
DC Meets Traumatized Teen

Mark's entire world was crumbling beneath him. His father wanted to take over the planet. He killed the guardians, killed thousands of people, and almost killed Mark. He would've done more to Mark if he wasn't teleported away… however the teleporter malfunctioned, and Mark ended up in a world similar to his own. But so different at the same time. How will he return home? Or… Mark travels to the DC universe! And deals with trauma.

Anarchus · Komik
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: We're Invincible

Clark didn't expect Mark's dad to be so… frustrating. He couldn't contain the anger that raced through his veins upon hearing what he said. How Mark's friends didn't matter, how they were going to die anyway, and then proceeded to threaten to kill them- no, not threaten, attempt. Clark knew he was going to do so, after what Mark told them. How he got here, how he ended up so beaten and bloody.

It was because of his dad, of all people. It seemed he didn't stop at Mark, he also killed innocent people just to teach a lesson. It angered him, Clark had never hated someone this much before. There were many villains Clark hated, but Mark's dad was taking the cake. It hit too close to home for him. He saw his own son, Jon, in Mark, and he saw himself in the boy's father. A twisted version that made Clark sick.

This was how Clark found himself roaring into the sky and punching Mark's dad across his face. Or Omni-man, as he called himself. He had no right to be Mark's dad anymore. The man righted himself in the dark night sky, his red cape flaring behind him. He didn't deserve to wear such a cape.

"You won't win," Omni-man said and slammed a fist across his face before he could react. Clark stumbled back from the impact, he was a heavy hitter. But the thing was, Clark can hit even harder.

"Are you sure about that?" He saw the surprise on Omni-man's face when he turned to him and found no blood, no broken nose, or any sign of substantial damage. Just a small scuff mark across his cheek, which was easily wiped away by Clark's hand. Then his brows fell and Clark saw his jaw clench.

"Positive," Omni-man tackled him and sent them both careening through the sky at light speed, they crashed right into the side of a mountain. The earth trembled from the impact, large cracks forming under his back. Clark grunted with Omni-man's arm at his throat to hold him down. But Omni-man's success was short-lived, as Clark easily pushed him aside and uppercut him, sending him back into the sky.

It was difficult to keep Omni-man in the air and away from civilization, from cities and the ground where real damage could be done. He couldn't let their fight go down there, people could die- no, people would die, and Clark wouldn't let him. Not in his world, not anywhere in the universe.

"You don't talk to your son like that," Clark snapped, his punch was caught and Omni-man slammed him across the jaw. Clark stumbled back, wearing his jaw which began to ache from the repeated hits. He'd admit, the man was difficult to hit, being able to travel as fast as Superman. His punches weren't soft either, and despite his skin being unable to break, the hits still stung after a while.

"Don't tell me how to raise my son."

"I will tell you," he hissed and dodged the kick thrown at him. His eyes flashed, lasers slashing across Omni-man's chest, merely burning the surface-level skin. He hissed in pain and Clark took the chance to lunge at him and slam the man in the chest. Clark felt a crack under his fist and blood splatter out of his mouth. Omni-man looked surprised, he probably didn't expect someone like Superman to face him, let alone damage him. "Your boy looks up to you, I know mine does, and yet you tell him horrible lies and beat him up. For what?"

"To teach him a lesson!" Omni-man snapped and reared his body back to slam into him, pushing him towards the ground. For a second, they raced through the sky and made a beeline for the ground below. Clark grabbed his fists and pushed back, not letting the man slam him into the surface. Not where people walked. "He needs to understand what it means to be a Viltrumite. He needs to be strong, not sympathetic and weak!" Clark headbutted him, Omni-man shouted in pain and backed off, blood leaking from his nose. Anything to shut him up.

"No, to be a hero he needs to be sympathetic, empathy is a good trait to have. You should be proud," Clark argued.

"It's a weakness," Omni-man growled before diving back into the fight. Silence washed over them as all the focus was spent on trying to knock out the other. Superman had to admit that Omni-man was difficult to fight. He was just as strong and agile as him. He dodged Clark's attacks and in return, Clark dodged them as well. Omni-man put all his strength into each punch and he was shocked at how much they hurt. Despite it not damaging his iron skin.

