
DC: Rise Of Krios

[DC Fanfic] In a world of heroes and villains, what will one more added to that list really change? Orphaned from a young aged, and entrusted to an unlikely guardian, James will be forced into a world of magic, aliens and gods while discovering abilities of his own. Because at the end James will have to decide whether he will save his world..... or destroy it. ******************* This will be my first story ever. I decided to try to write in order to practice, so please forgive me for grammatical and spelling mistakes. This story will include elements from Young Justice, the Justice League animated series, and a few other sources. I do not expect to get the characterization of characters exactly like the source material but I will try my best based on how I view them. So give this story a chance and leave your reviews. And please, if you like this story share with your friends. ---------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any DC characters or properties.

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59 Chs

CHAPTER 25: "Riddle Me This"

*Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Gotham Academy Library

"Excuse me, where is study room 5?" Barbara asked.

"Down the hall to your left my dear," the librarian at the front desk said.

Nodding and giving a polite smile Barbara made her way following those instructions. Walking there she could not help but reflect on how lousy of a holiday season it had been.

The death of Officer Montoya had been a bit of a shock to the GCPD. Death of a police officer was not exactly rare in Gotham, but for one as young and as well-liked as Benjamin Montoya, the shock was palpable. It did not help that since taking on the responsibility of raising his two kids on his own he had requested to be transferred to a safer patrol route. The financial district where Wayne Industries kept some of its offices was considered a safe area and comfy assignment.

But Gotham as always disproved the notion of a safe area in the city.

His sister, Rene Montoya, a detective and close friend to the Gordon's had been inconsolable. She and her now-orphaned brother's kids spent the holidays with them. The kids were great, and Rene put a great front on while in their presence. But when they were not around she had a fury like no other and had threatened the commissioner several times to be given the case for her brother's murder, each time she was refused. And when she was not yelling at Barbra's father for the case or pretending to be happy for the kids, when she was all alone she either drank or cried softly.

Barbara had asked her father what they could do to help her and his reply was grim.

"We support her and the kids, and let her sort out what she is experiencing. Only she can overcome this."

Ironic, though not the same words, Batman had said something similar when she asked him for his advice.

Though he had not said much beyond the advice Barbara asked for, she could tell. He was bothered by the re-emergence of what was suspected to be the Hound. Perhaps because the culprit was young, perhaps because they failed to stop him, or perhaps now that he had killed an innocent he felt the guilt on him? She didn't know and quite frankly she was not sure how she felt about the situation.

Body cam and security camera's on the streets showed the culprit handling the bullets with ease before one bounced off his shield back at the officer. Self-defense or murder? She was not sure based on the footage.

Batman had watched the footage dozens of times before giving a grunt which translated to, 'I found something, and no I won't share it with you.'

She had tried to see what he had gleaned from the footage but had given up after a while. Christmas and New Year's came with no major event occurring, which frankly was a nice change of pace. And though Batman patrolled constantly as usual, not much criminal activity happened, and no sign of the cop killer was found.

And alas the holidays ended which led to Barbra now at the library to meet up with a few study partners for the AP exams coming up just a few months from now. It would actually be a nice reprieve from the gloomy holidays to deal with silly high school friends and the tedious work of study.

Reaching the door to the study room they had reserved, she walked in to see Jessica, a study friend taking the AP calculus courses, and James a recent addition to the group.

Jessica noticing Barbara motioned her to sit, "Thank God you are here Barbra, you can help explain to him why he needs to come out with us Friday!"

James laughed softly, "Some of us actually have responsibilities and better things to do than go to the mall for the entire evening."

"Nuh-uh, don't pull that on me, Mr. Shy Guy, I checked before even asking, you said you were free and now you are backing out because it would require you to socialize!" Jessica stated pointing at him triumphantly.

James gave her a look of disbelief, "Surely you can't be serious?"

"She is serious," Barbara sat down next to James, "and don't call her surely."

He snorted at that, "Clever quotes aside who else are we waiting for?"

Jessica poked him in the chest, "Nah nah, you can't dodge it that easily. Come out with us! Please!"

