
DC: New God of Darkness

Edward Wayne is the younger brother of Bruce Wayne, born two years after Bruce. Following the tragic death of their parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, Edward was sent to live with an estranged relative overseas for his safety, under the guise of attending a prestigious boarding school. Unbeknownst to him, this separation was to protect him from threats targeting the Wayne family. Growing up, Edward received top-tier education and combat training, eventually returning to Gotham City.

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Chapter 3: Revelations in the Shadows

Hey guys welcome to chapter 3. If you haven't checked out my other story, you totally should. It's an Invincible TV show based. Anyways enjoy this chapter that cooked up in my mind.

"War does not measure the strength of a man." - Kratos


Months later, after his interview with Vicki Vale, Wayne Enterprises began the massive production of their new and improved solar panels, branded as "Helios Panels." These panels were not just a technological marvel but a symbol of hope and progress, embodying the fusion of cutting-edge innovation with a commitment to sustainability.


Late Evening at the Wayne Manor, Gotham City

In the dimly lit sanctum of the Wayne Manor library, Edward Wayne delved into the depths of a thick tome on physics, his mind ablaze with thoughts of alternate realities and the mysteries of the cosmos. It has been months since he has been able to relax like this. Ever since his new product has hit the markets, it has taken up much of his attention. Despite his intense focus, he had not forgotten his training and noticed a silent observer lurking in the shadows.

Edward muttered to himself, "This theory on alternate realities is intriguing, but it feels incomplete. It suggests a simplistic view of the multiverse, one where alternate realities are merely different versions of our own world. There must be more to the multiverse than just parallel Earths with minor variations in our lives."

He flipped through the thick tome on quantum mechanics, his brow furrowed in concentration. "What about universes governed by entirely different physical laws? Realities where time flows backward, or where consciousness shapes reality in ways we can't even comprehend? The multiverse must encompass realms beyond our wildest imaginations, not just slight deviations of our own existence."

Edward's mind raced with possibilities. "What if there are dimensions where life itself follows different evolutionary paths? Worlds where intelligence isn't carbon-based, or where sentient beings exist as pure energy? The potential scope of the multiverse is staggering, far beyond the simplistic notion of alternate versions of ourselves."

He leaned back in his chair, his thoughts venturing deeper into the unknown. "There must be a unifying principle, a grand theory that can explain the vast diversity and underlying connections between these myriad realities. The answer lies somewhere beyond the pages of this book, in the fundamental nature of existence itself."

A voice, resonant with an otherworldly quality, interrupted his musings. "The mind of a seeker, always questioning the fabric of existence. You ponder what many dare not."

Undeterred, Edward turned to face the speaker, his eyes steely. "Who are you? How do you know my name? Why have you been watching me for the past hour?" he demanded, his voice a blend of apprehension and intrigue.

"I am Metron, a traveler of the infinite tapestry," the figure responded, gradually materializing, seated upon a futuristic chair. "Your inquiries draw me, Edward. They echo through the cosmos."

The ancient being paused then continued, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Your keen perception impresses me, Edward. Few mortals would have sensed my presence, let alone questioned it. This trait will serve you well in your quest for knowledge."

"Metron... I've never heard of you. What are you?" Edward inquired, maintaining his cautious stance.

"I am known by many names, but here, I am the New God of Knowledge," Metron declared, his presence radiating profound insight. "I wander the realms, seeking truths beyond mortal grasp. You, Edward, have a spark that beckons."

Edward paused, thoughtful. "New God? What exactly is a New God, and how do you differ from other gods?"

Metron's eyes gleamed with the weight of ancient knowledge. "The New Gods are beings from the twin planets of New Genesis and Apokolips, existing in a higher dimension than Earth. We were born from the destruction of the Old Gods, whose essence gave birth to our own. Unlike the deities of ancient Earthly mythologies—who often personify natural elements or human traits—we represent more abstract and universal concepts. We are bound to the Source, the ultimate wellspring of all creation and power in the multiverse."

Edward's curiosity deepened. "So, New Genesis and Apokolips... What are they like?"