However, he had one downside, as did Superman with Kryptonite. His skin wasn't invulnerable like his. With enough power, it could bruise and bleed, he could be damaged with enough force. Superman had plenty of power to do so.

But he couldn't keep the fight contained to the sky. Omni-man threw him into the ground, right onto a city road. Superman threw the man up into the air, peeling himself out of the concrete. People screamed and ran in terror, cars beeping as the road before them was shattered under his back.

"Damnit," he hissed. Perhaps he should end this sooner rather than later…

"You're just like Mark," Omni-man hissed, floating above him. "Weak," Superman didn't hesitate to jump up into him and throw him back to the clouds. "Sympathetic. It's pathetic," he said, managing to float away from Clark.

"No, it's honorable," Superman bit back and punched Omni-man across the cheek. He saw the man stumble back, staggering a little in the air. He was cutting through him. Slowly, but surely, Clark could see more and more bruises and blood appear from each hit he managed to land. The fight was becoming one-sided, and Clark knew he could win. "You won't win Omni-man. With all the hits you landed, not one had damaged me," Superman proclaimed. He hoped to end it here, perhaps Omni-man would realize he couldn't win and give up. At least then Clark wouldn't have to beat him unconscious… even if he kind of wanted to.

This was for Mark, however, not for him. He doesn't get to decide his father's fate.

The man growled and wiped the blood off his cheek. "You could do so much more with your power besides saving insignificant human lives."

"But what's the point in that? What happiness would I have?" Superman said, spreading his arms. "Your son understands that. He understands that human life is to be valued. Why can't you?" Omni-man desperately launched at him, it was weaker than before. He caught his fist and stopped the momentum he threw at Clark.

"You're naive," he growled.

Clark narrowed his eyes, "You're brainwashed by the planet you come from," Superman muttered. He could see how desperately Omni-man clung to the ideals he grew up with, whether out of fear or true belief, he didn't know. "You were happy living on Earth, weren't you? Yet you threw it all away. Why? To be loyal to a planet that does nothing but conquer and destroy lives?"

"Viltrum doesn't just conquer. We help species advance and live peacefully," Omni-man argued a lie. There was no peace in conquering worlds. Whoever said so was lying to themselves and those they told it to, peace wasn't something forced.

"And if they refuse?"

"They die."

"Give up your planet or die? Sounds cruel and tyrannical," Superman deadpanned and twisted his arm. Omni-man shouted in pain, the bone cracking like firecrackers under his force. Omni-man punched him and hit him, but Superman only stumbled a little. Not letting go of his twisted arm.

"Viltrum is the superior-" he started between heavy breaths, the struggling becoming weaker.

"Forget Viltrum for a second," Superman said and caught his other fist. His body ached, and Clark was glad to finally talk more than fight. Perhaps now he can get through Omni-man's thick skull. "Remember your family. Were you happy?"

"For a time. But Viltrum-"

"I said forget it," Clark snapped. Omni-man sneered at him but stopped struggling, Clark would take it. "You enjoyed human pleasures. You lived. Can't you understand why Mark cares for humans so much? You care for one. I care for one. Can't you see? Humans are something worth protecting, not killing and conquering. Don't you love your family?" At this, Omni-man seemed to falter. His breathing ragged as he glanced away from him, and Superman was also exhausted. How long have they been fighting anyway?

His face twisted, "I… I have a duty to my planet."

"Is that more important than your son? If that duty hurts him and those around him, is it worth it?"

"Don't make me question my loyalty-" he started.

"Then don't question it," Superman snapped, his grip tightening on Omni-man's fists. "Follow like a blind rat Omni-man. Your family will suffer for it, as will every other human," this was hopeless. He slammed a fist into Omni-man's face. The man scrambled to return hits, however, he didn't let him recover. "You will gain nothing but sorrow for taking over Earth!" He yelled and hit him again, blood painting his fists.