At that point, Jessica's eyes had gotten very big and had taken on the semblance of dare she say adorableness.

James sighed, "...fine"

Jessica beamed, and Barbara laughed, James looked a little sullen and looked back to Barbra.

"My earlier question?"

Barbara laughed a little bit more, "Trevor and Mazy might show up later, I do have two friends of mine you haven't met who will join us."

He just nodded at that and went back to looking at the calculus textbook that they would review today. Taking a closer look Barbara saw that he looked tired, with hints of dark circles under his eyes. And off... she couldn't quite put her finger on it, he hid it well, and Jessica certainly did not notice it. But there was something indescribably different from when she had seen him before the winter break.

"Did you have a good Christmas James?" Jessica asked interrupting her thoughts.

Looking up, Barbara saw that despite the tiredness, he seemed alert and in a positive mood, he seemed to be...

He nodded, "Ya, it was good as usual. I just spent it with my aunts and some of their kids."

"Oh I am glad, though I am surprised you didn't spend it with your parents, were they out of town?" Jessica inquired.

Barbara could only mentally slap her forehead with Jessica's inquiry. For the months Barbara had known her she had learned that Jessica was one of the nicest bubbly girls you could meet. She could be a bit much though. Her pressuring James to come to hang out was reeling back her energy, and jumping into questions about James' parents and details about them was more in line with what you could expect. She just loved learning about people and every detail of their lives, it at times could endear her to people... or put her foot in her mouth.

He stilled for a moment when she asked that question, and something flashed through his eyes that Barbara could not quite place. Nonetheless, she felt a shiver go down her spine.

But he quickly recovered and politely said, "My parents died not too long after I was born, I never knew them."

Seeing Jessica's frightened and apologetic face he raised his hand, "Don't worry about it, it happened when I was not even a year old. I never knew them, but I did have my aunts to raise me and so we had a lovely Christmas."

Closing the textbook, he stood up, "Since the others have yet to arrive I am going to go run to the restroom and then grab some snacks. Anyone want anything?"

Both Jessica and Barbara politely declined and he gave them a small reassuring smile before walking out the door.

Barbara gave Jessica a light glare, "Did you really have to question him about his parents?"

Jessica looked sheepish, "I just wanted to get to know him..."

"Just... please be more mindful of people. Some of my other friends coming have similar pasts that are sensitive and I doubt they will handle it as well as him."

Jessica nodded, "I feel really bad now."

She gave Barbara a curious look, "How did you know about his parents?"

"We have talked a little about our pasts," Barbra shrugged, "He is pretty easy and fun to talk to about a lot of things, his past is one he avoids but will comment on if you are patient."

"Oh," she teased, "And how much have you guys been talking about your personal lives?"

Barbara swatted her arm, "It is not like that at all!"

"Isn't it? You looked excited at the prospect of him hanging out with us on Friday."

"When will you stop trying to set me up with every single guy you know," Barbara said exasperated.

Jessica poked Barbara, "Maybe when you give one of them a chance and actually go out with them."

She rolled her eyes at that, this would be another one of Jessica's numerous attempts to get Barbara to date. It wasn't like she was against it, it just was never a major priority for her. Between school, training, and patrolling her life was far too busy to get involved with someone.

That and if she was honest with herself, she was a little afraid. Like with friends she had many interested boys who were more intrigued with dating the Commissioner's daughter, not Barbara. It had made her cynical about the whole thing.

Jessica continued, "I am just saying I have a knack for knowing good ones, James would I bet be a total gentleman."

"Plus," she leaned in close to Barbara, "He is funny and cute."

Barbara hid her blush as she brushed her hair out of her face, "Sure I suppose..."

"HA!" Jessica loudly said with triumph, "you think he is cute, I bet he thinks your cute, you two should totally go out!"

"Jessica..." She groaned.

If only her friends could show up and bring an end to this conversation.

Speaking of her friends...

Two young men walked in at that moment, they seemed to be arguing about something.

"I would have taken you if you hadn't..."

"Ha, sure, you would have beaten me, dream on Jason."

"F&^k you, Dick."

