
DC: Son of Themyscira

The amazons celebrate the first child born of Queen Hippolyta, however, when the day finally arrives things are not as expected.

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Markus and Cir-El walked out of the great hall with Diana and Clark, and even Antiope following behind them.

" Markus, wait a moment." Antiope called out. She ran up behind the group and placed her hand on Markus' back. " Markus, why are you in such a hurry to go?"

Markus turned around and hugged the woman as gently as he could.

" Aunty, I am happy to see you again. But my life isn't exactly stable at the moment. This trip... It's only for business. I don't have very long before I have to return home. As much as I want to stay and talk, I'm afraid..."

" You've got others to worry about, now. My young nephew, a king. You've grown up strong."

" Yeah. I know we just met again, but it's time for me to go." Markus told the woman.

" That doesn't seem very fair. But I understand, the struggles of a ruler." Antiope stated.

Markus smiled and hugged Antiope again.

" This isn't goodbye, Aunty. This is I'll see you later. I will see you again." Markus told the woman.

" You've really grown, haven't you? No, you've always been that optimistic. You're still that kindhearted young boy who loved to dance."

" Well..." Markus scratched his slightly red cheek. " Well, I'm more than that now."

" Yes, you are. Markus, about your mother."

" There's nothing to speak about Aunty. She's made it very clear where we stand with one another." Markus told the woman.

" Markus, there is still so much about your mother, about our people that you don't know." Antiope stated. " Your mother has many things she values, her family above all else. That much should be obvious by the fact you are even alive today. If she had wanted, she could have left you for the wolves to devour or discarded you into the sea as we've done others. Just.... Trust me. She'll come around eventually."

" Maybe.... But that'll be for another day. It's time to go. But know this, I love you aunty. I always will." Markus told the woman. " You raised me like I was your own son, and as far as I'm concerned, you'll always be like a mother to me."

" I love you too, Markus. Now go, my child. And be safe." Antiope told the man.

" Heh! Now, you know I can't promise that." Markus replied. He smiled one last time, wiping his nose like a child, and then with one last wave goodbye he walked away.


It was some time after, Markus departed that Antiope returned to Hippolyta's side. The woman holed herself up inside her chambers.

Antiope opened the door to Hippolyta's room.

" Is he gone?" Hippolyta asked the woman.

" Yes sister, they are gone."

" He's grown up."

" Yes, he has.... Sister, don't you think it's time you've sat down with your son? It's been so very long."

" He has friends, and a family. And a home. He's better off without me in his life, Antiope." Hippolyta told the woman.

" Sister. It's never too late to start loving your family."

" Maybe it is, Antiope. Maybe it is. But at the very least, he's happy. Maybe my choice wasn't such a bad one after all."

" If that's how you must see it, Sister." Antiope stated.

" It is."


" So, how do we get to Olympus?" Markus asked.

" One does not simply go to Olympus. We must first ask permission from the gods. Mount Olympus is the place closest to the gods of Olympus and is the entrance to the great city. First, we will climb to the top of Mount Olympus. Once there we will ask for entrance, and as long as even one God permits it, then we will cross-over through the boundary between Olympus and earth." Diana explained.

" No, no! That's not actually completely true." Diana turned as a familiar voice spoke beside her.

" Hermes?!" Diana exclaimed.

No one had heard the man approach, or even seen him. One second, he had just appeared. He sported a Golden, winged, helmet, a white Toga outfit, and Golden boots, with wings attached to them.

" Hey, Diana! As I was saying, there's other ways. But you gotta have our blood in you or use a secret portal under... You know what I should probably stop speaking about that, Zeus wouldn't be very happy if I disclosed all of Olympus' secrets. Anyway, I'm here to take you guys to Olympus." Hermes exclaimed.

" You are?" Markus asked.

" Why?"

" Yup! And it's Zeus' orders. Plain and simple. Also, it's nice to meet ya brother. I look forward to seeing you kick Ares shiny metal ass." Hermes told the man. " Between you and me, he's not very liked in Olympus. We just can't seem to get rid of the guy."

" Wait.... How did you even know I was here?" Markus asked the man.

" Simple! We're gods, Vulcan. We come from the sphere of gods. It grants us special abilities. Me? Well, I'm the fastest god alive! Bar none." Hermes explained. " You? Well, you're like father. You get to play with the lightning. Fun. And although we no longer have domain over the earth, we don't rule as gods of old, we still have eyes damn near everywhere, kid." Hermes spoke.

" Okay, why do you know I'm here?" Markus asked.

" Oh, you're confused still. I see. See, a while back Zeus went to Ares with a proposition, don't know what, Ares wouldn't say. But it sparked the interest of Ares, who usually tends to stay to himself. Then one day he gets up and leaves Olympus, which almost never happens, and then comes back with a bloody arm, and everyone's like what happened to Ares? Who could do that to the god of war? But Zeus, now he seemed to be... Proud? No... More like.... Delight? Revel? Satisfied! We'll go with satisfied. Anyways, Zeus told me to keep an eye out for you if you ever decided to come to earth, so when you first touched down in Metropolis, I was aware of your presence and I alerted everyone on Mount Olympus and Zeus told me to bring you straight there." Hermes explained.

" What is this deal with Zeus, you spoke of?" Markus asked.

" Oh that?! I have no idea; Zeus didn't tell me."

" That's convenient." Markus grumbled.

" Markus, this does not sound right." Cir-El told the man.

" I know. It sounds like one big trap."

" Markus, we can still turn around and go home. You don't need to do this." Cir-EL stated.

Markus grabbed Cir-El's hand and kissed the back of it.

" Yes, I do." Markus replied. " Come on, brother. Let's go."

" Alright, one ticket to Olympus, coming up." Hermes muttered. " Who all's coming?" Hermes asked the people involved.

" Uh, what do you think, Diana?" Superman asked the woman.

" Go home, Clark. I'll come see you when I return." Diana told the man. She hadn't expected her day to turn into a family drama. And mortals weren't usually allowed on Olympus, meaning Superman would most likely not be welcomed.

" Okay, just call if you need me." Superman told the woman. He leaned in and gave Diana quick kiss on her lips, before taking off into the sky.

" Anyone else, getting off?" Hermes asked.

" No."

" No."

" No."

With a resounding no, Hermes laughed and grabbed onto all of those present.

" Alright, then. Get ready to take a ride on Air Hermes." The air around Hermes started to warp, and like a rocket, the group sped off into the air, leaving a trail of lightning behind as they all disappeared into the sky.