Metron's expression became contemplative. "New Genesis is a realm of beauty and enlightenment, ruled by the Highfather. It is a world of peace and prosperity, where beings strive for knowledge, harmony, and the greater good. The inhabitants live in a utopian society, their lives dedicated to advancing wisdom and fostering compassion."

Edward could almost visualize the serene landscapes and advanced cities, a stark contrast to the world he knew.

"And Apokolips?" Edward prompted, sensing the darker turn in the conversation.

Metron's face hardened. "Apokolips is a hellish world of tyranny and suffering, ruled by Darkseid. It is a desolate, fiery wasteland where the strong oppress the weak, and power is gained through fear and ruthless ambition. Its inhabitants live in constant torment, serving the whims of their cruel master. Darkseid's rule is absolute, his quest for the Anti-Life Equation a relentless pursuit to subjugate all free will in the universe."

The stark dichotomy between the two worlds left Edward in awe of the vastness and complexity of the cosmos. His mind raced with the implications of such powerful forces at play.

Metron nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Knowledge is the key to understanding and shaping your destiny, Edward Wayne. But remember, the more you know, the more you realize how little you truly understand. Use this knowledge wisely." With those cryptic words, Metron and his Mobius Chair faded into the shadows, leaving Edward to ponder the profound and enigmatic revelations of their encounter.

Few Years Later

Edward sat in front of the famed Bat Computer, sifting through an array of files on sightings of heroes and villains, not just in Gotham but across other cities as well. His mind, however, drifted back to the momentous day when he discovered his brother's secret identity. It was a memory etched into his mind, a turning point in his understanding of who Bruce truly was.


Years earlier, after Edward had returned to Wayne Manor after his long stay overseas. The house was eerily quiet, save for the distant rumble of thunder. As he wandered through the grand, dark halls, he noticed a faint light emanating from behind the grandfather clock in the study.

Curiosity piqued, Edward approached and found the clock slightly ajar. He pushed it open further and discovered a hidden staircase leading down into the depths of the manor. Descending cautiously, he emerged into a vast, cavernous space illuminated by the glow of high-tech equipment and the soft hum of machinery. It was the famed Batcave, a secret lair teeming with gadgets, vehicles, and artifacts of Gotham's dark protector.

At the center of it all stood Bruce Wayne, clad in the imposing Batsuit, his back turned to Edward. The younger Wayne's heart pounded in his chest as realization dawned upon him. He took a step forward, his voice trembling with a mix of awe and disbelief.

"Bruce... you're Batman?"

Bruce turned slowly, his eyes meeting Edward's with a mixture of resolve and vulnerability. He removed his cowl, revealing the familiar face of his brother, yet marked with the weariness of countless battles fought in the shadows.

"Edward," Bruce began, his voice steady but tinged with the weight of his secret. "There are things I had to protect you from, things you needed to be kept away from while you grew stronger. Now, it's time you knew the truth."

Edward's mind raced, images of the mysterious vigilante piecing together with the brother he had idolized. "How long?" he asked, struggling to process the revelation.

"Since that night," Bruce replied, his voice heavy with the memory of their parents' tragic death. "I vowed to ensure that no one else would suffer as we did. Gotham needed a protector, and I became that protector."

The enormity of Bruce's mission hit Edward like a tidal wave. His brother wasn't just a billionaire playboy; he was the Batman, a symbol of hope and fear. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Edward demanded a mix of frustration and admiration in his voice.

Bruce stepped closer, placing a hand on Edward's shoulder. "I wanted to, but you needed to be safe. Your path was different. But now, you're ready to be part of this, to understand the gravity of what we do."

Edward's thoughts drifted back to the intensity of that night. He remembered how Bruce had shown him the various compartments and tools of the Batcave, explaining their uses and the necessity of each. He recalled the awe he felt seeing the Batmobile up close, a marvel of engineering and intimidation.

"Every piece of equipment here has a purpose, Edward," Bruce had said, his voice steady and authoritative. "They are extensions of who I am, tools to fight the darkness that engulfs this city."

