
DC: Son of Themyscira

The amazons celebrate the first child born of Queen Hippolyta, however, when the day finally arrives things are not as expected.

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3000 Years Later!

The way it is remembered is that a single bolt of lightning exploded from the skies and struck the man as he danced, vaporizing him instantly. That's what Hippolyta told the amazons, but in truth, even she did not know what had really happened.

In her grief, Hippolyta called upon Zeus himself for answers, but his answer was not one that the Queen received well.

Zeus denied part in the boy's disappearance, claiming no fault of his own and instead placing all the blame on Hippolyta herself.

Hippolyta snapped at Zeus and, in her anger, struck the father of Olympus.

Normally, Zeus would have responded with the wrath of the skies, but instead, Zeus made a decree. Markus was to be his weapon against the gods, and now he was gone, where he had gone to, he knew not, nor did he care, or so he told Hippolyta. Because now, Hippolyta would once again bear him a child, a child to be used as a weapon just like Markus.

Hippolyta knew that if she did not want her people to suffer the wrath of Zeus, then she would have to agree with Zeus' commands, and so, that night, Hippolyta offered herself to Zeus once more. Only this time, she would receive no pleasure.


Truthfully, however, Markus was not dead. In that moment, when Markus was struck by the lightning, he was teleported, snatched away by the living lightning. Trapped in a bolt of lightning for thousands of years, stuck in a stasis like existence, constantly dreaming, unable to wake.

Zeus knew this and did nothing. He did not see in the boy the traits he was looking for. He did not see someone to put the fear of God in Ares or anything else. His time with the Amazon General Antiope had ensured that his nature was the furthest thing from a God-Killer.

Zeus had plans.

Marlus traveled through the depths of space in that single bolt of Lightning for 3000 years, and now finally on a planet so very far away, named Valdr.

The planet was not a lush one, to say the least. In fact, it was desolated. Sure, there were parts of the planet that supported vegetation and other greenery, but for the most part, the planet was devastated.


The People of Valdr consisted of many different races. Some were made entirely of stone, some of metal, some were more Bug like in shape and size, and some were similar to humans.

See Valdr was a planet where species migrated often. Some came there by choice, and others? Well, they simply found themselves there, as citizens... Or as slaves.

And on this day, in the middle of the market, a single bolt of lightning touched down, scaring the people.

When the smoke cleared, Markus was lying there in the middle of a crater. His toga was torn, leaving him completely topless, and he aged considerably. Age had been kind to him. He was now over 3000 years old, and yet, he appeared no older than a man in his late twenties or early thirties.

Such a thing wasn't uncommon for the people of Valdr.

The people in the market swarmed Markus while he was unconscious.

" Get back. I want him!" One stone man yelled.

" No, I saw him first. He's mine." Another yelled.

Suddenly, a volley of laser beams rained down on the crowd, pushing them back.

" You're all wrong. He's ours." The man speaking rode in on a hover platform, holding a spear like object in his hands. His skin was brown, and his eyes glowed red, like blood. His armor made it very clear that he was different from the regular civilian, who had worse rags and tattered clothing. " Fit him with an obedience disk and take him to the arena. he should make a fine specimen."

The men, alongside the guard captain, went down to the crowd and grabbed Markus, and for a moment, they struggled to lift him.

" Damn, he's heavy. What is this guy made of? Pure metal?"

" I don't know, but I hate him already. Let's hope this one fares better in the coliseum."

The two men dragged Markus to their cruiser and struggled to jam a small disk into his chest.

" There we go. Tough bastard. Damn, that was hard. He's got some tough skin. It's almost like the other one."

" Yeah. Well, let's see if he has the other one's skills."


