
DC: Start Female Superman

In the vast universe, there is a planet named Krypton that is facing collapse, and when the end of the world is approaching, two brothers of the ‘Al’ family on Krypton tacitly send their children to the world in a spaceship. Joe Al's son was called Carl Joe Al, who later became Superman. The other Zo. Al's daughter is called Karla. Zo. Al, she is Carl's cousin, ten years older than Carl. Just when Krypton was about to be destroyed, the two cousins ​​had to board a spaceship to escape to a planet called Earth. But on the way, Karla's spaceship encountered a meteorite, and just when Karla was about to die, a soul occupied her body.斗破苍穹神之炎帝

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Awakening Superman's Ability

Now that they decided to stay, the two spaceships should also be packed up.

In fact, Karla didn't plan to ask for it before. If she wanted to take Carl (should be called Clark now) away, she would definitely not be able to fly around with the spaceship without being shot down.

Although the level of science and technology on the earth is far too low today, it is impossible for her to stay in the spaceship without eating or drinking for the rest of her life. Once she is locked by someone, she will be in great danger.

So being adopted by the Kent couple is the best result.

Karla was also relieved that someone could take care of Clark, who was still a baby, and she didn't have to worry about it.

Really, even in her previous life, she was only a high school student, she didn't have any children of her own, and they were siblings, and she wasn't Clark's mother.

While packing up the spaceship, Karla also found some small things from her own spaceship, including a special object in Clark's spaceship.

Those are two stone-like, pure black small things, not square, but somewhat triangular, finger-sized 'long sticks'.

Because Karla absorbed all the original memories of this body, she knew that it was the controller used to open many organs on Krypton, and there was an 'S' logo on it.

That is not the letter S commonly recognized on Earth, but the logo of the 'Al' family on Krypton, and it also symbolizes hope.

Both Karla and Clark have such a mechanism, which is equivalent to inheriting the authority of their respective fathers and families. Not only can they start their spaceships, but they can also control and activate other Kryptonian technologies when they encounter them.

Krypton began to explore and colonize the entire universe as early as 100,000 years ago, but I don't know why it chose to give up later.

Perhaps it was the constraints imposed by the Code of Life that prevented them from abandoning their home planet, and in the end they had no choice but to abandon their plan to immigrate to the whole population.

Otherwise, there is no such thing as the Apocalypse star and the new protoss in the universe, and there is no such thing as the so-called Seven Lantern Corps. The Kryptonian army can destroy everything.


One Superman is powerful enough, think about tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of Superman pictures.

After putting away the little thing, Karla also found a set of clothes in her spaceship.

It was dark blue tights on the upper body, a red skirt on the lower body, and a pair of red boots with an S logo printed on the chest, a bright red cape on the back, and an S on the back of the cape.

In addition to the different lower body, isn't it the most classic dress of Superman?

Superman's is pants, and Karla's is a skirt.

Fortunately, it is a skirt, otherwise Karla would not want to 'wear underwear outside'.

Karla scratches her cheek, female Superman?

In the past, she didn't like to watch that kind of literary and emotional dramas, but liked 'martial arts movies' and science fiction movies, especially Premier League movies.

Didn't you think that she would have the chance to become a superhero one day? That was really looking forward to it.

Only Karla has her own battle suit, Clark doesn't have his because he's too young.

So sorry bro.

Karla happily packed up this battle suit, and it was built with Kryptonian technology. The original material of the clothes has the most basic indestructible and invulnerable ability. If it is combined with Superman-level defense power, it will not reach To a certain extent, don't even think about hurting Karla.

Even the clothes have good lighting, even wearing clothes can perfectly absorb the golden rays of the sun.

We all know that Superman's power comes from the light of the sun. In addition to the red sun, the golden sun can greatly enhance the power of Kryptonians.

This is very important.


After Karla packed everything that needed to be packed, Jonathan felt a little headache looking at the two large spaceships.

Because the spaceship needs to be hidden, we can't ask for help, but how can we lift it to the attic of the Warehouse and hide it?

"Let me do it," Karla came to the side of the spaceship suddenly, and she raised her hands to grab the edge of the spaceship and exerted a strong force.


Karla suddenly jumped up with the spaceship, easily jumping up to a height of more than ten meters.

Karla herself was stunned, she just felt that the spaceship was not too heavy, at least she could lift it up.

But Karla didn't expect to have such great strength, or is it because the earth's gravity and gravity are too light?

Karla lowered her head, she did not fall down quickly, but more slowly drifted down like a light feather.

Karla finally realized that for her, the gravity of the earth seemed too light, and it was completely incomparable with the gravity she felt in the spaceship before.

This allows her to easily get rid of gravity, and maybe even flying is not a problem.

Jonathan and Martha looked at each other, and saw the shock of the other party.

Although I know that these two children have extraordinary origins, it is said that they are aliens who escaped from the destruction of a certain planet, but Karla is only ten years old, does she have such powerful strength?

God knows how terrible the people on that planet are. If they become hostile to the earth, the consequences will be unimaginable. Fortunately, they have already exterminated their race.


Suddenly, Karla, who was about to land, let out a cry of pain, let go of the spaceship, and fell to the ground with both feet.


"What's the matter?" Jonathan and Martha, who was holding Clark, hurried up to greet them. They liked these two children who suddenly fell from the sky. If they didn't consider their identities as aliens, the Kent couple would think it was a gift from God. up.

So they were nervous what happened to Karla.

Karla covered her ears with her hands, shook her head vigorously, and shouted, "It's so noisy."


It turned out that a lot of noises suddenly appeared in Karla's ears. Her super ability began to Awakening. First of all, it was the enhancement of the senses, and now it is just hearing. With Karla as the center, any point within a 100-meter radius of At the moment She can hear every wind and grass clearly.

She can even hear the crawling of underground mice, the sound of flying insects in the crop plants, and even the movement of a few ants.

Such a sudden noisy sound is like someone holding a gong and drum to hold a concert in your ears, or it is a terrible kind.

Karla was at a loss for a while, and when she raised her head to look at Jonathan and the others, subconsciously, the prototype of Super Vision began to appear in her eyes.

First, we see through the bodies of adoptive parents, and we can see their hearts, bones, and even the flow of blood all over them.

What's more, the effect of a microscope has even appeared, and even the smallest details can be seen clearly, such as fingerprints and cell composition.

In the end, Karla only felt her eyes heat up, and she quickly turned her head to look in another direction. In the next second, two blue laser beams burst out from Karla's eyes.

That's one of Superman's most famous abilities, the heat vision ray.

After Karla came to Earth, she finally started Awakening.

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