Bruce had led him to a display case where the various Batsuits were stored. Each one had its own history, its own scars from battles fought and won. Edward was struck by the meticulous care and thought put into every detail, the dedication his brother had to his cause.

"Being Batman isn't just about strength or intelligence," Bruce had continued. "It's about understanding fear, both your own and that of your enemies. It's about sacrifice and never giving up, no matter the odds."

Edward had listened intently, absorbing every word. He could see the burden his brother carried, the weight of the mantle he wore. But he also saw the determination in Bruce's eyes, the unwavering commitment to his mission.

"I kept this from you because I needed you to find your own path first," Bruce had said, his tone softening. "But now, I believe you're ready. Ready to stand by my side and protect our city."

Edward had felt a surge of pride and responsibility. He realized that his training, his education, all the trials he had faced were leading to this moment. He was being invited into a world of shadows and light, of heroes and villains, where every decision could mean the difference between life and death.

However, he rejected the idea of joining his brother on patrol. His views on crime and justice had diverged significantly from his brother's. While Bruce's approach was to tackle crime head-on, one criminal at a time, Edward believed that true change could only come from addressing the systemic issues that bred crime in the first place.

"I understand what you're trying to do, Bruce," Edward said during one of their many heated discussions in the Batcave. "But fighting criminals night after night only treats the symptoms, not the disease. Gotham's problems are rooted in its corruption, poverty, and lack of opportunities. We need to focus on eradicating those issues if we ever want to see real change."

Bruce, dressed in his Bat-suit, ready to head out for another night of vigilantism, paused to look at his brother. "You think I don't know that? Every time I put someone away, ten more take their place. But someone has to be out there, stopping the immediate threats. Someone has to make sure the city doesn't fall apart while we work on those bigger issues."

Edward shook his head. "And while you're out there playing whack-a-mole with Gotham's criminal element, I'm working on long-term solutions. I'm focusing on education, economic reform, and community programs. We need to give people a reason to hope, a reason to believe they can have a better future."

Bruce's jaw tightened. "Hope won't stop a mugger from pulling a gun on someone tonight. Hope won't stop the Joker from planning his next attack."

"No, it won't," Edward conceded. "But if we don't start addressing the root causes, Gotham will always be a breeding ground for crime. We need to attack the problem from both fronts. You do what you do best, and I'll do what I do best."

Bruce looked at his brother, seeing the conviction in his eyes. "I get it, Edward. I really do. But just remember, the people out there tonight—they need us both. They need Batman to keep the streets safe, and they need you to make sure those streets have a future worth saving."

Edward nodded, respecting his brother's point even if he didn't fully agree. "I'll keep working on my end. Just promise me you'll stay safe out there."

Bruce gave a rare smile, the kind only Edward could draw out of him. "Always, little brother."

Edward watched as Bruce drove off in the Batmobile, the roar of the engine echoing through the cavernous Batcave. He turned back to his own projects. He might not agree with Bruce's methods, but they were two sides of the same coin—both fighting for a Gotham they believed could be better.


Back in the present, Edward's gaze returned to the Bat Computer's screen. The vast array of information displayed was a testament to Bruce's meticulous nature and unwavering dedication to his mission. Various files were open, each containing detailed notes on extraordinary individuals making waves across the globe. One file, in particular, caught Edward's eye—a dossier on the so-called Superman, a term coined by the ambitious reporter Lois Lane.

The Superman file was extensive, filled with high-resolution images, video clips, and detailed reports on his encounters. Bruce had meticulously cataloged every known instance of Superman's appearances, from his dramatic rescues to his confrontations with criminals. Edward scanned through the information, noting Bruce's observations on Superman's abilities—flight, superhuman strength, heat vision, and near invulnerability.

In the dimly lit confines of the Batcave, Edward Wayne immersed himself in the intricacies of Bruce's meticulously crafted Agamemnon Contingency plan for the newly revealed Superman. It had been months since the alien's debut, and Bruce had diligently compiled every detail of Superman's formidable abilities: heat vision capable of cutting through steel, flight that defied Earth's gravity, superhuman strength and invulnerability that rendered him nearly indestructible, and the ability to unleash freezing blasts from his breath.