" Gah!" Markus suddenly woke up and shouted. He was breathing hard. All the while he had been asleep, he had been lucid. He could tell it was a dream, but after the first few years, he began to lose track of time. His dreams were consistent, always a fight. A fight against a shadow. His own, maybe? But a fight, nevertheless. At first, the shadow tried to kill him, and it had quite a few times. The first ten times, Markus even believed he may have. He struggled to understand how he could live after suffering such wounds. A severed head, pierced heart, cut in half vertically and horizontally, beaten to death, stomped on, riddled with arrows, and more. But as he revived and continued to fight, he eventually began to understand. The Shadow wasn't intent on ending him. It was training him.

Being put in so many near death situations, and in some cases having actually died, Markus grew. His confidence when confronting the shadow grew. And despite having become a better fighter overall, no matter how hard he tried, he could never best the shadow. The last time he fought it just before he awoke, the shadow spoke, not a word, but a sound. A sound he recognized faintly.

" Where am I?" Markus asked.

" Ah, you're awake. Welcome to hell." Markus looked to his left, and sitting there was a man wearing a small chain mail vest and leather Pteruges, similar to those worn by spartan soldiers and even Amazons. He was a man, much larger than Markus, in both height and muscle mass. Although his metal-like skin and black hair were far more surprising to Markus than his height. " What first time seeing a Metal-morin?" The man asked.

" Yes, actually." Markus replied.

" Funny. You seem to be speaking our language quite well for someone who claims to have never had any interaction with my people." The man joked.

" I'm sorry? Are we not speaking Greek?" Markus asked.

" What's Greek?" The man asked. " Oh, you mean that crazy mess you sputtering in your sleep? Yeah, no, I have no idea what that dribble is."

" It's not dribble. it's the language of my.... My home." Markus muttered. His home never really felt like home. But then again, what would he know about having a home. " You'll have to forgive me, I was sleep for a really long time, fighting a very annoying shadow." Markus told the man.

" A shadow? That's what that was about? You afraid of a shadow? Then you're gonna have a very bad time here." The man spoke.

" I'm sorry, who are you?" Markus asked the man.

" Forgive me, The name's dregg, but the people of the colosseum have stuck to calling me the deadend." Dregg explaine.

" Deadend? Why?" Markus asked.

" Because my opponents usually don't make it out of our matches alive." Dregg explained.

" Matches?" Markus asked.

" Yes, matches. Right now, we're in the lower colosseum on Valdr. The area where slaves and gladiators start their journey towards the Imperial colosseum. Here, we fight against monsters of all shapes and sizes and against each other. Usually after getting a win, you're taken up to the next stage, but they've made it a case to keep me here for as long as they can." Dregg explained. " Now, I've told you my name. What's yours?"

" Markus." Markus replied.

" Nice to meet ya. So, what's your story? Huh? Where you from?" Dregg asked.

" A place called Themyscira. An island of only women." Markus told the man.

" Sounds like a dream come true." Dregg joked. " What brought you to this place?"

" They kept me locked away in a cage." Markus explained. " And then, I was trapped in a bolt of lightning for at least six years. I didn't wake up until just a few moments ago." Markus explained.

" That sounds rough. For what it's worth, Markus, I'm sorry that happened to you. For your sake, I hope you and I don't meet in the arena. If we do... Just know it ain't personal kid." Dregg told the man.


An alarm rang, and a screen appeared in the chamber.

It told the competitors to get ready.

" Lucky that. It's a group match." Dregg spoke. " That means we all fight. Gear up, rookie." Dregg pointed to a stand across the room that had weapons and armor in it. " I hope you know how to fight."

Markus stood up and approached the armory, grabbing a standard Longsword. He already had armor he could trust, his two bracers given to him by Antiope.

Markus took his blade and joined Dregg and the other ten competitors at the gate.

There were some odd ones for sure, A man made of stone, a man made entirely of metal named Dregg, A walking bug, A female with orange skin, and several others who resembled the same guards who had taken Markus Prisoner.

Markus didn't have time to observe them as the gate began to open, and the others entered the arena.

The crowd was lively, stomping and cheering as the gladiators entered into the ring.

" There's so many of them." Markus muttered.

" Of course, there is. This is the most honored sport here on Valdr. And the king just so happens to be amongst one of the many patron visitors today.