"It… it doesn't matter!" Omni-man snapped and used his body to jump away from him. "Debbie will die, they all will die in fifty years. It doesn't matter to me-"

"But Mark won't. You said it yourself, he won't die for thousands of years. He'll be there when everyone's gone, after everything, you'll still have your son," Clark said. He watched Omni-man's face crumble, something soft and broken. He glanced at his own hands, brows furrowed, and for a second, Clark saw a flicker of humanity at the mention of Mark. Of hurt and regret, perhaps his son was a weak point for Omni-man. Clark sighed, maybe he finally got through to him- then he let out a roar of rage and jumped him. He threw him down and tumbled through the sky. Superman grunted in pain as his back slammed into the ground, rocks jabbing into his back once more.

He opened his eyes and saw Omni-man over him, blood dripping off his face and nose.

"Cl- Superman?" He heard a familiar voice whisper. He looked and saw the Bat-family and Mark. Mark whose eyes were wide, whose hand was stretched out, ready to help. He looked terrified, face pale and watery eyes staring at them. They flickered between him and Omni-man, unsure and conflicted. Clark clenched his eyes shut and looked back at Omni-Man, who was on his last legs. Barely able to keep him pinned to the ground. He didn't want Mark to see this, but it seemed he had little choice in the matter. Clark grabbed Omni-man's shoulder and flipped them to slam his opponent into the ground. The air tore out of Omni-man's chest in a rough wheeze once Clark's hand shoved him into the crater.

He took a deep breath and continued, "If it all doesn't matter, then why did you spend at least seventeen years of your life raising him!" Superman snapped, fingers curling into the fabric of his suit. He watched Omni-man glance at Mark, before looking away. He clenched his eyes shut and Superman swore he could see tears lining the edges. Humanity. There was hope left for this man. His grip loosened a little, and Omni-man's eyes snapped back open.

He screamed and shoved Superman up, uppercutting him back into the air. Superman floated away and rubbed his jaw, it stung, but it wasn't enough. The hit wasn't as hard as before, he was weakened. His shoulders fell, he really hoped he wouldn't have to do this, but Omni-man wouldn't listen.

"You better apologize to him later," Superman muttered, Omni-man's face twisting with fury. But before he could lay another hand, Clark flashed over and slammed a fist into his temple. He watched Omni-man's eyes roll back and his body plummet to the ground with a boom, dirt and dust blooming around him. Clark sighed, heart racing and hands covered in Omni-man's blood.

He slowly floated down and once the dust cleared, Omni-man was crumpled and passed out. With his feet on the ground, Clark sighed in relief. It was over, he beat him.

"Everyone's ok, right?" He said, getting nods from everyone except Mark. Who stared at him with wide eyes, frozen to the spot he stood. He walked toward the boy, ready to comfort and reassure only for him to stumble back. He frowned, confused, before seeing Mark's gaze locked on his hands. Coated in his father's blood.


Superman quickly zipped to the nearest ocean, washed it off, and zipped back, arms open to reveal his clean hands. "Sorry, no blood. Got it," he said and gave a weary grin. Mark's shoulders fell, eyeing his dad behind Clark, and it hurt to see him weary of Clark as well.

"Is he still…"

"Yeah, he's alive," Clark muttered, able to hear his strong heartbeat behind him. Probably concussed, but alive. Mark looked like he wanted to step toward the crumpled figure of his dad, but he made no move to do so. Feet glued to the ground. Clark thinned his lips, he wanted to talk it out with Omni-man, not beat him to a pulp- despite how badly he wanted to. But no one should see their dad like that, no matter how horrible he was.

Jason whistled, "Wow boy scout. I'm impressed," he was elbowed by Steph, who gave him a stern glare. Jason quickly shut his mouth.

Clark decided to ignore them, and instead address Mark. "Listen, Mark, I'm sorry. I tried to convince and stop him from fighting but… he wouldn't listen."

Mark scoffed and gave a weak smile, "Sounds about right."

"I'm sorry Mark," he said, putting as much emotion and empathy into his tone, hoping those few words would show how sorry he truly was. Not just for knocking out his father, but for what he had to endure.

The boy shrugged, feigning indifference, "It's ok. I appreciate you taking care of him for me."