Bruce's countermeasures were equally thorough. Edward made notes to develop thermal disruption devices and adaptive cloaking technology to further counter Superman's heat-based attacks.

Turning to Superman's flight capabilities, Edward saw Bruce's plans for magnetic traps and drone interceptors armed with experimental Wayne Tech weapons. He proposed enhancing these with gravitational distortion fields and anti-flight netting to create additional barriers against Superman's aerial maneuvers.

Bruce's strategy to handle Superman's super strength involved an exoskeleton suit for direct confrontations. Edward's additions included kinetic dampening fields and tactical paralysis agents to neutralize Superman's physical dominance in combat.

For Superman's invulnerability, Bruce had devised experimental weapons and energy-based traps. Edward suggested deploying nanite inhibitors to weaken Superman's molecular structure, making him vulnerable to conventional attacks.

Lastly, Edward reviewed the measures against Superman's freeze breath, which included thermal insulation gear and heat generators. His additions of counter-freeze aerosols and heat pulse emitters would provide real-time solutions to neutralize the effects of freezing temperatures.

In addition to these technical strategies, Edward emphasized psychological warfare tactics leveraging Superman's moral code and personal connections. He ensured all countermeasures could be remotely activated and advocated for continuous monitoring through a network of sensors.

Edward leaned back, his mind buzzing with the implications of their preparations. He respected Bruce's foresight and dedication to protecting Gotham and beyond. Saving the updated plan, Edward felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing their combined efforts would ensure they were always one step ahead of any potential threat, even one as formidable as Superman.

This plan, part of his broader "Agamemnon Contingency"—a detailed series of protocols designed to counteract potential superpowered beings—was meticulously detailed and multifaceted.


Next, Edward's eyes fell on a file dedicated to a mysterious streak of lightning in Central City. The blur, known as the Flash, had been aiding people with incredible speed, performing feats that defied the laws of physics. Bruce's file on the Flash contained detailed analyses of his speed capabilities and molecular vibrations.

Barry Allen, Edward pondered, as he delved into Bruce's file that strongly hinted at the Flash's identity being a forensic scientist named Barry Allen from the CCPD, though not confirmed definitively. The dossier meticulously detailed Barry's background as a forensic scientist and chronicled the profound tragedies that had molded him into a hero. Edward understood why Bruce considered Barry both invaluable and potentially perilous, especially if his formidable powers were ever to be misused.

Bruce's meticulous notes meticulously outlined Barry Allen's early life, chronicling the events that ultimately shaped him into The Flash. Key aspects included Barry's deep-seated commitment to justice and his unyielding determination to clear his father's name. The murder of Barry's mother, Nora Allen, during his childhood had left an enduring scar on his psyche, an event Bruce analyzed through Barry's recollections, forensic data, and psychological evaluations.

Bruce's analysis further delved into the profound psychological impact of Nora Allen's murder on Barry. Bruce posited that the trauma of losing his mother, compounded by his father's wrongful imprisonment, had ignited a fervent quest for justice within Barry. This drive propelled him not only as a forensic scientist but also as a superhero. Bruce speculated that Barry's internal struggles with guilt and his unyielding pursuit of preventing similar tragedies often propelled him into acts of daring recklessness in his relentless pursuit of justice.

The notes also explored the psychological ramifications of the murder on Barry's psyche. He theorized that the trauma of losing his mother and the subsequent wrongful imprisonment of his father had created a deep-seated need for justice within Barry. This need drove Barry's actions as both a forensic scientist and a superhero. Bruce speculated that Barry's sense of guilt and his desire to prevent similar tragedies fueled his relentless pursuit of justice, sometimes to the point of recklessness.

The contingency plan for neutralizing the speedster was meticulously detailed, designed to address the physical aspects of his abilities. Recognizing Barry's superhuman speed and reflexes, Bruce's primary focus was on developing advanced technological solutions to counteract these advantages. Bruce developed cold-based weaponry inspired by Captain Cold's arsenal. These weapons were capable of generating sub-zero temperatures that could temporarily immobilize the speedster, exploiting his vulnerability to extreme cold. Magnetic traps, strategically placed in key locations, were another layer of defense designed to disrupt his movements by generating powerful electromagnetic fields.