High up in the bleachers, looking down was the king and the current owner of the colosseum. The king was a giant man, even bigger than Dregg and easily standing at, at least 8 feet tall, with brown skin and red eyes. He had no hair on his head at all.

" I thought you said you found something new?" The king asked the man.

" I did, your eminence. Just watch. He's just like the other one." The governor explained.

" We'll see." The king muttered.

" Ladies and gentlemen, Citizens and Oligarchs, act one of today's festivities: an exciting and educational interlude wherein we shall investigate the feeding habits of our planet's most ferocious predators!" The announcer explained to the crowd.

" Feeding habits?" Markus asked.

" Get ready, kid. And remember, every fight in this arena is to the death. So, if you don't want to die, then kill. Kill, and don't stop until you're the last one standing!" Dregg shouted.

Markus raised his blade as did Dregg, and suddenly the ground below him exploded, and a giant tentacled monster with rows of sharp teeth lunged up and grabbed Markus.

" What the?!" Markus shouted.

The creature flung Markus into its mouth and started chewing on him, much to the dismay of the current king.

" I thought you said this was gonna be different, governor." The King spoke.

" I-"

Before the governor could speak his excuse, blood splatter hit him and the king in their faces.

Markus exploded from the belly of the beast, cutting through it with the blade in his hand.

" Heh, not bad kid. Thought you were a goner." Dregg spoke.

" I almost died... But I have to admit, that was... It's kind of fun." Markus said with the slight makings of a smile on his face.

" Well, it looks like you catch on fast. But don't get cocky kid. There's still five more of them." Dregg told the man.

" Right. Five more." Markus looked at the remaining monsters.

The beast, known as the colicoids, were ravenous in their assault on the gladiators. Nearly all of the contestants were beginning to lose their footing against the beasts, especially the poor little bug man.

The beast grabbed the little man up as he ran, and just as he prepared to devour him, Markus jumped into the air and cut the creature's tentacle off, freeing the bug man.

" Many thanks, two arms. Sid, thanks you." The little bug man spoke.

" No worries, Sid. Just sit this one out, little bug." Markus said to Sid.

He lunged at the tentacles monster, dodging its tentacles one by one as he drew close to it. Markus cut one of the tentacles clean off with his sword and jumped into the air and landed right on the beats head and stabbed his sword straight into its skull, killing it.

Markus dropped to the ground, ready to continue fighting, but surprisingly, the remaining contestants had already, taken care of the rest. Though not without casualties. One of the bug men and two of the brown skinned men had died.

" That was amazing two arms. Listen, the crowd loved it." Sid exclaimed.

" That's good then." Markus asked.

" Very good, you see now, the King will give us a pardon as we are the victors." Sid spoke happily.

Markus looked up to the king and watched as the man gazed down upon them with a wicked smile on his face.

" The king, what's his name?" Markus asked.

" He's the ruler of worlds, King Mongul." Sid told the man. " He's ruled over this planet for years, the man beside him is the brown king, the one Mongul leaves in charge when's out conquering other worlds." Sid explained.

" So, he's he'll pardon us for winning? That doesn't sound very likely." Markus grumbled. He glared up at the man he now knew as Mongul, waiting for him to speak.

" It would seem we have a lively one. He's glaring at me." Mongul spoke. He stood up from his chair and leaped down into the arena, hitting the ground hard and shaking the stadium. " Hello, boy."

" We have won." Markus stated.

" Yes, you have." Mongul replied.

" Are we free to go?" Markus asked the man.

" No, I don't believe you are. Is that a problem?" Mongul stood over Markus, looking down at him with a grin on his face. He was practically daring him to attack.

Markus took the bait.

He punched Mongul in his jaw, as hard as he could. The force of the punch rang out like thunder, sending Mongul crashing into the colosseum wall.

" I did not escape one prison to end up in another!" Markus exclaimed.

