After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
Isaac Dinklage
The patrol with Arthur was pretty quiet. Relatively. For two weeks now, fortunately, nothing has happened. And my instinct did not bode well. Intuition was silent. Therefore, I had the hope of just spending these weeks on self-development with a break for rest.
- Well, finally, our shift is over. - Arthur sighed happily. - Maybe a beer?
- Maybe just one glass.
- Do not worry, if you start singing, then no one will mind. - and laughed. - Come on, by the way, there will be several newcomers. We have replenishment, by the way. I'll introduce you to them. These are good cops, they transferred to Gotham from Metropolis.
- Has Sups already thrown out all the villains and bandits from their city, and now they decided to find a job with us?
- Ha ha ha. Not really. However, you yourself will find out from them.
- Okay, let's go.
The old diner I knew that was the favorite of the cops was filled with people. Among them, I just noticed the "newbies". There were four of them.
Rather, a couple of "old-timers" that it is not at all clear why in old age they decided to move to the most criminogenic city in North America, although I think I will not be mistaken if I say that it is in the world. The third was a young girl a little older than me. She was chasing fame and new positions. She has nothing to catch in Metropolis, so she decided to transfer here. Not a very pleasant person, although this blondie is very effective in appearance.
But I met the fourth member of the newcomers on a pleasant note. His name is Ricardo Gonzalez, short for Rick. He has Mexican roots, as a child he lived in Gotham with his grandfather after the death of his parents. He lived in New York for five years, then the army, like me, and then he worked as a pizza delivery guy for a couple of years. Then, after the death of his grandfather, he moved to Metropolis, where he became a cop. But he was not satisfied with life there. As we talked, I realized that the same demons sit in Rick as in Wayne. He is not indifferent to the life of ordinary defenseless people. This is not a hero complex, but rather anger at the environment that reigns in Gotham. And I understand him.
When we said goodbye, we were already, if not good friends, then comrades. It's amazing how common themes and issues bring people closer together.
And at home Catherine was waiting for me. She managed to pick the door lock and make me dinner.
- Quite original. This, well, turns out to be hacking and illegal entry into someone else's house, bringing the subject to a white knee and cognitive dissonance, and damage to property (that is, my products). And this is all performed by the whole PROSECUTOR of Gotham City. Now I have seen everything.
Attention! You have increased the level of the "Troll" skill
- Believe me, I can surprise you with a lot. - and beamingly smiled at me.
- I'll take your word for it.
For dinner we had baked fish, mashed potatoes and some other salad that I didn't eat, because I was afraid that these tentacles that looked out from there would devour me.
- How are things at work? She asked.
- Fortunately, everything is calm. Just petty hooligans and patrolling. Luckily for us, Betts is awake. Although sometimes it seems to me at all that he does not sleep with Batgirl and Nightwig and his new Robin.
- Hmm. Do you also think Nightwing is related to Batman? - she wondered - What are your assumptions based on?
- Nightwing appeared after our "night knight" had a new Robin. I saw the complexion of Nightwing and the new Robin from the photographs where they appeared. They are two different people. And I also saw old photographs of the first Robin. And he looks a lot like Nightwing. It's a pity I hadn't seen him in action before, I would have definitely understood by his movements. Most likely, Betts' first henchman has already "grown" out of his role and now "works" alongside his mentor and sometimes helps him.
- An interesting assumption.
Bruce Wayne / Batman Up +200
What?! Wait a minute! Are you saying that I have a wiretapping here? When did you manage to install it? Damn it! I think I even know who exactly installed it here. And this "who" wears a skirt and red hair on his very pretty head with a pretty face and her name is Barbara Gordon. You should have guessed from the beginning. Although with Betsemeyka it is difficult to be one hundred percent sure of something. Or predict their actions.
Although, if you yourself are a psycho like them or the Joker, then this is quite real.
- Maybe you also know who our "hero" is? - added Katherine.
- If I knew, I wouldn't say it anyway. He hides his identity for a reason. And until he overstepped the boundaries of what was permissible, I will not go to war with him.
- And how do you think he can do it?
- Anyone can go for it, even he. Although he doesn't like crime. He in no way kills criminals, but hands them over to the police or directly to specially designated institutions. Most likely, this is due to his psychological trauma.
- So he's crazy?
- We're all nuts. You and your sister stayed to live in Gotham, albeit under the wing of the Penguin, I still came to my mother's hometown. Batman wears a black skin-tight suit and fights "injustice" with the kids for the most part. Joker is a separate topic altogether. Gotham is insane in itself. And it's not about individuals. Betts does the right thing, but for the most part, this is just the tip of the iceberg - the ten percent that needs to be addressed. But he cannot cope with everything.
- Hmm. Clear. - Kat nodded to her thoughts, and I received another message from the system.
Attention! Bruce Wayne / Batman Up +200
After that, our dinner passed mostly in silence, and we moved to the couch, where we watched a couple of horror films, although for me and Kat, they were more comedy and parody of horror films. Yes, such a mentality among the inhabitants of Gotham ...