As Edward reviewed the physical countermeasures outlined in the plan, his mind teemed with innovative enhancements. Bruce's cold-based weaponry, designed to subdue him with sub-zero temperatures, prompted him to conceive of a more portable cryogenic emitter capable of creating localized freeze zones. Such a device would offer greater operational flexibility, essential for immobilizing the speedster without direct confrontation.

Understanding that technology alone might not be sufficient, Bruce delved into psychological strategies. He recognized that Barry's emotional vulnerabilities could be pivotal in neutralizing him. Drawing from extensive psychological profiles and consulting with experts, Bruce devised tactics to manipulate Barry's emotions and induce hesitation. One particularly potent strategy involved creating realistic holograms or illusions of Barry's deceased mother, Nora Allen. The emotional turmoil caused by seeing his mother could cause Barry to falter, giving Bruce the crucial seconds needed to implement his technological countermeasures.

To ensure the robustness of his plan, Bruce took proactive measures by equipping key locations, such as the Batcave and Wayne Enterprises, with speed dampening fields and cold-based weaponry. These installations were designed to provide a controlled environment where Barry's speed could be neutralized. 

Bruce's plan wasn't static; it evolved with Barry's abilities. Continuous monitoring of Barry's activities allowed Bruce to stay ahead, updating his strategies and devices as needed. He incorporated feedback from simulated scenarios and real-world encounters, refining his approach to address any new challenges that might arise.

Beyond the immediate tactical considerations, Bruce also contemplated the broader implications of neutralizing a speedster. Recognizing the potential danger if the Flash's powers were ever misused, Bruce Wayne, ever the meticulous strategist, devised a comprehensive contingency plan to neutralize him if necessary.

Edward inwardly shook his head at his brother's paranoia. Bruce's files were exhaustive, each contingency plan meticulously crafted to neutralize these powerful beings if they ever turned rogue. Bruce's obsession with control and preparedness was evident in every line of text, every diagram, and every strategy outlined in those files.

"Bruce, always the control freak," Edward murmured with a wry smile. He understood the necessity of these precautions but couldn't help feeling that Bruce's relentless vigilance bordered on paranoia. To Bruce, every potential ally was also a potential threat, and every friendship was tinged with suspicion.

As he delved deeper into the files, Edward marveled at Bruce's ability to gather such comprehensive information. Contacts across various fields, from law enforcement to espionage, had contributed to these detailed dossiers. Bruce's network was vast and far-reaching, a web of intelligence that spanned the globe.

Yet, Edward couldn't deny the wisdom in Bruce's approach. The world was changing, and with it, the nature of threats. Superpowered beings were no longer the stuff of comic books but stark realities. In such a world, being prepared for every eventuality was not just prudent—it was essential.


Over the years since his return, Edward had often lightly clashed with Bruce about his staunch no-killing policy. Their debates were intense yet respectful, each brother steadfast in their beliefs. Edward argued from a pragmatic standpoint, believing that in some cases, lethal force might be necessary to protect the greater good. However, Bruce had always stood firm, explaining that his stance wasn't about the inherent wrongness of killing; it was about the principle and the dangerous precedent it set.

"Killing isn't inherently wrong," Bruce would say during one of their many debates in the Batcave. "But it's a line we shouldn't cross, Edward. Once you cross that line, it changes you. It becomes easier to justify killing again and again."

Edward would listen, his mind whirling with the complexities of their moral debate. He respected Bruce's perspective, understanding that it was born from a desire to be more than just another vigilante, to stand for something higher.

"With our training and our resources, we could be the deadliest killers on the planet," Bruce continued, his voice grave. "But that's not who we are."

"But what about the ones who keep coming back?" Edward would counter. "The ones who escape Arkham time and again, causing more death and suffering? Sometimes, it feels like we're just putting a band-aid on a wound that won't stop bleeding."