" My king!" The Governor shouted out. " Kill him!" He turned to his guard and shouted. She was a woman with long flowing black hair, and blue eyes. Her skin was as bronze as Markus' and her body built from years of training.

The woman went to take a step forward, but the sudden sound of laughter from the king stopped her in her tracks.

" Hahaha! I'm impressed. I haven't been hit so hard since the Kryptonian. Yes, this will be so much fun. Governor, keep your assassin out of my way or I'll kill you both." Mongul spoke.

Markus watched as Mongul walked out of the smoke, his hand felt heavy. Markus knew he was strong. Strong enough to bend metal. Strong enough to cleave through those monsters with ease. This was different. He knew this was not going to be as easy.

" Well? What are you waiting for?" Mongul asked the man. Mongul sped forward and stopped just in front of Markus long enough to gloat. " What's the matter boy?" Mongul raised his leg and kicked Markus.

Markus brought his arms up to block the strike, and even with his bracers protecting him, the blow felt heavy enough to break Markus' arms.

Suddenly the world was like a blur to Markus as he was sent flying by Mongul's kick.

Mongul jumped into the air, and just before he landed on him, Markus rolled out of the way.

Jumping back to his feet, Markus punched Mongul in his face once more.

" Ugh!" Mongul grunted.

Markus punched Mongul repeatedly in his gut before punching him in the face again and sending him stumbling backwards. Markus rushed Mongul again.

Mongul caught Markus' fist as he attacked and headbutted the man, stunning him for a moment before he knocked him to the ground with a strong right.

" You know there's one sport, I excel at." Mongul spoke. He grabbed Marku's foot and lifted him up over his head and slammed into the ground back and forth twice. " Competitive bitch talk." Mongul swung Markus' around by his foot and smashed him into the wall. He let go and Markus fell, hitting the ground hard. " Scratch what I said, you hit harder than the Kryptonian, at least a little bit. You don't hold back like he does. But you definitely don't fight like him. Oh well, you were a decent distraction for a moment." Mongul said before lifting his foot and slamming it down on Markus' face.

Markus felt dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous. The feeling of Mongul's foot burying him deeper and deeper into the ground infuriated him, as not only did it hurt, but it showed him how weak he was.

Markus grunted and gasped beneath Mongul's boot and as he struggled, his breathing began getting heavier and angrier.

Mongul laughed as the man struggled beneath him.

" I'm sorry, are you trying to say something? I'm afraid I can't hear you down there." Mongul Cackled.

Suddenly, there came a glowing light beneath Mongul's foot.

" What the?" Mongul didn't have time to finish his sentence as a large bolt of lightning suddenly struck down directly on top of him.

A massive explosion engulfed the colosseum, sending the fighters still in the ring, and everyone else flying, as debris went everywhere.

Dregg was amazed by the sudden explosion. He had only ever seen two people display such power here, and both of them were Mongul's slaves. But now, now there may be a chance. A chance for freedom.

When the smoke cleared, Markus' was standing up on his feet, his eyes were surging with lightning. He was angry.

And Mongul... Mongul was burned on the right side of his body. From his arm down to his stomach, a lightning shaped burn mark was borrowed into his skin.

" You insignificant little-" Markus' exploded forward, punching Mongul in his face, with a blow that dropped him to the ground. Markus charged forward again, he was ready to end Mongul's life, when Mongul pulled out some kind of small device and pushed a button.

The disk on Markus' chest suddenly activated and a series of microscopic nanobots flooded Markus' nervous system, shutting down his motor skills and killing all momentum he had.

" Ghhhhhhhh!" Markus gasped on the ground, tossing and turning from the pain.

" Gahhhh! Do you know what you've done? take him to the Maul! All of them!" Mongul demanded. Normally, he would have just killed the man, but as Mongul barked out his orders, he felt his eyes begin to grow heavy. " GUARD! TAKE ME TO MY PALACE!" Mongul yelled out.

The Governor's shadow quickly entered the arena and grabbed onto Mongul. She lifted the giant man up and carried him back to the royal palace just as he began to lose consciousness.