"No, it's not ok," Superman insisted, Mark's head snapped to him. Their eyes finally met, and Clark's throat clogged at the look sent his way. How… empty his eyes were, void of hope and anything positive as if life had been sucked out of him. He looked worn thin and defeated, despite the threat of his dad being gone. "What he said, what he did, it was awful. You have every right to not be ok, and I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's… it's fine Clark," Mark said, his voice wobbling a little, he glanced back at his dad. Clark watched tears fall down his cheeks, Mark quickly hiding his face and wiping them away. Clark found himself stepping forward and enveloping Mark in a hug, unable to hold himself back. Unlike last time, where Mark made no move to hug back. Clark instead found himself held in a bruising clutch, a face buried into his shoulder. Mark held onto him as if he were a lifeline, that if he let go, Clark would disappear and his dad would wake up again. With no one to stop him. The thought made Clark's eyes tear up, he wanted nothing more than to make everything better for Mark.

His heart seemed to shatter more at hearing Mark cry into his shoulder and sob over his father who betrayed him and his family. Clark glanced at Batman and his kids, who were awkwardly standing there. Batman gave a helpless thumbs up, and Clark tilted his head to Omni-Man.

They can't just… leave him there.

They silently started to tie the man up, all while he held Mark. Who had started to babble a little, saying words he couldn't quite understand. Something about his dad, loving him, having to fight him when he didn't want to. A train. A building. People who were ripped apart. How scared he was. Which only caused Clark to hold him tighter, wishing he could protect the boy from all those horrible memories. Clark wanted to shield him, and fight each and every monster that hurt Mark, just like he did with Omni-man.

"It's ok. It's over," Clark whispered, voice cracking as he barely held back his own tears. Mark stopped talking after a while. Clark swore he was crying as well since his cheeks felt awfully wet. Although judging by some discreet eye wiping from the Batfamily, they were trying to keep it in as well.

After a few minutes, he realized Mark had gone silent. A limp weight in his arms, his body no longer shaking from how hard he was sobbing.

"Mark?" Clark muttered.

"Is he ok?" Steph asked and stepped toward them, worry between her brows. He pulled away and found Mark asleep, his chest rising softly and his heart rate calm.

"Yeah, just fell asleep," Clark said with a small chuckle. He picked up Mark easily, now wiping away his own wet eyes.

"Ok, we can all agree how fucked up that was, right?" Jason said and raised a hand. The others muttered in agreement.

"No wonder he had a panic attack," Dick mumbled, biting his lip.

"He what? Why didn't you tell us!" Steph exclaimed.

"It… it was his business. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable," Dick sputtered.

Cass shrugged, "that's fair…" she mumbled, hovering close to Clark as if he'd drop Mark at any second. Actually, most of them were hovering. Clark chuckled a little at the thought, they've really grown attached huh?

Damian crossed his arms and started muttering words like, "stupid fool," and "killing Mark's dad," treats Clark wasn't tempted to stop him from carrying out.

"So what do we do with him?" Tim asked and pointed a thumb at an unconscious Omni-man. Who's limbs were bound with metal rope and his wounds bandaged sloppily. Clearly, thought and care were put into his treatment.

"Uhhh…" Clark didn't know. It wasn't simple like him, where something Kryptonite-related would suffice. What would keep Omni-man contained?

"Put him in a highly reinforced cage. We'll all take turns watching over him until we can send him and Mark back," Batman answered, picking up Omni-man with a grunt. "We'll have to treat the injuries as well."

"So we can't just let him die?" Jason said and earned a Batglare. "Alright alright, your rules B," Clark smiled at their banter, following them into the Batcave with Mark held in his arms.

"Where's Mark's bedroom?" Clark asked.

Upstairs, on the left. It's the last room," Dick answered, a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Thanks… what's with the look?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Dick shrugged and walked away.

"Nothing. Just make sure to give him a kiss goodnight," Clark rolled his eyes, he heard Dick laugh to himself as he walked away. He took the elevator upstairs, and eventually- with Alfred's help- found Mark's room.

He was still in costume, but Clark wasn't about to undress him. So he settled for tugging off his goggles and cowl before laying him in bed. Clark pulled the blanket over Mark and tucked the sides so he lay comfortably. He snorted, maybe Dick was right, he was treating Mark like his own kid. He was no better than the Batfamily, Clark was just as attached.

In a way… Clark watched him shift and mumble about his mom before stilling again. In a way, it felt like he was.