But noticing the company Barbara was in they both quieted down. Taking seats across from Barbara, Dick being the more social of the sidekicks launched into introducing himself to Jessica. Jason however merely huffed and started messing around on his phone.

Since leaving to serve as the Robin for the covert Justice League team, she could see how he had grown. He seemed more self-assured, less obsessive, and overall just calmer. In some ways with how he was changing she wished for him to return to running his patrols. Mind you, Jason wasn't so bad himself.

Oh sure, he wasn't exactly the friendliest or easiest to get along. But get past his gruff exterior and cursing nature and he was... well he was still Jason. But in the months she had gotten to know him she knew he was the type to take a bullet for his team.

And despite their somewhat colorful language and constant bickering, she knew that deep down Dick and Jason did like each other. Or at the very least respected each, even if they would never admit it.

The door yet again opened, this time with James returning from the restroom. He stopped at first to give Dick and Jason a once over before walking in smiling and sitting back down next to Barbra.

"So you must be the new study partners Barbs mentioned, nice to meet you."

Jason gave a polite nod before going back to his phone.

Dick though stared at him for a few moments, "I am sorry, have we met before?"

James looked confused, "I don't think so no."

He continued to stare at James for a bit before shaking his head, "Sorry, you seemed familiar for some reason. Probably I have been knocked in the head too many times from training."

"Training?" James asked.

Dick shrugged and motioned to Jason and her, "We all do training in martial arts together, it's great exercise but it does leave a few marks."

"Ahh gotcha," James nodded appreciatively, "I trained under a teacher for a while. Absolutely worth it, but he did leave some bruises to remember him by."

"Really," Jason now interested, "We should do a spar sometime."

James laughed, "I am not so sure about that. I know a few of the techniques but I never was an outstanding student."

"Ahh, don't be like that," Jason's eyes gleamed with mischief, "It would be fun, plus it would allow us an extra partner to practice with."

"Well Jessica has already convinced me to go to the mall with the group," James said with an amicable sigh, "Just go easy on me when you lay me flat on my back."

Seeing that everyone was getting along, she gave a slight breath of relief. Barbara did like James, and so far he had proven he could be a decent study friend. She knew how overbearing and much Dick and Jason could be so his initial reaction had so far proven promising. It also made him a little more endearing to her. Not that she was thinking of him as anything more than just a casual friend, she would never... would she?

Either way, as she watched him talk with her friends she felt good. It was after all worth having friends outside the weird world that was her life...


*Freeze, Cherry Hills, abandoned tenant building lobby, Gotham City, 1 A.M.

"Riddle me this Freeze..."

Sighing, Freeze gave the buyer of the most recent heists a look of pure malice, though his exasperation seemed to only encourage the man.

"I come at night without being fetched, by day I am lost without being stolen. I am like a jewel, but I am not like a diamond. What am I?"

"I do not care for your riddles," Freeze growled, "Do you have the money for the exchange?"

The buyer in question wore a dark green suit, with a loose tie that for the most part kept him inconspicuous. The bowler hat he wore did defeat that idea but the Riddler had never been the most sensible.

Standing with him were 4 of his men, Freeze stood alone but they all knew that thanks to his armored suit and weaponry, the Riddler gang was on the back foot. Few wanted to mess with the scientist who had nearly frozen the world simply because he was in a 'bad mood.'

Riddler was slightly put out my Freeze's exchange, "A mind like yours should appreciate a good riddle..."

"The correct answer was stars by the way," as he looked towards one of his men.

Motioning to his goons, one of them brought a beat-up suitcase which he unzipped to reveal bundles of roughed-up cash.

Offering the case Riddle said, "Would you like to count it?"

"No," shaking his head, "I trust you to know the consequences of backstabbing."

"Of course, when villains can't trust each other who can?"

Riddler smiled at Freeze who returned it with a cold stare. Letting the moment last for a few moments longer, Riddler checked his watch and tapped its face.

"So are we going to exchange the cash for your goods or?" Riddler said.

Freeze hummed and tapped a button on his left suit control panel, "It will be here shortly."