Bruce's eyes would harden, the weight of his responsibility evident in his gaze. "I know it's frustrating, Edward. But if we start killing, we become no better than the criminals we fight. We have to be better. We have to show Gotham that there's another way."

After a particularly intense argument with Bruce, Edward found himself needing space to clear his head. The disagreement had centered around their differing approaches to dealing with a notorious crime syndicate that had resurfaced in Gotham. Bruce insisted on a strategic, non-lethal approach, while Edward advocated for more aggressive measures to dismantle the organization and prevent further harm to innocent lives.

Alfred, who had witnessed the heated exchange, was deeply concerned. He knew the brothers' strong-willed nature often led to passionate disagreements, but this time felt different. Edward's decision to distance himself from Wayne Manor and immerse himself in his projects and studies struck a chord of sadness in Alfred's heart. He worried about the emotional strain it placed on both Edward and Bruce, and the potential rift it could create in their familial bond.

Alfred nodded understandingly, his eyes conveying a mixture of sympathy and wisdom. "Understood, Master Edward," he said, his voice a soothing presence in the room. "Take all the time you need. But remember, family is the bedrock that grounds us, even in the face of disagreements."

Edward offered a faint smile, appreciative of Alfred's unwavering support. "Thank you, Alfred," he murmured gratefully, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly under Alfred's comforting hand. "I'll sort things out. I just... need to find my footing again."

Alfred squeezed Edward's shoulder gently before withdrawing, leaving Edward staring into the crackling fire.

In the days that followed, Edward threw himself into his work on solar energy and his studies of theoretical physics and astrophysics with renewed vigor. His days were spent poring over complex equations and conducting experiments in the R&D labs at Wayne Enterprises. To further deepen his understanding, Edward occasionally disguised himself and attended physics classes at Gotham University, relishing the anonymity and intellectual stimulation offered by the academic environment.

One chilly autumn evening, Edward slipped quietly into a bustling lecture hall at Gotham University, shrouded in a nondescript hoodie and glasses that masked his identity among the sea of eager students. The air was thick with anticipation as the professor, a renowned physicist known for his groundbreaking research in quantum mechanics, took center stage.

With an authoritative voice and animated gestures, the professor delved deep into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and superposition. Edward leaned forward attentively, his pen scratching hurriedly across the pages of his notebook, capturing every insight and equation with precision. His mind raced with questions about the implications of quantum theory on the nature of reality and the possibility of parallel universes.

Unbeknownst to everyone around them, as Edward delved deeper into the discussion, shadows began to stir subtly around him. In the dimly lit corners of the lecture hall, where the ambient light struggled to reach, wisps of darkness flickered and danced. At first imperceptible, these movements became more pronounced as Edward's excitement grew.

A shadow elongated unnaturally, curling around a desk leg before recoiling like a living entity testing its bounds. Another seemed to hover near Edward's own silhouette, its edges shifting and morphing with an eerie fluidity. The air around him seemed to thicken subtly, as if charged with an unseen energy responding to his intellectual fervor.

Amidst the animated debate, Edward noticed a peculiar sensation—a chill running down his spine, a fleeting sensation of being watched by unseen eyes. Instinctively, he glanced around, but the lecture hall appeared unchanged, bustling with students engrossed in their own discussions.

One evening, as dusk settled over Gotham, Edward found himself alone in the dimly lit laboratory. He was engrossed in a particularly intricate simulation of solar flares and their potential impact on energy absorption rates in Helios Panels. Lost in thought, he absentmindedly reached out to adjust a calibration device when he felt a strange surge of energy coursing through him.

Unbeknownst to Edward, his stress and emotional turmoil had inadvertently retriggered his latent ability to manipulate shadows—the same ability that he had unknowingly once manifested after finding out why he was sent to Switzerland. As he moved, shadows coalesced around his hand, wrapping it in a shroud of darkness.

Startled, Edward withdrew his hand quickly, the shadows dissipating as suddenly as they had appeared. His heart raced as he realized what had happened. The power he had struggled to control, the same darkness that had both frightened and fascinated him, had surfaced once again in a moment of emotional vulnerability.

