat finally neutralized.

Celcius took a step back, observing the defeated sorcerer. "Maybe now you'll learn not to underestimate a heroine," she murmured.