From out of the shadows of the building, his partner came. He was dressed in his usual gear, jeans, a dark sweatshirt with the hood up, and a mouth face mask with a baseball cap covering his features. Only his eyes could be seen as he walked over with a gym bag which he dropped in front of Riddler.

"Ha ha," Riddler clapped his hands together, "So excited to have this, I was so impatient."

Opening the bag he examined the computer equipment for a brief moment before putting it back. Then he examined the drives which made him look very excited.

Closing the bag he said, "Some will use me, while others will not. "Some have remembered, while others forgot.

"For-profit or gain, I'm used expertly.

"I can't be picked off the ground or tossed into the sea.

"Only gained from patience and time.

"Can you unravel me from this here rhyme?"

Freeze gave him an annoyed look, he hated working with Riddler in no small part because of how annoying he found him. But to his credit, he was one of the more trustworthy buyers you can find in Gotham. He also always had cash in exchange for tech and information.

Right when he was about to tell him to shut it his partner spoke up quietly, "Knowledge."

Riddler became delighted at that. Standing up he dusted his suit pants, "Well at least someone can enjoy a good riddle, you should learn from your assistant Freeze."

Grabbing the bag, he motioned for his men to follow as he made his way to the exit of the abandoned building. Stopping for a moment he looked back at them with a quizzical look.

"He doesn't look like one of your regular men Freeze, is he new?"

Freeze had already grabbed the suitcase of money and was preparing to leave when that question was posed. His partner had stood still keeping an eye on Riddler's men just in case they tried something.

"No, and he is not my man. We are partners." Freeze replied.

"Ahh, well isn't that a surprise, you partnering up is quite rare."

Riddler squinted at the quiet hooded figure, "You seem familiar for some reason?"

Freeze sensing this would lead to a conversation they would rather avoid held his hand out, "We do not have time for this..."

"Yes," his partner interrupted, "I may have beaten up a few of your men last year at the southern wharf."

Riddler snapped his fingers, "Yes! I thought I did, I am surprised though to see you covering up your face. Trying to hide your identity these days?"

He just shrugged, "I realized anonymity was more precious. Call it growing up."

"I can appreciate that," Riddler pointed at Freeze, "And at least you will guess my riddles, this man ignores each one I give."

Freeze watching this exchange was surprised by how amicable both men were acting toward one another considering their past.

"I find it curious you two are amicable towards each other considering..." he said.

His partner shrugged, "I like to think Edward Enigma is smart enough to realize no real harm was done and that it was a simple job. Besides, I don't beat up Penguins rivals anymore."

Riddler laughed at that, "Flattering me certainly does help, and yes no real harm. Besides, if we refused to work with anyone who we have fought in Gotham we would work with no one."

With a tip of his hat, Riddler said, "Well it has been a pleasure gentleman, your patronage will be seen making waves in the next few weeks with what I have planned."

"By the way, what do you call yourself young sir, with a job well done like this I think I would like to hire you again sometime," Leaning slightly forward and holding his hand up to whisper he said, "and maybe not with Mr. Grumpy right here."

Freeze rolled his eyes at this. Riddler was lucky he was useful for easy cash, otherwise, he would have done away with the man after their first meeting. Figuring James would not respond at all to the man, he made his way to the exit they would be taking.

He was surprised to see James hesitating as to the question Riddler had posed. Even more so when he actually answered.

"... Krios... you may call me Krios."

I am back after awhile. Sorry for the delay, I hope to publish another chapter in the next day or so to make up for being gone. We had a slight time jump in this chapter from before the winter break to post winter break. I thought about writing how Christmas was for James but figured that for the most part he would be laying low after the cop killing. Don't worry though, there will be consequences for his actions shown later on.


We find out who the buyer is for some of the computer parts and hardrives James stole in earlier chapters is. Riddler will play a recurring role for the next few chapters, I am looking forward to researching riddles he will say and so on.


Will there be a relationship with Batgirl? I would say there already is at the very least a tentative one. Will it turn to romance? I will just say you will have to read to find out! Let me know what you guys think.


Let me know who you would like James to meet in the DC universe!


As always send me stones, leave comments and reviews. Every little bit helps!

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