Breathing deeply, Edward leaned against the lab bench, trying to steady his thoughts. The incident reminded him of the need to confront and understand his abilities, rather than suppress them out of fear or uncertainty. He knew Bruce would caution him against exploring such powers, fearing their potential to corrupt. Yet, Edward couldn't ignore the undeniable connection he felt to this mysterious aspect of himself.

Gathering his composure, Edward resolved to delve deeper into the study of shadows and their metaphysical properties. He would seek guidance from ancient texts and modern scientific literature alike, determined to unravel the mystery of his abilities and harness them for himself.


Unknown Realm

In the dimly lit chambers of a large mansion, nestled deep within the body of Tartarus, Nyx and Erebus reclined upon thrones forged of shadows and obsidian. The air was thick with the essence of primordial darkness, their forms barely discernible except for the glimmer of starlight reflected in Nyx's eyes and the faint glow that emanated from Erebus's form. They have been watching Edward ever since he developed the ability to use shadows as well as his meeting with the young New God, Metron.

Nyx, cloaked in a swirling mantle of darkness that seemed to absorb the light around her, chuckled softly as she reclined gracefully upon her throne. "Did you see his face, Erebus?" she whispered, her voice a melodic echo in the cavernous hall. "The way Edward jumped when we sent those shadows to dance around him? I haven't seen such a reaction in millennia!"

Erebus, a towering figure of deep shadow and shifting darkness, chuckled in response. "Indeed, wife," he rumbled, his voice resonating like two mountains crashing together. "He is quite fascinating, this mortal. His potential with shadows is impressive, though still unrefined.

Erebus nodded thoughtfully, tendrils of darkness swirling around him like living tendrils of smoke. "Indeed, Edward has a rare blend of intellect and introspection," he agreed. "He seeks understanding rather than power, a trait that could make him a worthy successor."

"But are we ready to retire, brother?" Nyx teased lightly, her gaze flickering with amusement. "To relinquish our dominion over the night to a mortal like Edward or Shade?"

Erebus chuckled deeply, the sound reverberating through the room. "Perhaps not just yet," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "But it is intriguing to contemplate. Mortals like Edward and Shade remind us of the ever-changing nature of existence."

Nyx nodded thoughtfully, her features softened by the play of shadows across her face. "Indeed," she murmured, her voice a whisper carried on the currents of darkness. "Let us observe them a while longer, husband. Their journeys may yet lead to unexpected revelations."

With a shared nod of agreement, Nyx and Erebus settled back into their thrones, their forms blending into the tapestry of shadows that adorned the Mansion of Night.

However, Erebus nervously shifted, the shadows around him flickering with unease before he gathered his resolve. "Wife," he began, his voice steady yet tinged with intrigue, "have you considered consulting Saint Michael on this matter? His proximity to the Presence could lend significant weight to our deliberations."

Nyx, her eyes gleaming with starlit wisdom, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Erebus," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of eons of contemplation. "Saint Michael's closeness to the Presence and his understanding of divine providence could offer valuable insights into the mortals' potential roles."

Erebus inclined his shadowy head in agreement. "He may also provide perspective on our decision to retire," he added, tendrils of darkness curling around his form in silent contemplation. "The Presence has always valued equilibrium, and our decision could influence the cosmic order."

Nyx's expression softened, a rare smile touching her lips as she regarded her brother. "Let us summon Saint Michael, then," she decided, her voice carrying the authority of the primordial goddess of night. "His counsel will illuminate our path forward."

With a silent nod of agreement, Erebus stretched out a hand, and shadows coalesced into a spectral messenger. The ethereal form shimmered momentarily before vanishing into the darkness, sent forth to seek Saint Michael and convey Nyx and Erebus request for an audience with the Presence.

As they awaited Saint Michael's arrival, Nyx and Erebus settled back into their thrones, their ancient forms intertwined with the very essence of darkness itself. In the depths of Tartarus, they prepared to discuss the fate of Edward and the cosmic balance that hung in the balance.